My Dad died on April 30, 1998. He was only 79 yrs old. He had battled cancer for a number of years; then "one day", it spread into his lymph nodes, and he was instantly GONE. He used to say that there are only 2 things you can be sure of in life - death and taxes. Well, our tax date in Canada, is April 30th; and death is death. AND, he died on April 30th; so I am paying a tribute to an awesome person.
THANK YOU, Dad; for what you did for me. I know you did the best you could; and you were first class! My Mum and my Dad adopted me when I was just a tid of a babe. For those that have been adopted, or are considering adoption, I can share a tidbiticle with you.
My parents told me I was adopted, when I was about 5 yrs old. I was (still am, have been told) very inquisitive; and my parents thought it best to tell me, before I found out elsewhere. I remember nodding my head, thinking 'that makes sense' - or whatever a precocious 5 yr old would say... Anyway, my Dad would often say that I was the 'carbon copy' of both he and my Mum - "made to order" - and that it could not have been any better, had they produced a natural offspring. I liked that explanation!
Also, my question - "how did you chose me?" Well, my Dad said it was the nursery, there you were...we were looking for a baby girl that had a good set of lungs (nothing has changed! LOL!) and that I was the only girl in the nursery; amongst several blue blankets. The blue blankets were all quiet! Hmmmm. I thought.
As I look back, I had a fantastic childhood - both parents did the best they could. We had our moments; but they WANTED me; because they were unable to have children. So, I was a 'selected' choice!
My childhood was wonderful! I was a 'tomboy'; wore a 'Davey Crocket' cap; climbed trees (high up! now, different thinking!), made forts, the works. The people next door to us, were Mr. and Mrs. Lord. Lovely couple -I thought old....but nice. She always baked cookies for after school visits (which were several!) and special occasions! I asked them why they never had any children....their response, was "we have you!". Well, that made me feel good. Then, they added, " We are like the 'Wilsons'" as in Dennis the Menace; and you are the female version. Well, I LOVED THAT! I could relate easily to Dennis the Menace! LOL! My poor Dad would have to go over there quite often to fetch me home; and then hear about the latest 'adventure!'
I guess I bittidulized for a tid of a bit; but I did enjoy my early early years - not to say, that I have not appreciated the years! I appreciate them a lot more now! LOL!
My Dad was, indeed, a wonderful man; I realized it more when he was no longer with us; and to this day, I know that he was an exceptional human being; and a self starter and a visionary. All those who knew him, would appreciate what I am saying; and I MISS both him and my Mum. So, I will say "Skal & Absent Friends" - a Norwegian custom. My 'earth Dad' was Norwegian.
I did a bit of a tid of checking who my blood parents were / are. It so happens, both sets were / are Norwegian! YES! I wanted to know for medical history reasons; because of my children. When filling out 'applications forms' or whatever, I would always be asked about health history of the blood parents; and I wanted to have more clarity. Well, I was told that the blood parents were very young when they had me; they were both athletes (hence my tree climbing abilities at an early age! LOL!), and that there was nothing to suggest ill health etc. If the blood parents are alive today, they would be in their mid 70's approx. I have left it alone; because my parents who brought me up, WERE / ARE my parents.
A tidbituary - I was having dinner one night with my parents; very casual; and my Dad asked me if I had heard from the Adoptive Renunion Agency. Well, you can imagine my surprise! I said, yes - today. Meanwhile, my Mum is having a fit; and worrying that I "might be taken away from them!" I quickly assured her that - no way...because of my age etc. But that tells you, how much she cared. - LOTS! That just choked me up a bit of a tid; even now as I post. Hmmm. God Bless her and him. I then told my Dad, that "I knew all along that I was Norwegian; stubborn - like you Dad...." Well, what could he say! LOL!
Tidbit - If I can give any advice, or helpful suggestion, spend time with your family; before it is too late. We tend to take our lives for granted; particularly with the "older folk" - that we can see them anytime...well, it does not exactly work that way.
However, I do know and have comfort that my Dad is no longer suffering. He is in HEAVEN with his beloved wife, my Mum; who loved him to bits.
Thank you to those who read this posting. It is indeed, honouring my Dad. He was a special guy.
Good Night and God Bless. Please feel free to comment, if you would like.
Oh, a further Bittid - The photo image of the Queen Elizabeth rose, was one of my Dad's favourite flowers. He grew roses; a great gardener, with a green thumb! I gave him a Queen Elizabeth Rose; and it still looks FABULOUS! We have since moved into their townhouse; and we will plant our Queen Elizabeth Rose beside 'his'; and I think the two rose bushes will provide many years of pleasure! Such a beautiful pink colour! One of my favourite colours and roses!
And, I thought this was going to be a short post! LOL!
Monday, 30 April 2007
April 30, 1998 - A Tribute to my Dad! Now, April 30. 2007
Sunday, 29 April 2007
A ray of sunshine!
Here is to a ray of sunshine! In the latter part of the day; but nonetheless, it is majestically there!
LOVE this photo image! Total R & R scene! Beautiful setting, food, and table! Wonderful ambience!
Also, love the picture image of the lemon meringue pie - have a tid of a craving for a wee bit of lemon meringue pie! LOL!
Tidbit - Be totally grateful for what you have; and "Praise Him in All Things".
We have had a reflective weekend. Truth and 'keeping it simple', is best.
Saturday, 28 April 2007
Jesus is walking the World. Please pass Him on so that He can reach His destination. Say a prayer, then pass Him on to bless others. Our assignment is to " Love one another, even as I have Loved you." Have a blessed day and touch somebody's life today! I just did.
He's walking around the world - via e-mail!!
Was just about to post a little bittid, when I received this wonderful message from a dear friend; with a photo included. Hmmmmm. I thought, hmmmmm. Worth posting and then some! Makes you stop and reflect! I even like the picture!
MAJOR TIDBIT - He has ALREADY WON; so with all due respect - "so that He can reach His destination", He HAS already reached His destination; as it has been / is IN place; as in the Bible. It is up to us to follow what it is, that He has placed before us. LOVE ONE ANOTHER! We must spread the Word and the message of the Good News. Therefore, am posting this to enlighten, encourage, and uplift all those who read this posting.
What I am going to post next, is a message; but this posting IS! - HUGE! Am blown away with it! Thanks, Joe for the email; and I will email this to others as well; apart from having added it to today's blog.
Think I will wait for a tid of a bit, before I post my second posting. This post, took my breath away!
Here is wishing you all a nice afternoon. Here it is wonderful sunshine and blue sky; am going to go and enjoy some fresh air! And yet, yesterday, "April Showers!" - was awesome, as well!
God Bless.
Friday, 27 April 2007
Good Night! Sleep Well! God Bless!
I found both photo images; and the sunset one is just beautiful! Very much like the gorgeous sunset we have tonight! Blue sky with pink strips! Majestic!
The other photo image gives a very reassuring message! of Peace, of Righteousness, and of Joy.
Tidbit - Enjoy the sunset, Praise Him in All Things! And, look forward to a nice, restful sleep, with good thoughts - of Peace, of Righteousness, and of Joy! These 3 thoughts will help you enjoy a sound sleep.
Good Night and God Bless you all!
Thursday, 26 April 2007
The Maldives! Wow!
My friend just sent me this wonderful article, along with photos! I am so impressed with this project! Wow! Speechless! Awesome bit of brilliance! LOVE IT; want to share this novel tid with you all!
Tidbit - Appreciate knowledge; and the sharing of new ideas!!!! Expansion, growth, dreams, vision, the works!
Wow! It makes me think of 'leagues under the sea!' I am just a tiddicle excited about this bitticle forward thinking plan! And, I love the shape of the dishes that appear to resemble various sea life. The glass of white wine looks refreshingly good too! Skal!
Brenda, many many thanks! This has helped make my day! Want to do lunch? there? LOL!
