Monday, 23 April 2007

A Daffodil Addendum! Hmmmm.

I am still quite a tidbit new to blogging / computer technology; perhaps you can tell! However, I am really enjoying the people interaction and the growth of always learning new things. That is a tidbit - to always appreciate learning and knowledge!

And, here is a thanks from the tidbiticle of my heart, to all those that have encouraged and assisted me with blog / computer technology! To Cathy, kudos, who recently showed me how to change posting times / dates! Very moving bittidicle tidbit piece of advice!

I have posted a "daffodil" picture, that I borrowed for an earlier photo post image.

Tidbit - I just became aware that as a result of the Big Bang, us souls on Planet, Earth, have chromosomes within our bodies that are also in daffodils! ie We are all a special part of the wonderful majesty of the Universe!

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