Saturday, 28 April 2007


Jesus is walking the World. Please pass Him on so that He can reach His destination. Say a prayer, then pass Him on to bless others. Our assignment is to " Love one another, even as I have Loved you." Have a blessed day and touch somebody's life today! I just did.

He's walking around the world - via e-mail!!

Was just about to post a little bittid, when I received this wonderful message from a dear friend; with a photo included. Hmmmmm. I thought, hmmmmm. Worth posting and then some! Makes you stop and reflect! I even like the picture!

MAJOR TIDBIT - He has ALREADY WON; so with all due respect - "so that He can reach His destination", He HAS already reached His destination; as it has been / is IN place; as in the Bible. It is up to us to follow what it is, that He has placed before us. LOVE ONE ANOTHER! We must spread the Word and the message of the Good News. Therefore, am posting this to enlighten, encourage, and uplift all those who read this posting.

What I am going to post next, is a message; but this posting IS! - HUGE! Am blown away with it! Thanks, Joe for the email; and I will email this to others as well; apart from having added it to today's blog.

Think I will wait for a tid of a bit, before I post my second posting. This post, took my breath away!

Here is wishing you all a nice afternoon. Here it is wonderful sunshine and blue sky; am going to go and enjoy some fresh air! And yet, yesterday, "April Showers!" - was awesome, as well!

God Bless.

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