The World's First All-glass Undersea Restaurant Opens
>The Maldives | 15 April marks the day that the first ever all-glass undersea
>restaurant in the world opens its doors for business at the Hilton Maldives
>Resort & Spa. It will sit five meters below the waves of the Indian Ocean ,
>surrounded by a vibrant coral reef and encased in clear acrylic offering
>diners 270-degrees of panoramic underwater views.
>"We have used aquarium technology to put diners face-to-face with the
>stunning underwater environment of the Maldives ", says Carsten Schieck,
>General Manager of Hilton Maldives Resort & Spa. "Our guests always comment
>on being blown away by the colour, clarity, and beauty of the underwater
>world in the Maldives, so it seemed the perfect idea to build a restaurant
>where diners can experience fine cuisine and take time to enjoy the views -
>without ever getting their feet wet."
>Created by MJ Murphy Ltd, a design consultancy based in New Zealand ,
>Ithaa's distinctive feature is the use of curved transparent acrylic walls
>and roof, similar to those used in aquarium attractions. "The fact that the
>entire restaurant except for the floor is made of clear acrylic makes this
>unique in the world," continues Schieck, "We are currently planting a coral
>garden on the reef to add to the spectacular views of the rays, sharks and
>many colourful fish that live around the area.
God's Rain & Sun is Forever
Good Morning! Just posted the image of "Rain" as a feature photo! Love that picture! Thanks again, Cathy, for suggesting I could "borrow it!"
It is pouring again today; "April Showers" gala galore! However, tids for thoughts - very reassuring to be warmly sheltered indoors; and to also hear the sounds of a crackling fire!
With these heavy rains, our part of the world is so green and lush! Further bit of digest, have empathy for some other parts of the world, where there is devasting drought; - dried up lakes, rivers, seas, water reservoir / beds. And people there, pray for rain for their survival.
Tidbit - Rain is good; however, the sun is also a much needed nutrient to life. Praise both majestic blessings! Hence the post image of "God's Rain & Sun Is Forever!" Love the rainbow with it! Powerful message!
As a cheerier bit of tid - We are having a business meeting; and how nice it is, to enjoy creative discussions in front of a friendly fire!
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
April Showers, A nice fire, and a visit with Alan's parents!
LOVE this photo image of the rain! April Showers is in full force today / tonight!
Spent an "on the go day"; and also had Alan's Mum and Dad over later this afternoon. We have a beautiful tall, white slatish stone fireplace; and it was a very cosy tidbitty of a time! They enjoyed the comfort of the fire; as well as the increased warmth from a tid glass of sherry!
Presently, they are in an old age home; and we are in the process of relocating them to a spot, that is a bit more humane and compatible for them. Just a bit of political tid to organize things with all those concerned.
In the meantime, our fireplace hearth gave good cheer to their spirits; and it was a refreshing "getaway" for them! And, it was pouring with rain; so it was indeed, a warm and inviting abode.
Tidbit - Do something "nice" for someone; regardless of how tired etc you may be feeling. It is amazing how much better you feel, when you have helped / encouraged somebody else! We did not feel we had the full energy to give for this afternoon's visit; however, we "put ourselves in their shoes"; and it was wonderful to hear their animated conversation and laughter. It was as if they had been given a "new lease on their life!" - Us too!
Bit tid - We have so much to be thankful for! Appreciate and enjoy your life to the fullest; because life does become more of a weary challenge; ie at Alan's parents' age. However, this bittidz afternoon, gave them a restful tidbitz!
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
Take Ownership for what you truly believe in! Take a stand!
It is evening! Can not believe just how quickly the days are going! And, here it is Tuesday pm already!
Tidbit - YES. Stand for what you believe in! Do not allow yourself to be COMPROMISED! - EVER! That is a BIG tidbit! Stick true to what you believe in; as in your endeavours AND vision!
So many "fail", because they give in to fear, doubts, misgivings, etc. Just stand "tall" and "GO For It!" Do not willingly accept defeat. OR COMPROMISE, may be a better descriptive word; that is, when your integrity is being compromised by others. There are always other options / solutions.
We had an interesting day; and that is what we did! We took OWNERSHIP! YES!
As a further bittid - TAKE OWNERSHIP FOR WHAT YOU TRULY BELIEVE IN! Be it in the business world; and / or in your personal life! As a result, you achieve worthy respect AND CREDIBILITY, when you take a genuine stand; although there are challenging tids and bits of moments.
Daily throughout, ask Him for His Guidance; because He does provide you, with Solution! And, at the same time, Praise Him in ALL Things! That is how we live our lives; one day at a time; and we totally rely on Him for His direction and His continual help! I hope that is a bittid of encouragement to you!
Am thankful it is dusk; time to take stock and give thanks for today.
Good Night and God Bless.
Monday, 23 April 2007
A Daffodil Addendum! Hmmmm.
I am still quite a tidbit new to blogging / computer technology; perhaps you can tell! However, I am really enjoying the people interaction and the growth of always learning new things. That is a tidbit - to always appreciate learning and knowledge!
And, here is a thanks from the tidbiticle of my heart, to all those that have encouraged and assisted me with blog / computer technology! To Cathy, kudos, who recently showed me how to change posting times / dates! Very moving bittidicle tidbit piece of advice!
I have posted a "daffodil" picture, that I borrowed for an earlier photo post image.
Tidbit - I just became aware that as a result of the Big Bang, us souls on Planet, Earth, have chromosomes within our bodies that are also in daffodils! ie We are all a special part of the wonderful majesty of the Universe!
Sunday, 22 April 2007
End of the Day!
Love that photo / painting image! It looks so peaceful! Very similar to the beautiful lake / tree country to where we have our business!
It is coming up to the end of the day! Have been "putzing" about our house today; tidblitzing out cupboards, shelves, rearranging things; in a tid, "Spring Cleaning!" Six hours went by so quickly! You feel so good when you have done a bit of "Spring Cleaning Blitztid" of all the tids and bits. As a bit of tid, your mind is less cluttered; more focused, and even "rested"; when you have attended to all the bits and tids.
The smell of the roast is delicious; and within the hour, we will be sitting down to a wonderful repas! Mmmmmm. Can hardly wait! Like a child!
We should enjoy the treat of roasts more often! Plus the fresh produce from Saturday, will be greatly appreciated as well! My parents used to have a roast every Sunday; it was such a nice family treat. I did the same, when my children were small; would like to return to that special tradition! It was, and still IS a wonderful way of gathering the family members together; regardless of age! Now that is a good tidbit of food for thought!
Tidbit - Appreciate the end of the day! Give thanks for what you already have! And add an extra thanks for a "special treat food" or a favourite dish of yours. These are special memorable moments to smile about!
As it is the end of the day, am a bit of a tid weary; but in a relaxed way. I am looking forward to a sound sleep!
Good Night and God Bless.
Saturday, 21 April 2007
Hi, Hope you are all enjoying your weekend. As mentioned yesterday, it was a wonderful day!
Today, being Saturday, we went to our favourite Farmers' Market! It is owned and managed by a lovely Chinese family. They have the BEST produce; and at extremely good fair prices. They want to do business; and know how to treat their customers well! That is a gem tidbit; PLACING CUSTOMERS FIRST & TREATING THEM RIGHT!
This wonderful Farm / Nursery opens in April and closes in November. I am going to include the Post of April 6 / 07 (Good Friday) after today's post; so that it is an easy reference for you. AND OUR EASTER LILY, IS STILL GOING STRONG! We purposely bought the meaningful plant, with its unopened blooms; because we wanted to enjoy the Easter Lily blooms to their fullest! It is amazing what joy a tid of a bit of a plant can do for your spirits and nostrils!
We filled our fresh produce larder; and tonight, we will have a sumptious feast; of fresh greens, salad, tomatoes, etc. I have a really good recipe for zuchini and eggplant, if any one is interested. Alan does not like either veggie; nonetheless, I "treated" myself to one of each; and will make a tidbitzing, bittidzing, appetizing dish, "pour moi!" Mmmmmmmm. yummmmmmm! Can practically taste it now!
