Wednesday, 4 April 2007

All tuckered out!

Have to admit, that I am all tuckered out! Just like a tid bit of a pup!

Having been away for 11 days, we are a bit tid weary; our dog, Blue, included. He was at "Camp" Waggers; and I think he is resting up from the different doggie routine; whereas we are needing another vacation! LOL! We are working on various projects; and when you have taken a wee bit of a "tidbitacle", there are tids of things to get caught up on. Regardless, the timing for our holiday was right on!

Tidbit - Appreciate it, when your body is insisting that you go to sleep. Listen to your body's signals.

Am going to have a good night's rest, to be re energized for tomorrow's blog! LOL! Also, it is pouring with rain out; so it is the perfect night to just drift off to Never Never Land.

Another tidbit - Be thankful for whatever you have; and Praise Him in All Things. Then shut your eyes. You will be surprised at how wonderful a sleep you will have! You just feel "good".

Good Night; and God Bless you all.

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