Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Well, it has been an interesting time; as well as being Thursday evening already...Where do the hours / days go????
We are yet again, in a 'waiting mode'. To recap, Alan and I have done our bittidz best; and we are now leaving the 'rest up to Him' (Christ) to Provide Solution. It is not always that easy to always do that; yet, we are; because this is what we must do - in Faith and Trust in Him.. He did 'show up' last week; so we are all the more encouraged to leave everything up to Him to Provide. 'Our Father knows best.'
Since I last wrote my post of May 24th ('A solid foundation'), there has been more tidbitz accomplished. We are moving. Today we met with a moving company and we are looking forward to having reasonable rates from them. Also, Alan and I have made the decision to rent for the time being, as opposed to affixing a small mortgage on an affordable property. We would love to buy; however, we discern it is more prudent to simply not, until we stabilize. In the Bible, it says: 'A prudent wife is from the Lord'. I totally like that message; and we feel that He has a much better plan for us.
Last night, I was needful of a bittid of comfort; so I turned to the Bible. The pages literally flew open before me. ie. Samuel 16:13 (David Anointed) - " Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward. And Samuel arose and went to Ramah." Those words gave me strength; inasmuch as Alan and I have a lot of uncertainties before us. We are taking the road less travelled, if you will.
We are not sure what will happen; as to where we will go etc. However, we know that He will continually sustain us; as He has done so mightily before.
We should know more tidbitz next week; and that will determine what we do next. All I can say is, that are totally Relying Upon Him to Direct our path.
Tidbit - Fret not. Be calm. Tomorrow comes soon enough. That is what He tells us.
Bittid - Continue to being thankful for all your Blessings; regardless of what happens during your day. Also, think of others, around the world, who are in a worse plight, and you will be all the more grateful for whatever you are going through.
I love the above photo image. Alan and I have done again what we can do and now it is a simple matter of purely waiting upon Him. So, we are going to enjoy while we wait and rest upon Him to Provide!
Good Night, Peace and God Bless.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
A solid foundation
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We are glad it was the long weekend; as Alan and I were able to enjoy a bittid of a breather. Needless to say (write), we are still somewhat a tid weary. I guess with all the events leading up to a week ago, this is to be expected. We are Relying upon Him to Direct our path and to help us through the next set of hurdles. We are thankful that He HATES inequities; and again, we Ask Him to be our Advocate and for Justice to Prevail in certain upcoming matters. We are reassured in knowing that He sees everything; inequities etc.
We are going to be moving; just to where we do not know. However, we need to have some tidbit issues resolved and as prudently as possible. Again, we are looking forward to Him providing us with Solution.
As I have mentioned before, there are NO coincidences. ie. Today we read a passage re: 'More than Routine' from Pastor Charles Price's ('Living Truth' Ministries) free monthly booklet, 'My Daily Journey with Christ.' Basically Pastor Charles was saying 'unless what you do is of God, you're wastiing your time.' See Psalm 127:1 -'Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it.' I love all the five verses of this chapter ('Prosperity Comes from the Lord'); that reinvigorates my spirits! To quote Charles: 'We are energized by the Spirit of God to accomplish the will of God. It is a living relationship - not a matter of form, rules and disciplines that too easily become an end in themselves."
Alan and I have experienced and learned a lot; particularly over these past several months. We have endured; and in Faith, we will continue to do so - knowing that we have been / are being sustained on a daily basis by Him.
We are appreciative for all the ministries that we have watched either on the T.V. or online, and / or receiving pamphlets in the mail.
Tidbit - Be joyfully appreciative of His interaction in directing your life, day by day.
Bittid - Always be thankful for your Blessings. If you feel discouraged, downtrodden, dismayed etc, just say 'Thank You' to Him. The more times you say 'Thank You' (regardless of your circumstances), the better your spirits will revive. Even by saying 'Thank You' outloud to Him, will help ease the burdens weighing or pulling you down. You will truly feel as if a huge load has been lifted from your shoulders and / or hearts.
Alan and I are still 'basking' in our day in court from last week. Justice certainly Prevailed!
We are in a bit of a 'waiting mode'; we have done our best, and now again we are waiting upon Him to Provide the rest. Our bodies are still saying 'Rest.' So, we are Seeking Refuge and Strength in Him, and eagerly anticipating His majestic Provision.
I took this picture of Pastor Charles Price, while I was watching 'Living Truth' this past Sunday. I thought it was in wonderful contast to the outdoor green foliage. What I have just mentioned are but a few of the many Blessings we are thankful for!