As they say, "to spread the wealth around". we went to our local florist and picked up some beautiful bright yellow daffodils. Because they were in major bloom, the owner offered the 2 bunches to Alan for half price! Once again, he wants business; and knows how to treat his new AND repeat customers right!
Tidbit - Treat others well; ie the customers; and also enjoy giving business to those, who are appreciative! It is a win / win situation - always!
We continued on to the Safeway; and purchased on sale, a roast; which I will cook up tonight, adding a few bits of last year's herbs, that are rebounding beautifully in our tid garden! "Tiddles" - to enjoy Cathy's word! or "Cheers!"
Speaking of "Cheers", we stocked up on some beer for the Canucks / Dallas Play Offs tonight. I hope the Canucks are able to secure this win; if not, it will be a 3/3 tie; with the 7th and final game of Round 1, to be played on our "home ice" this coming Monday. Either way, my dear Alan, will be in need of some good cheer - beer!
Another tidbit - We have so much to be thankful for in our part of the world! Fresh produce etc.
God Bless!
Good Friday - It has been a rather reflective and quiet day in our household!
Today has been a rather reflective and quiet day in our household! It is Good Friday; the day that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. He died for our sins, once for all! A gift freely offered; all we must do, is to invite Him genuinely into our hearts.
We went out to our favourite Produce / Nursery; and, wonderfully, it was their opening day! Hurrah! They usually open on Good Friday and close in the late Fall. We bought fresh fruits and vegetables; as well as a beautiful White Easter Lily. Its fragrance is awesome; and our house is filled with its enrapturing, lingering scent. The Lily also looks spectactular as our Easter centerpiece, on our dining room table!
The above picture is not of our Easter Lily; however, the photo image I am utilizing, is similar to what our Easter Lily will look like, when in full bloom!
Another tidbit - We are so fortunate that most of us have been blessed with the 5 senses of the body - Touch, Sound, Sight, Smell, and Taste; and we should really appreciate these senses to the fullest. To the less fortunate; that are without their full senses, I admire their constant courage to overcome their challenges.
All our senses were employed in full abundance today, amongst the Spring produce and seasonal flowers / plants! The Nursery always gives us a tid of 'rest bit'; and we always bring home a bit more of a tid than we need! LOL! But, it is well worth the approx 30 minute scenic drive! You feel as if you are out in the country; and, on a tidbit of an adventure / holiday excursion. Produce is super fresh, flowers / plants are gorgeous, the people are lovely, and the prices are fair. We "stocked up" for the Easter weekend; and also in preparation for any unexpected visitors. The two of us will enjoy a nice Easter; and are very thankful for what we have today.
Have yet to really unpack from our actual vacation; however, will be blogging in a tid about Zihautanejo. We loved our experience; and are planning to return in a bit, before too too long!
Friday, 20 April 2007
A tid of tea or two & a bit of chocolate cake!
This has been a great day! Friday! Was up tiddily early; and did a bunch of "Spring Cleaning!" With the anticipated warmer temperatures, I made "ready" our bittid patio balcony, just off our bedroom. That included adding 2 "Louis X1V" ish arm chairs; with cushions, and one foot rest, to what furniture, there is presently; which is, a tid of an "Italian Florentine wooden tole" table, along with a matching tole magazine rack, and a waste paper tole basket; and 2 East Canadian "country" pine chairs; with cherry tomato covers. I am thinking that I will cover the daisy patterned ensemble, with protective plastic wrap, when the weather is damp. And, when needed, will re furbish with material a bit more durable for outdoor all year round use. Our second bedroom / guest room now has a tid bit more room!
These pieces of furniture were my parents'; and we were the only ones that wanted them - sentimental reasons! Plus the flower box has been "prepped" for our red, pink, and white geraniums; which will further enhance our "Bohemian" patio. Fortunately, the roof is over the balcony; however, the sides and front are exposed. A few feet of wood on the sides; with the plexiglass in the middle; and, the wooden flower box located on top of the enclosing plexiglass. It is a very cosy vista; particularly, for appreciating the sunsets over the mountains and throughout the trees; and / or a private area for the afternoon rays of sun!
Tidbit - "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!"
Or, what may be considered not to be a treasure by someone, may be a "find", or a treasure appreciated by somebody else! This is, indeed, the case with our floral "garden furniture". We LOVE it; and when the time comes, when replacement is needed, we will just sand / varnish the wood; and restore / recover the chairs.
Alan and I worked on our business; have projects lined up, with major appointments for early next week.
Was invited, later this afternoon, for tea with a handful of our neighbours. It was a lovely visit; and wonderful to tidbitz and bittidz with those who live in our street "row". We sat down for "tea" at our hostess' table; along with a huge slice of "death by chocolate" cake. Ironically, the above photo image of the tea cup is very similar to her china pattern; and the interior of the cake, is almost a replica; save that there were also blackberries as a garnish. Now, that was a healthy delight!
Bittid - Enjoy! Create laughter; there is not enough laughter in the world! We laughed in many tids and bits today; and I was honoured to be with these women; who are old enough to be my Mum. New friendships have emerged! We all feel very blessed!
Good Night & God Bless each and every one of us!
Thursday, 19 April 2007
"The grass is always greener on the other side!" However, be thankful for what you have; and enjoy the grass on your side!
Absolutely LOVE this photo image! It is so much like where we live! So many beautiful trees; and at this time of year, exquisite! Although the fall is a good companion as well; with all its splendid rich colours.
We just had a friend (actually, our Dentist) over to our "Bohemian" abode; and he was most complimentary of our "museum" antique pieces, that we have "acquired" through our travels; from my Mum and Dad; our own unique funky collectibles; gifts; etc. Our place is just right for the 2 of us and our "puppy", Blue. We are the ONLY townhouse, out of 82 units, that has a granite 16 ft fireplace! We gaze up also at the sky light; that really contributes to an open and yet, invitingly warm, cosy look!
We had introduced Nicky, to our friend, Annette, who is a realtor; and she has earned the worthy reputation of being the realtor who has sold the most units in this complex. She is very knowledgable; and she keeps us abreast of the real estate properties, as they come up for sale. It turns out, that our friend, Nicky, bought his previous 2 homes from Annette. Small world!
Nicky came back to our place, after he went through the "Open House" to view a 4 bedroom townhouse with Annette. He was married last year, and has a baby girl; so they need more space than we do; we have a 2 bedroom townhouse. Could stretch it to 3; but to make the most of the space, we have utilized that special room, as our den! That used to be the dining room, when my parents lived here. We have made a few tids and bits of changes, here and there! - to appreciate it as "ours".
Tidbit - There is no place like home. Be grateful for what you have; does not matter if there is a bigger and better unit etc. Take delight in appreciating the uniqueness and beauty that surrounds you! "The grass is always greener on the other side" - can be true; however, enjoy the grass on your side!
There was another unit last week. that sold within 2 days. It was truly gorgeous - hmmmmmmm.. Great for family and gathering of friends; but what would we do with a larger home? And, we receive lots of sunshine; so there are always pros and cons.
We are going to go with the "pros" and our place is "just right!" - not a tid more, not a bit less!
Another Bittid - The posting pictures are back! Knew things would be "as right as rain", before a tid too long. We are also in for a bit of rain; but then our part of the world is so very green! Much to be thankful for!
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Only a temporary setback!
Good Evening Everyone!
Well, it looks as if I am not able to access my picture file to display a photo image for tonight's blog. Cathy, is experiencing the same challenge. We are wondering whether it has a tid to do with the system? Without a bit of picture "glamour", I feel there is "something missing!" Photo images are so uplifting and add tidbitz or bittidz! LOL!
Tidbit - Carry on! Make the best of a poor situation; knowing that it will be short lived; and, only a temporary set back!
Another Bittid - The "inconveniences" or obstacles in our paths, just gives us more of a resolve; and to be extra appreciative of "things that work", when they do!
