Sunday, 8 April 2007

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter; and here is wishing you all a peaceful Easter Sunday.

We watched the movie, "Ben Hur", and part of the movie, "The 10 Commandments", last night into the wee tid of hours of this am. "Ben Hur", is every bit as awesome as it first appeared in the Box Office, some 47 years ago! I will say that quickly! LOL! I really enjoy Charleton Heston; and he was perfect for both movie roles. It was a magnifent depiction of history of what life / existence was like so many centuries ago; ie the Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Jews, Christians, Non Christians, etc.

It was so heartwrenching to see Jesus carrying the heavy Cross; and the unimaginable pain, He must have endured for all of our sins. He illuminated, "It is finished"; and, His blood immediately flowed freely throughout the earth. His words, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do" is eternally true. Warm tears came to my face last night; I could not stop them; nor did I wish to. This particular historical moment, just strengthened my faith in Him, all the more! - He IS Everlasting Life; and He left behind His Holy Spirit, in His stead. Just let Him in; and you can have your own personal, genuine dialogue with Him.

Tidbit - That is what He wants from each and every one of us. A daily relationship with each one of us. You are special; and He LOVES you.

Do you know? - That He CREATED the universe in 6 days? That is so omnipotently awesome! Also, for those that are feeling "downtrodden" etc, He has already won the "Battle". He loves us unconditionally, because He dearly paid the price and died for us on the Cross. He already KNOWS our prior thoughts, before we think and utter them! Wow! And, another tid of truth - He KNOWS how many hairs we each have on our bodies.

A further bit, you can not hide the Truth from Him.

Tidbit - Better to tell the truth always; you can "fool" / deceive, lie, stretch the truth etc. but He KNOWS. The good thing is, He has forgiven us. All we have to do, is to simply have an open heart and invite Him in; and He will provide the rest!

If you would like to, please feel free to start to read, at the beginning of my blog posts; Jan 22 / 07. You may pick up a few tidbits of encouragement, along the way. I have genuinely shared my thoughts; with the hope to uplift, whomever reads it. There are some blog posts that are pretty serious; however, it is the truth.

Because today, is Easter Sunday, perhaps it is a good time to reflect upon your life; and where you "are" spiritually today. One thing is for sure, that He has forgiven us for our sins; and, it is never too late to invite Him into your hearts, He is there; because, HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIGHT.

I give thanks to Him and praise Him ALWAYS in ALL things; and today, on Easter Sunday, all the more so! His Resurrection Is a gift!

God Bless you all. Thank you for reading this.

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