Also, as per my post of May 22nd, 'This may open your eyes', I am thankful to our friend who sent us this particularly provocative video. Hope you watch it; as it delivers a very special and empowering message. I add too, a 'Thank you' to Kamal for his courage.
Peace and God Bless.
Sunday, 22 May 2011
This may open your eyes.
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Today, a friend of ours sent us this video, and I thought I would pass it on; as it may open your eyes; as it did ours. (I do not know how to do the title / link; so I have had to present it this way. However, better to share it, rather than not, methinks).
"Muslim meets Christ"
"If you are a Christian, you will be glorified by this video!
If you are not a Christian, hear what a Muslim discovered in this video!
If you are a nonbeliever, you should be mesmerized by the Muslim in this video!"
Another week has yet again, flown by. We had a major hurdle that He helped us overcome last week. Eventhough our bodies are still recooperating from the stress of tidbitz everything, Alan and I have thankful and joyful hearts!
Before we went to court, I Prayed all night to Our Father for Him to Prevail and to have Justice served. I also added that I know He hates inequities; and that we have been surrounded with a number of inequities. That He could render a Solution, that was fair for all those concerned etc. He and the TRUTH came shining through; and eventhough we have some more bittidz hurdles, we know that He will Provide Resolution through these uncertain times.
Tidbit - Keep on trekking in Faith and have the enduring trust in Him, that He will help you through whatever daily challenges are before you.
Bittid - When you know He sustains you through tough moments, you grow in strength and understanding.
We have been enjoying a 'vacation at home', as we are pacing ourselves for the upcoming week. We are glad today is Sunday, a perfect day of complete rest; to revive and recharge our batteries. Plus, it is the long weekend to remember Queen Victoria's birthday. We are hopeful too, that more matters will be clarified within the next few bittid days. Then, we will have more of a tid idea of what we will do, where we will go etc. Thus far, Alan and I have been appreciative of this bit time of quiet and rest. He IS our Refuge and Strength.
Today I watched 'World Impact Mininstries' (Peter Youngren) and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price) and I appreciate their teachings from these International ministries. I have to admit I slept in for 'Hour of Power' (Pastor Sheila Schuller Coleman); and I look forward to watching that online, as well as 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer) online.
We also cheered on the Canucks in their 4th game against the Sharks. Good on the Canucks for enduring and battling their way through all the obstacles. Thought too, that Coach Alain V. answered questions most diplomatically about Games 3 and 4.
As a further tidbit encouragement, we can reflect gratefully upon this past week. God does, indeed, answer Prayers; even if not at the time we would always like or what we would prefer even. Our Father knows what is best for each and every one of us; and when we reflect appreciatively upon past experiences / circumstances (good and bad), we know He has sustained us through and through, as per His Will, His Purpose, His Plan. We become all the more grateful and joyful for our Blessings. When there is Faith and Trust in Him, and one has an open and thankful heart, one is content and at peace - in all situations. Turn everything over to Him and He will Direct your path. I love the following verse of encouragement and Truth from the Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
The above photo image is 'Seek and Ye Shall Find.' Basically when you genuinely invite Christ into your heart, He will come in and never leave you.
Peace and God Bless.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Moving forward
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It has been a week since I last wrote a post. We have been on the go.
Today I watched 'Hour of Power' and there are no tid coincidences. An incredible witness, Jose Henriquez, is one of the Chilean miners, who helped encourage and empower the 32 miners who had been trapped some 2000 feet underground for 69 days. It is such a heartwarming story of FAITH that he shares in a guest interview with Pastor Sheila Schuller Coleman. Jose Henriquez says: "So we prayed to God and we presented the problem to Him and we gave it to His hands. God loves the ones who humble themselves, so we trust our Lord and we humble ourselves before God and lay it right at His feet. I think we touched God's heart and He took care of us."
Pastor Sheila in today's message of 'Believe in the God Who Believes in You!' imparts in her closing comments: "Today, can you make that declaration? Maybe you don't feel it, but say it. Maybe it's weak. It doesn't matter. Just say it out loud: "I believe. I believe. I believe. I believe in God. I believe God loves me." Amen."
My tidbit suggestion would be to tune into today's "Hour of Power'; particularly if you are feeling a bittid dismayed, discouraged or weary from various 'trials and tribulations.' I enjoy watching 'Hour of Power', as well as other impactful ministries that offer insights, hope, and inspiration.
We are moving; and it all gets down to tidbitz timing. This afternoon our friend was over and helped us take down our lovely antique chandelier (he bought it) and within the next few days we will have more of an idea of bittidz details. I now have accepted the move and I am at peace with the move; eventhough we are in limbo. Alan and I have turned everything over to Him to handle. We are in His Hands; and we have to keep on believing that He has a better plan for us. That He will Guide us through everything that unfolds. Also, I keep hearing those magnificently inspiring words from Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Bod, to those who are called according to His purpose."