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Here is to Families!
Well, the above photo, is no other than our 2 gorgeous grandsons, age 8 months. As you can see, they are not identical twins! Thank goodness for that!
Had Alan's Mum over today; it is Tuesday - her day out of "prison". We do our best to take her out and bring her here, where we light a fire, prepare a nice lunch, and uplift her spirits a bit of a tid.
Tidbit - ENJOY FAMILY - of all ages. APPRECIATE them, and genuinely concentrate on their good tids of bits. Do not stay focused for too long on their less attractive qualities. ENJOY them, whilst you can; because life is too short.
To tidbitulize further, we all have our challenging bitz of "character building"; however, as a tidz thought for our actions, it is always better to be proactive, rather than reactive! Hard to do at times; but to rebittidulize, appreciate your families, as best as you can! Learn to love one another, as He loves us all.
Zihuatanejo - Part 3!
Ole! My apologies for taking a tid of a bit longer to do a Part 3 on "Zihua".
Back to the tour that I had eluded to; which was going to be a 4 hr tour. Hmmmm.
Our taxi driver & tour guide, Andreas, picked us up at 9;15 am in the am; and we did not return until 4:15 pm! We had such an outstanding day; that it will be forever engrained in our memories!
Andreas, is quite the entrepreneur; and his English is excellent! He was extremely knowledgable and took us to a few places that "tourists" do not generally go to.
We went to the "old part" of Zihua; he lives in that section. There are some buildings that are 400 years old!
We also went in the opposite direction, up one of the hills to overlook Zihua; and it was just fabulous! We also, were able to catch a glimpse of Owen Lee's retreat; awesome bay location.
We continued along the coast; and ended up at a beach - which was absolutely picture perfect! - White sands, turquoise ocean, coconut trees - everything. There was a "cantina" for visitors (a tid too early in the am to devour a bit of beer!) and a few small concessions. Apparently, the whole beach front has been bought up for hotel / condo developments, which will include a major road to the Ixtapa Airport, within the next 2 years. This area, "Playa Larga", is only 10 to 15 mins away from Zihua; and is a small town known for its farming and production of pineapples.
We continued weaving our way further up the coast; stopping in at a special treed place, where Iguanas thrive! They enjoy eating the trees' fruit, "coacuyul" - little fruit; we ate some as well. Delicious! There were so many of the Iguanas! Different sizes, colours, the works! Mothers carrying babies on their backs; the colours all blending in with the trees and vegetation around them! That was, indeed, a rare treat for us! And, mango plantations all around us! Andreas' son also plays soccer on the field, beside the Iguanas.
Andreas then took us to his friends' "brick factory" of making tiles. We were shown how to create a mold of brick tiling from the damp, reddish, "cementish" mud; found in the nearby stream. The hot sun dries out this rich earth dirt; after it is in a mold. The mix consists of wet earth dirt, donkey doo doos (more than we need to know...but a good holding bit) and, out of that, the tile is formed in a mold container, and is left to dry in the torrid heat. Thus produced, you can envision the reddish earth coloured roof tiles! Ole! Small wonder the Mexicans are so dexterious in their daily labour; and equipped to handle the perpetual rays of unrelenting sun on their brown bodies. I even wondered a tid, if they ever use a bit of "sun screen". But, no, they never have need of a "block"; whereas, "us" - different story. This was a spot that most people do not have the luxury of visiting; so we felt very blessed that we were taken there. As we said to Andreas, "We are in your hands; so we trust you". And trustworthy and protective, he was towards us - throughout!
We continued on. Drove past a few sparse villages; and finally drove into one - which looked quite small, until you got right into the town, called Petatlan. Lots of GOLD; beautiful pieces. Concessions and stands everywhere; amongst tid narrow and winding bit streets. We enjoyed browsing; and thought "next time", we will buy something; as we were not expecting this delight. There was an old Catholic Church there, 300 years old! Fabulous architecture!
We passed by La Salsalinas; a tid of a town that had access to a large salt ground; ie a salt lake. Very intriguing! Along the highway, there were jars of salt and coconut candies being sold! Next time! - "mon yana!" LOL! Also, this is all pictured against the background of the Sierra Madres Mountain Range. Imagine, on one side, there are the mountains, and on the other side, the coast. There were some more beaches we stopped at; GREAT for surfing! ie La Barrita Beach, I think.
We then went to a "national beach" - Elcavario. Absolutely fantastic! There was a lookout "restaurant" that overlooked that beach and a public beach. The "national beach" (government owned) was unsafe for swimming - high waves and dangerous undertow. The other beach, which was also gorgeous, was also not safe for swimming.
It was from the lookout, that we saw a school of dolphins! That made my day! At first, Andreas thought "sharks" - but, they were not; although, they were at least 10 feet long! And, we were up "high!" gazing down below at the cliffs. We enjoyed a beer there. As a bittid, I had to use the washroom. Well, it was not like ours - put it that way. There is always something to learn!
We had already been gone for 4 wonderful hours! Where did the time vanish? So, we wended our way back; through slow snail's pace traffic. A one way road; and when you have logging trucks, literally crawling along, you resign yourself to "mon yana!" We passed by graveyards, enshrined with beautiful flowering trees; donkeys; other concessions; etc. Bit of tid - Garbage...garbage is strewn along the side of the road; that very act, encourages employment and enables the workers to come by, stack up the garbage in neat tidy bags. Ultimately, the trucks come by to pick up the waiting piles. We saw school children going home for the "siesta". School starts very early in the ams; and finishes at lunch time.
We then did a quick tour into Ixtapa - looks like a mini Miami or Waikiki. Very lovely; what's not to like? Tall and grand hotels; with their spectacular long stretch of beach fronts; with wonderful, majestically created craggy "rocks appearing" in the ocean. Idylic! Movie set scenario; perfecto! And the restaurants, shops, are to die for, so we are told!
We returned to Zihua; and went to a fabulous restaurant; low key; but the best Mexican food. Andreas was making sure we enjoyed authentic food; and he ended up eating Chinese food. Thought that was quite funny! Here is a Mexican who is ordering Chinese food; his first ever. We had had a little experience with Mexican cuisine, but this was just awesome! And the atmosphere was just right! We will go back there, when we return to Zihua. As lovely as Ixtapa is, we left our hearts in Zihuatanejo! It is a small fishing village; but so picturesque.
Unfortunately, our tour had come to a close; it was almost 4:00; we bought Andreas lunch. Should mention that that particular day was 36 degrees celcius; very warm; and when you hear a Mexican saying it is hot, you begin to wonder! We were relieved; so was Andreas, that his cab had air conditioning! It was the best way to spend an exceedingly warm day!
And, on the winding way up to our hotel, we stopped at the local convenience store, to restock on our "supplies". We gave Andreas a six pack; which he truly appreciated! LOL! We and him, look forward to many years of friendship! A very lovely man.
And that evening, we thoroughly enjoyed our terrace! You can see the photos; not hard to picture! We had some "saved up" snacks; and with the "late lunch", we had no room to digest a full course dinner. So, it was just perfect! We stayed up with the stars! Beautiful sunset, clear skies, countless stars, vivid moon, the lighted up shrimp boats in the bay, the village lights, the whole 9 yards of charm! It was the best view of La Ropa Beach and its protective bay.
Am going to close off for dinner is approaching. There may be a bit of a Part 4 on Zihua; I am going to attempt to move all the Zihuatanejo adventures together, so that it is a tid easier for you to read; rather than you sourcing out the various post dates, searching for tids here and bits there!
In the meantime, here is wishing you all a nice Sunday evening. Please feel free to comment!
Until Mon yana!
God Bless.
Zihuatanejo - Part 2!
