Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Take Ownership for what you truly believe in! Take a stand!

It is evening! Can not believe just how quickly the days are going! And, here it is Tuesday pm already!

Tidbit - YES. Stand for what you believe in! Do not allow yourself to be COMPROMISED! - EVER! That is a BIG tidbit! Stick true to what you believe in; as in your endeavours AND vision!

So many "fail", because they give in to fear, doubts, misgivings, etc. Just stand "tall" and "GO For It!" Do not willingly accept defeat. OR COMPROMISE, may be a better descriptive word; that is, when your integrity is being compromised by others. There are always other options / solutions.

We had an interesting day; and that is what we did! We took OWNERSHIP! YES!

As a further bittid - TAKE OWNERSHIP FOR WHAT YOU TRULY BELIEVE IN! Be it in the business world; and / or in your personal life! As a result, you achieve worthy respect AND CREDIBILITY, when you take a genuine stand; although there are challenging tids and bits of moments.

Daily throughout, ask Him for His Guidance; because He does provide you, with Solution! And, at the same time, Praise Him in ALL Things! That is how we live our lives; one day at a time; and we totally rely on Him for His direction and His continual help! I hope that is a bittid of encouragement to you!

Am thankful it is dusk; time to take stock and give thanks for today.

Good Night and God Bless.

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