This is the Pacific ocean view from our terraced patio in Zihuatanejo! Our bed is, the "room" located, behind the "sofa of pillows". Our one bedroom suite, sleeps 4; and the "sofa of pillows", becomes a bed; and there are fabulous wooden shutters that separate the 2 "would be" sleeping areas. We would sleep with open shutters; would hear the perpetual, reassuring movement of the tides and waves, and the various cries of the wildlife etc. There were birds that resembled our BlueJays; that would hop about, with their haunting shrills, on our terrace; enjoying also the safe serenity and sanctuary. The "geikos" had a wonderful "chirping" sound. We had literally, an "open window" to the skies, the ocean, to nature - the whole 9 yards!
Zihua, is in "Paradise!"; as far as we are concerned! There is a man called Owen Lee, author of "A Prisoner in Paradise". He was a key part of the Jacques Cousteau team; and, after he retired in 1968, he made his home in Zihautanejo; and developed a Nature Study Centre there. Would like to meet him one day; inasmuch as we are planning to make our winter home in Zihua. In the meantime, am looking forward to reading his story in his book.
I eluded yesterday, to the wonderful generosity of the Mexican hospitality! They are a very generous and kind hearted people. Those big brown gentle eyes and beautiful smiles! Hmmmmmmmm. We met some "amigos"; and we look forward to our ongoing friendship, over the years!
We found that the days went by too quickly; things often do, when you are on vacation.
We were welcomed with the first "Margarita" free drink ticket! After that, we gently coasted in tids and bits with "Margaritas", tequilas etc. We integrated well with the Mexicans; and have realized we really need to to learn the language. Spanish is such a beautiful language! We enjoyed walking on the white sands of La Ropa beach; the ocean water bringing such a nuturing warmth to our toes. When we return, we will swim and float in the ocean. There are sharks; but you just have to use common sense; and heed the boundaries. ie undertows. But that is anywhere; in those particular parts of the world.
What really caught my attention, were the "shrimp boats". They were small tids of boats; and would appear at dusk (approx 6:45 pm - 7:00 pm) in a small group of 4; and all "lighted up". There, they would "sit" and remain fixated, with their nets gravitating down to the deep depths of the ocean floor (600 feet approx); until first dawn (ie 6:15 ish am) before they would return to the docks with their full "catch." The "catch", we think, went towards providing the food on the menues for the various hotels and restaurants. There are about 2 to 3 Cruise ships that weekly come in to the bay, so Zihua is a thriving hot spot!
Tidbitzing about restaurants, we went to "Coconuts". Well worth the accolades! Fantastic, authentic Mexican restaurant food! It is THE oldest restaurant in all of Zihua! Coconuts are prevalent in this fishing village! This particular "hacienda" was the main part of THE Coconut Plantation; and the restauranteers have kept this majestic history alive. with the Mexican traditions! It is an "inner courtyard" with open sky; coconut trees abounding all around; and with small decorative lights on all of them. Very wonderfully romantic; and the food was to "DIE FOR" - I would prefer to say to "Live for!" And, the service - bene, bene, bene!
The shops also, are wonderfully sparkling....highly recommend "Tutti Frutti" - for beach and swim wear! There are numerous little art galleries, jewellers, clothing stores etc. The silver and turquoise is magnifico!
At the resort, we utilized our "coupon vouchers" which provided us with a discount for 5 breakfasts and 5 dinners; this came in very handy; since we were there for 11 days. Plus the resort's restaurant, "Zi" was fantastic. The views at sunset, were unbelievable! We are willing to return as "prisoners of paradise!"
We would walk to the local convenience store; as mentioned in my earlier blog post. That worked out wonderfully; because we could then enjoy our "goodies" from the peaceful setting of our terrace; which had the best view of the bay! There was also a "dip pool"; that you could soak in; when sucumbing to the extreme heat of the day. That was a nice private touch; because the temps were 36 degrees celsius. Also, we would enjoy the evenings, sitting out under the stars and skies. We would take taxis into town; quicker and simpler.
Tomorrow, I will blog about our 4 hr tour which extended into a wonderful 7 hr experience! That day further validated to us that Zihua was going to be our "home in the sun!"
Readers: Please do not hesitate to input about Zihua! If I do not have an answer, I will find out! (as best as I can) I welcome those who have had the good fortune to have been a) to Mexico and b) to Zihua to make comments.
As a bit of tid, Ixtapa is only 10 to 15 minutes away; and it is very much like a "Miami" or "Waikiki" environment. Hotels, beach, everywhere! It is, indeed, a lovely location; however, we prefer the gentil quieter charm of the fishing village, Zihuatanejo.
Until "mon yana" for Part 3!
Zihuatanejo! Part 1!
Zihuatanejo, here we come!
You can also glimpse the "Tequila Sunrise!" photo image LOL! Good morning! Tidbitzing about tantalizing sunrises, we are back in our home city; and back to the rain! This am, we have dark clouds, threatening cloud and rain bursts any minute. It is neat, in a stark, refreshing sort of a way.
And yet, when we were in "Zihua" (that is the term of endearment by the locals); I was marvelling with amazement, at how majestic "Zihua's" early sunrises were / are! Absolutely gorgeous! I would be up early; with a tid of coffee in hand (we had a small bit of a kitchenette); and just gaze at all the magnificent colours of the dawn! Very peaceful!
And NO, we did not imbibe in tequila too often! LOL! For those that have the cast iron stomachs for tequila, great; however, we appreciated it in gentle tids and bits. The Mexican beer is very good; you can buy 6 beer for 35 pesos; which is the equivalent of $3.50. You are lucky if you can enjoy one beer in our country, for $3.50! However, the best buy, was a 40 pounder of rum, for 110 pesos; which is the equivalent of $11.10 versus a cost here of approx. $45.00! Also, at the Duty Free Shop, a 26 pounder bottle of rum cost approx. $19.00; so go figure!
At the resort, the beer cost 30 pesos each. Also, the bottled water was at a premium.
Tidbit - It is MUCH cheaper to purchase items at the local store, than at the resort! I know that is a 'no brainer' to you all; however, we appreciated that invaluable piece of bitz tidz from the guests.
So we ended up buying our bottled water, beer, rum, soft drinks, snacks, at a local convenience store; eventhough it was wee bit of a walk! What we sometimes did, was to walk down to the store, through windy, colourful, oleander / bouganvelia flower vined lined streets; and then take a taxi back up. Or if we had gone into to town, we would have the taxi stop, while we "ran" LOL! into the store to pick up supplies, upon our return to the resort. The temperatures there were some 36 degrees celsius; so we did not always have the tids of energy to walk back up the steep hills. Whew! Also, where we stayed, we would have 190 steps to go up and down, to and fro, from our high up, terraced, ocean view room. We did that "trek" 6 to 10 times per day! We just got used to it when, it was time to go home. I actually miss the steps! LOL! Great way of being stretched and limbered into shape!
$$$ Tidbit - It is 10 pesos to a $US dollar approx; 9 pesos approx to a $Cdn dollar.
We left on our vacation in the bitty tiddy hours of the am on the 21st of March. First day of Spring! - how appropriate; as we "sprung" into the taxi to take us to the airport!
We had a wake up call at 3:15 am. May as well include the bit tidzy details! The pre arranged cab picked us up at 4:15 am; and off we went, in the darkness to our destination. Once we had our bags literally checked over by dogs and all, we made it through customs, we were "on vacation" - eventhough we had a 2 hr wait in the airport! At least we knew we had made our flight! LOL!
It all seems so long ago! Our 2.5 hr flight (Alaskan airlines) went to Los Angeles; and then via another Alaskan 737 Boeing 900 jet, we landed in Ixtapa at approx 3:30 pm; Mexican time. It was about a 6.5 hr flying time, in total. Zihua is about a 10 to 15 min drive away from the Ixtapa airport (quite a "modern" airport).
As a bit of a tid, you can appreciate our relief to finally be there! The airports have really cracked down on all travellers; how, what, where you pack your luggage. Like, they will not allow you to pack "liquid" items in your carry on bag. On our return home flight, oops, I forgot I had a hotel bubble bath bottle; that I threw in at the last minute. Fortunately, the L.A. Customs officer, just "happened to have" a plastic baggie; and he believed me; and I was permitted to take that on board. No kdding aside, L.A. (and other airports) are very very strict! I guess that is a tid of bit info, for you, travellers!
When we were departing homeward bound, from the Ixtapa airport, there was a little old man, more round, than he was tall; and he was being "checked over" very thoroughly. He did not look like a "criminal"; and I felt so sorry for him, because it was clearly uncomfortable being scrutinized so; almost debasing to one's level of self esteem. He was being twirled and spun about; reminded me of one of those topsy turvy roller / spinner tops. At the end of it, he was quite red faced; probably the most exercise he had gone through in a long time. Stressful, to bittidz in the least! So, travelling has become a most serious business. However, if that is what it takes to make our travels and skies a little safer; well, I guess that is the way of it. The security is that much more stepped up in L.A.
The next time we return to Ixtapa, we are going to see if there is a more direct flight to Zihua; even if we have to go by Calgary; thus avoid the regime of the United States. The Los Angeles Airport, with their armed guards, police and dogs, are "right into it!" And the airport is undergoing massive construction changes; so it was even more of a military "maze" upon our return flight to Canada.
Back to arrival in Zihua! Bear with me, as I tid back forth in bits! Now that I have got the airport security / housekeeping business out of the way, I will blogtid a bit about Zihau, in the next few upcoming blogs. Zihuatanejo, a small fishing village,is located on the southern tip of Mexico; on the Pacific Ocean side. We loved Zihua; and we plan to return there each year!
The Intrawest taxi / shuttle service picked us up (a very nice and WELCOME touch!)and when we arrived to the resort, our room was not quite ready; so we were given a couple of "free" margarita drink tickets. We did not need to be persuaded to go and enjoy the Mexican hospitality! LOL!
Alas, I have to go for now; however, will blogbit in a tid! Will launch into the Mexican hospitality etc later!
Monday, 16 April 2007
All tuckered out! What can I say? My bit apologies for not blogging a tid earlier to you.
Hope you all had a good day! We accomplished a lot of bitztidz today; the time just tidded off; and now here is a quick bit for thought!
Tidbit - Nothing nicer than knowing you have had a good day, that you have tried your best, that you overcame some obstacles, that your goals are on course, AND BEST OF ALL, THERE IS SLEEP! SLEEP, GLORIOUS SLEEP!
As another tid of bit - Sleep is very good for you; and in this case, I know I will enjoy a good night's sleep! I look forward to a sound sleep, and waking up feeling rested and refreshed, to appreciate a new day!
Good Night, and God Bless you all!
Sunday, 15 April 2007
If you have the Faith, the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains!
Have "borrowed" 2 photo images of the Mustard Seed(s) in a hand; and a huge Mustard tree, emerging from only one seed!
Tidbit! The mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds; and yet from ONE seed, the Mustard tree is HUGE! Jesus Christ said,"If you have the Faith, the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains!" TRUE!
So, even in the most difficult of times, NEVER EVER give up! Just remember to ALWAYS have the Faith, the size of a mustard seed! Our Faith in Him, has helped us countless of times.
God Bless!
Early Morning Walk!
Good Morning! We arose early this am; and had a beautiful sunny morning walk with our "puppy", Blue. Between the sunshine and tids of blue skies, bits of dark clouds were surfacing on the horizon. It is quite possible that we may be the recipients of "April Showers" in a tidblitz! However, we are joyful for the invigorating fresh bittidz air!
The blossoms, buds, flowers, trees, are all coming alive with the rebirth of Spring!
I "borrowed" this photo image of the above beautiful trees, with their lush green foliage. This picture resembles where we live; as we have trees interspersed everywhere; and I mean everywhere! This area used to be a golf course and gardens, before it was developed into townhouse / homes.
Enjoyed the cups of coffee all the more this am; and did a bit of a "workout" on our exercise machine. Long overdue! LOL! The last time I was on our "walking" machine, affectionately known as the "gazelle", was when I saw the program, "World Vision". They were advertising "Sponsoring a Child" in the less fortunate parts of the world.
Tidbit - Please refer to Thursday, January 25/07 post, titled "From the Heart Tidbit!" - which provides you with some informative tidbits, re: our Sponsor Child. A few tidz of days ago, I received a letter from the "Village Chief"; telling us about our Sponsor Child; and the hand drawn outline of Phos' hand. His hand is about as big as mine! Talk about a wonderful bitz of history; ie a treasured letter from a "Village Chief" etc. The Chief is encouraging our ongoing correspondence; so I will send my hand imprint as well to them. We have SO MUCH to be thankful for!
Bit more of a tid - When I stepped with energetic foot on our "gazelle" for the 2nd time, "The Hour of Power" was on, with Robert Schuler Jr. The message or his tidbit that I would also like to share eith you today, is this : "Do not be anxious with anything; but to have Prayer and Thanksgiving in everything!" Ask Him for your request; and He is there; when you are in earnest Prayer, you are at Peace, because you are at Peace with Him. He is there within you. That is so true!
Saturday, 14 April 2007
The Secret Garden!
Welcome to the Secret Garden Tea Company. You can find us in Kerrisdale, a village-like community nestled in the heart of Vancouver, BC. When you enter through the door of the Secret Garden you will receive a warm welcome from one of our girls. Seated at one of our tables you can order afternoon tea, breakfast, lunch or our beautiful homemade miniature sweets or scones. You will be able to choose from a variety of specially blended tea served steaming hot in a teacup and saucer.
We hope your time at the Secret Garden Tea Company is truly an experience.
Our Hours: Monday - Saturday 8 - 7 | Sundays 9 - 6
Good Evening, everyone!
Well, I hope you are enjoying your day! It is Saturday in our part of the world. Had a wonderful lunch with my mother-in-law, Chris (Christina) and Rhona. Rhona is a longtime family friend of Chris'; as a tid of bit, was Chris' daughter's best friend in grade school. Rhona is from Australia. Trish, you met her at our party. I have her email address; so I will forward that on to you. She is returning to Adelaide; however, she really enjoyed meeting you; and felt that things clicked. Hopefully, you can link up with each other in the future. She would love to live here; but is going "home" for a couple of years to help her Mum. Rhona is planning to come out here for the 2010 Winter Olympics; she LOVES to travel! She has a son, who is about Michael's and Arthur's age; and he lives in Australia. So, perhaps everyone will meet.
This am, Alan who was the "chauffeur" picked up his Mum; and dropped us off at the "Secret Garden Tea House"; just before noon. Need to be there early, to secure a seat; as it is extremely sought after! What a wonderful place to lose track of time! We had the "High Tea" - which consisted of a 3 tiered tray of tids and bits of sandwiches, scones, lemon mini tarts / cakes. Quite the royal surreal experience! We had our own choice of several blends of tea; and with constant refills of hot water, we were on "Cloud 9"; as in being "elsewhere!" ie savouring "Buckingham Palace Tea". Mostly women; of all ages were happily gathered there, in chit - bit tid - chat. It was so lovely to see; and I would recommend it to anyone; men included! Clearly, it is more of a woman's retreat; however, if a man wanted to "brave it", he would not be disappointed; and would probably feel most "at home", there!
We ended up with the "best table"; along with comfy wicker cushioned chairs, right in front of the fireplace! Above, the fireplace mantle, was a beautiful huge bouquet of fresh spring cut flowers; with a mirror acting as a background. All a very cosy and warmly artistic ambience. Plus, valences with shelves of teapots, teacups, etc. There were also watercolour paintings, statuettes, tea cosies, bags, jewellry, cards, teas, food "goodies" etc. in tidbititis to buy! The business has done very well; in all accounts!
Oh, to tidbitz a moment, it was like "old home week" for me; saw about 6 people I knew; one of which is a very good friend, since university days; etc. Another friend had a mother who was one of my Mum's best friends; so we are going to get together and bring each other up to date.
Also, one of my friends, Liz, is a wee bit of a woman, who is 94 years old! Her husband was a very good pal of my Dad's; and I went out with her son, Jock, for a tid. School dances, remember them? LOL! Jock was of Scottish descent; and somewhat of a replica of Sean Connery; for those that are Sean Connery fans. However, as handsome and as jovial as he was, I was not as smitten with him, at that tender age of my life. Weird, I know. Particularly, when my girl friends, kept asking me, "Are you nuts?" I replied, "No, wish I was!" And, I am certainly a Sean Connery fan! LOL!
Anyway, it was nice to see Liz, again; she looks as sprightly as ever! She walks as much as possible; and she thinks with enthusiasm and has a "young at heart" personality! Her first words to me, "I am 94 years old! and I am still having a blast!" May we all be like her, when we reach that age! She is such an energetic inspiration!
Tidbit - Do your best to be "Young at Heart!" Laughter and being "like a child" and, appreciating life to the very fullest! I also think that having a positive attitude is a must!
After our lunch, we did a bit of shopping and Rhona found a few tids of souvenirs to take back with her.
Then Alan reappeared to pick us up; ie "you rang?" LOL!
Chris and I are going to do lunch / tea again at the Secret Garden very soon! It is a perfect spot!
Bittid further into: - if you wish, to link into their website and indulge yourselves with their treats!
Friday, 13 April 2007
Good Morning!
Good Morning! There is something wonderful about hearing the poignant sounds of a robin! It is such an uplift to the spirits! Even on a day like this am; when it is pouring with rain, along with gusty winds. We have trees all around us; which makes our home a refuge and a peaceful setting. The robin with its musical "sing song", was in full force on the steady branch, right outside our window.
Tidbit - Even when it is a "miserable" day outside, turn it into the opposite and enjoy! And even when you are out in the rain, take a tid of stock of what you have been blessed with, and "Praise Him in All Things."
Took our puppy out this am; and he was content to just "do his thing", thank you very much; and head for "home" asap. However, I "stretched" the walk; so that we both had our bit of exercise; as well as clearing out the early am accumulated cobwebs. Then the coffee, which had already brewed, with its unique aroma, was that much more appreciated upon our return! Coffee / tea drinkers, I am sure you, can appreciate your am cups of coffee / tea! Plus, our Blue mightily enhaled his breakfast; and now he is sound asleep; snoring at a tidbitz galore pace. He has a wonderful dog's life! It appears that he is dreaming; and, as if he is running or competing in a vital race! Maybe, he is racing home, chasing "cats and dogs" on route, to dodge the deluge of "raining cats and dogs!" No doubt, you dog / cat lovers, can relate!
Another bit of tid - Give your dog an egg once a week; it really helps with maintaining a shiny, healthy looking coat. As a further tidbitz, now that Blue has been lovingly towel dried, from the tidbiticles of this morning's rain, he looks extra clean and "spiffy!"
Thursday, 12 April 2007
Good Evening everyone! Hope you had a good day today! Again, another energetic day for us!
Yahoo! About last night's hockey win! In the 4th overtime period, the Canucks scored the winning goal! Both the Canucks and the Dallas Stars played well; very similar in their style of play. I am just relieved that the Canucks saw it through to the bitter but triumphant end!
We, as T.V. supportive spectators, could not turn off the T.V. - it would have been a crime; to have clicked the remote control to "off!" LOL! Fortunately, we have a T.V. in our bedroom; so we could enjoy the rest of the game from our warm bed. It was exhausting and steaming, at times to watch; and we were only the viewers! Whew!
I "found" this photo image of Luongo; AND, MY SON, ARTHUR!
For Luongo's first playoff game, he was outstanding! I will also tidbitz that Marty Turco, was excellent as well. Apparently, he is very good in the regular season, but "freezes" a tid when he is playing in the playoffs. However, he showed true bitty grit; and my hat goes off to both goaltenders.
Tidbit - Always appreciate the good plays by the teams. Sometimes, the refs make some rather interesting penalty calls. However, what goes around, comes around, I perpetually think. So, a bit of tid, make the best of it; and firmly execute the winning shots; hence goals. In our case, Luongo had many more shots on net than the Stars; but, he weathered the barrage of attacks magnificently.
Another tid of bit - My son, Arthur, I think, is IN the photo! He is standing up and cheering! - behind the man, in the blue shirt, who is pictured, to the left of Luongo, as you gaze directly at him. I think this is a bit of good tid fortune! And,
that just makes the photo even that much more special!
Thanks, Arthur, for being in the picture, as well as helping Alan and I, to join a hockey pool re: the Stanley Cup Playoffs. We have done well in the pool thus far; eventhough it took several hours to reach the winning verdict!
It is still "mon yana" blog for Zihuatanejo - Part 3. Being up a bit later than anticipated last night; into the wee tid of morning hours; and then literally up early, with a full day, I have put things off for a tid of a bit. Be reassured though, "mon yana" will occur!
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Canucks, here we come! And, here is to Luongo!
Yeah, Luongo!
A good goal tender really boosts the morale and confidence of a hockey team! The Vancouver Canucks are so fortunate to have not only a wonderful team, but such an awesome goal tender, Roberto Luongo!
Luongo, has always DREAMED of playing in the Stanley Cup Playoffs! Now his vision is finally taking place! He is an EXTRA ordinary goalie; and he is well deserving of this wonderful honour. As a bit aside, our team also has a wonderful coach and an excellent GM!
Arthur, my son, suggested Alan and I join an internet Stanley Cup Playoff Hockey Pool; we have just finished finalizing our teams of players together; so it will certainly be a fun and interesting venture. Hmmmmmmm. We have picked Luongo as our goalie.
We are "stuck to our screen" (our T.V. is 55 inches; good size screen; fits our tid of a den, nicely!) for the playoffs. LOL! Family and friends have an open invitation to come over and watch the games; just bring beer! Wine, for the gals. LOL! And, maybe some snacks!
The Canucks play the Dallas Stars tonight; so, we will be literally on the edge of our seats. Both teams are very similar in play and style; so, we think, it will be an exceedingly close "nail biting" game.
Tidbit - Appreciate other hockey teams for their strengths!(as well as their weaknesses). And, may the best team win!
It will also be interesting to observe the CHARACTER BUILDING and constant GROWTH of all the teams participating in the playoffs. ie sportsmanship, gamesmanship, leadership, stepping up to the "puck / goal". team work, etc.
Another tidbit - I LOVE Luongo's positive attitude! So what, that he has never played in a Stanley Cup Playoff before; he is "ready"; and we believe his strong convictions will carry him through the playoffs.
We are relieved it is the end of the day; has been a very impactful day again. I guess that is what happens, when you leave the country for 11 days! Playing "catch up!"
Will blog about Zihuatanejo - Part 3; in a short bit of a tid. As they say, mon yana!
And now, I better go and get ready to cheer on our beloved Canucks!
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
A glass of red wine is good for the arteries! - or, so some suggest!
Well, today was a full day for us! Took our "puppy" out at 7 am; a beautiful Spring morning. Eventhough it was quite cool, it was most refreshing. Then, the day had a life of its own!
And in between, we had Alan's Mum over for lunch and a visit. She was so glad to be out of "prison" - she presently is in an old age home; and we are going to do our utmost to move her to a more humane spot. I wrote about her unfortunate set of circumstances, a few tids ago; "Here is to Mothers" - post, of April 5th. I ended up cooking a dinner; so we had a larger meal in mid day; which is better, and now there are leftovers! Enjoyed double loin lamb chops - from Costco! - very good and reasonably priced! Plus a Caesar / green salad; a fresh fruit salad; and an apple streudel; along with a glass of red wine. My mother-in-law did not want to come to our house empty handed; so she brought some bakery treats with her. She absolutely enhaled the streudel; it was wonderful to see her in such good spirits; almost as if she was a small child, let loose in a candy store! Should mention too, that she did savour the rest of the repas.
Tidbit - Some say a glass of red wine per day, is good for the arteries! It makes a wee tiddily bit of sense to me! LOL!
Also, a larger meal earlier in the day is healthier, rather than a heavy meal later at night. Particularly, for those who are a bit watchful of their weight and digestive systems.
Mon yana for Zihuatanejo, Part 3! LOL!
In the meantime, here is wishing you all, a relaxed and nice evening.
God Bless.
Monday, 9 April 2007
Thank you for today!
Today is Easter Monday! It is a "holiday" for some; and others, no. Fortunately, my daughter's husband did not have to go into work today. My son, on the other hand, was required to be at his vocation.
My daughter, Candice, her husband, Jean Marc, and their twin boys, Marcus and Mattias, ( 8 mons old) came over for lunch this am; and just recently left our abode. We had a very wonderful visit; and we look forward to many more fun get togethers with each other, over the years. The grandsons were just awesome! We are "young" grandparents. The photo you see is of myself and Marcus! He had fallen asleep; and I was not going to dare move! LOL! Marcus has beautiful blue eyes, and very long eyelashes; very handsome little boy! His brother is no slouch either!
My son, Arthur, was over yesterday; and it was really good to see him as well. He is very wise for his young years.
We have all thought about "things"; and agree, it would be best to now work together and to move forward in a more positive direction. To enjoy a longterm quality family friendship, we must all be appreciative of a new respect, a genuine communique, and an open dialogue with each another.
Today has been a great day! To the point, where I will say "mon anya" for Zihuatanejo, Part 3 - until tomorrow.
Tidbit - Our Father wants us to love one another; just as dearly, as He loves you and I. "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you!" So, very true. We are going to work towards that truth.
A "previous" tid blog bit; re: 'Life Is Too Short!" - Because life is so very short, we are going to do our utmost, to appreciate our families and friends, while we are still here!
God Bless!
Sunday, 8 April 2007
Easter Sunday
Happy Easter; and here is wishing you all a peaceful Easter Sunday.
We watched the movie, "Ben Hur", and part of the movie, "The 10 Commandments", last night into the wee tid of hours of this am. "Ben Hur", is every bit as awesome as it first appeared in the Box Office, some 47 years ago! I will say that quickly! LOL! I really enjoy Charleton Heston; and he was perfect for both movie roles. It was a magnifent depiction of history of what life / existence was like so many centuries ago; ie the Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Jews, Christians, Non Christians, etc.
It was so heartwrenching to see Jesus carrying the heavy Cross; and the unimaginable pain, He must have endured for all of our sins. He illuminated, "It is finished"; and, His blood immediately flowed freely throughout the earth. His words, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do" is eternally true. Warm tears came to my face last night; I could not stop them; nor did I wish to. This particular historical moment, just strengthened my faith in Him, all the more! - He IS Everlasting Life; and He left behind His Holy Spirit, in His stead. Just let Him in; and you can have your own personal, genuine dialogue with Him.
Tidbit - That is what He wants from each and every one of us. A daily relationship with each one of us. You are special; and He LOVES you.
Do you know? - That He CREATED the universe in 6 days? That is so omnipotently awesome! Also, for those that are feeling "downtrodden" etc, He has already won the "Battle". He loves us unconditionally, because He dearly paid the price and died for us on the Cross. He already KNOWS our prior thoughts, before we think and utter them! Wow! And, another tid of truth - He KNOWS how many hairs we each have on our bodies.
A further bit, you can not hide the Truth from Him.
Tidbit - Better to tell the truth always; you can "fool" / deceive, lie, stretch the truth etc. but He KNOWS. The good thing is, He has forgiven us. All we have to do, is to simply have an open heart and invite Him in; and He will provide the rest!
If you would like to, please feel free to start to read, at the beginning of my blog posts; Jan 22 / 07. You may pick up a few tidbits of encouragement, along the way. I have genuinely shared my thoughts; with the hope to uplift, whomever reads it. There are some blog posts that are pretty serious; however, it is the truth.
Because today, is Easter Sunday, perhaps it is a good time to reflect upon your life; and where you "are" spiritually today. One thing is for sure, that He has forgiven us for our sins; and, it is never too late to invite Him into your hearts, He is there; because, HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIGHT.
I give thanks to Him and praise Him ALWAYS in ALL things; and today, on Easter Sunday, all the more so! His Resurrection Is a gift!
God Bless you all. Thank you for reading this.
Thursday, 5 April 2007
Here is to Mothers!
We spent the morning and afternoon with Alan's Mum. She is currently in an old Age Rest Home; and the "home" is sorely lacking. She is a very invigorating woman; and we are going to search for another place for her and her husband to live out their final days. Alan's oldest sister "put them in there"; and there, they have been literally "left"- in "jail". It is a place where you almost pray to die; because it is more for the dead, than for the living. There, you simply exist. Bleak, bleak, bleak.
Alan's Mum is an extra special person. Alan is very fortunate to have such a wonderful Mum like her. Alan and I married 4 yrs ago; and sadly, we have not had a lot of interaction with Alan's parents; until recently. When they were here the other day, it was just awesome! Alan's Dad is still feeling great about it! For those readers who are "new", please refer to the Tues, April 3rd blog for a tidbitadate.
Tidbit - Make it a point to "uplift" others as often as you can. You would be totally amazed at how much better you would feel! Take yourself out of the equation for a tid of a bit; and help someone else. Also, if you are feeling out of sorts with bits of tids, this is the best thing you can do for yourself; because you too, will be uplifted! And, you have helped someone else feel better! Be it family or friend(s) or stranger(s). Even a "foe", do something nice - within reason, there.
We took my mother-in-law to Costco; and she had a blast! She utilized the cart, not only to place her "goodies" in; but also to help support her balance while walking. She was like a "new" person; by the time we took her "home". We are making inquiries about a certain "home" location; however with Easter looming in upon us, we have to wait until Tuesday, the 10th.
We visited also with Alan's Dad in his tidbit room, when we returned to the "home"; and he was so joyful to see us, and the milk chocolates we brought him. Hmmmmm. was it the chocolates that brought a smile to his face? LOL!
Did not do what we had planned to accomplish today; but sometimes, there are just other priorities. And this is one of them! Life is too short; you just never know when your time is up. I just blogged about that very subject, a couple of days ago.
My daughter, is now a lovely young mother of twin boys; and both Alan and I are delighted for her and her dear husband! We hope too, that there will be an eventual acceptance by them towards us, to genuinely include us more in their lives; as we would love to be an intricate active part in their exciting new lives together. Sadly, it would appear, we are not on their list of 'people to see, places to go, things to do' at this stage.
I just hope they do not leave things too late; ie when we are "sputtering" and / or "fluttering" about in our old age; or worse, when we have already left this world. That is a wee bit of tid advice. And, also, to all those, who have gone through or are going through such experiences.
My son, is a wonderful "uncle" to the "boyz". We welcome a warm and sincere relationship with him too.
I am sharing some deeper tidbitz; because this happens in so many families. I think if we all become more aware of "life being too short", we would all be in a much better situation. There would be more openess and general happiness in family relationships.
The other side of the coin, you can not push for a sincere friendship either. If it isn't there; I guess you have to bide your time; until such a time permits to have a genuine acceptance and appreciation. Alan's family clan have a motto (1000 years old at least!)"We force no friend; and we fear no foe". That is a very true saying.
Both my parents have passed away; my Mother back in July/05. And then, when we see Alan's parents; hmmmmm. Makes you stop and think for a tid of a bit. So, we are going to do everything we can to help them enjoy their final days in a more humane and kinder environment. We have a small summer place; we would like to take them there this summer; - depending on their health needs etc. We know they would LOVE it!
I suppose I should put a good word in for Fathers. Without them, no children. Brilliant, I know! LOL!
However, my hat goes off to parents; they do the best they can. Sometimes they make mistakes; but they are people too.