Eventhough certain matters have not worked out the way we would have wished, Alan and I have chosen to move forward, and make the best of whatever new adventures are before us. We know He has a plan ('Our Father Knows Best'), and He will provide and sustain us. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life.'
Also, when you face uncertainty and / or challenging circumstances, say (outloud is great!), 'Thank You God, for everything.' It is as if a huge burden is lifted from your heart. He tells us not to be anxious, and to Trust in Him to Direct our daily paths.
Took this picture a bit earlier today, and we are grateful for our 'pup' Blue, as well as the bounty of Spring!
Peace and God Bless.
Sunday, 8 May 2011
A cherished mug shot on Mother's Day!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
'Happy Mother's Day' to all Mums, of all ages, from all over the world!
I had a wonderful Mother's Day! My son invited Alan and I for a scrumptious 'Eggs Benny' for a 'Mother's Day Brunch'. We started out with an appreciated cup of coffee, along with a medley of fresh strawberries, red grapes, and pineapple and delicious homemade banana bread. You can see the funky gift / coffee mug he made for me with his added personalized tidbitz touches. Eventhough there are various bittidz comments handwritten on the good sized mug, there are two tidbit compliments that are extra special to my heart! Also, along with the savoury brunch he carefully prepared, he served us 'Mimosa' - a tasty bittid blend of champagne and orange juice!
After our wonderful brunch, we went for a long walk in the beautiful park with our Blue. It was a perfect tid way to celebrate a 'Mother's Day.' I am Blessed with my #1 Son! LOL! I only have one son, however, he is #1 Son to me. We are appreciatively thankful for his 'generosity of spirit!' His mother taught him well! LOL! He also gave me a awesome card, enclosed with a heartwarming message. Thank you #1 Son, for being born, and for giving me the opportunity to being your #1 Mum!
Shortly, we will be happily falling into our bed; watching a movie or two. We have another full week coming up again, beginning with another showing first bit thing tomorrow morning.
Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Springing and hailing into Mother's Day!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
A week has simply vanished! To recap, it has been a hectic and busy time. We have been preparing to move. We are also Prayful, that those who have been deliberately deceptive and unethical etc, will be exposed by the Truth (at long last!). Truly, if Alan and I had 'deep pockets,' we would retain legal counsel to expose these particular individuals so that they could legally be sanctioned for what they are. Inasmuch as they have gotten away with inequitable greed and malice not only towards us, but towards others. Perhaps part of His Purpose is to unveil the deceit and the lies as illustrated by their 'words, actions, and deeds.'
Whatever happens, Alan and I are going to make the best of things and Trust in Him to Guide and Direct our path, as per His Will, Purpose, and Plan. We have received many wonderful tidbitz Blessings this past week. (ie more consignment items sold, a credit on our visa card, food / coupon cards etc). Upon reflecting, He has indeed,sustained us, one day at a time. He IS our Advocate! We are thankful for the unexpected bittidz breaks, that helped us get through a few more 'trials and tribulations' of this past week.
Also, there were some disappointments; however, if one does dare to try, then at least you know you have done your best by being in the game. Eventhough Alan and I 'think outside the box', we have also gratefully 'cast all our cares upon Him' and leaving the 'rest' to Him to Resolve.
Also, here is a little tidbit from Theodore Roosevelt: 'The Credit Belongs' - "The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena, who strive valiantly; who know the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spend themselves in a worthy cause; who at the best, know the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, if they fail, while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat." Several years ago, I was presented with a plaque with these 'words of wisdom'; and ever since, I have always appreciated these empowering tidbits of encouragement.
Mentioned in earlier posts that we receive a free monthly booklet, 'My Daily Journey with Christ' from Charles Price, of 'Living Truth.' Alan and I agree with Charles Price - "The reality is that being a Christian is more likely to result in hardship than it is in prosperity. ie. 'The Blessed Life' and the Biblical quote from Matthew 5:11 - "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say of kinds of evil against you because of Me." These bittids reassured us a tid; as we have been recipients of a number of 'out of left field' spiritual attacks and adversities.
Have also noticed that there have been some rather uncaring, unkind, and unwarranted comments made to me. Almost as if delighting in 'rubbing more salt into the wound.' If you wish, you can refer to my April 21st post, 'Generosity of spirit' for a bittid of background. (I also wrote about other friends - ie. a couple, who have empathy, understanding, and 'generosity of spirit.' As my kind friend said to me, 'You would do the same for us.' To which I replied heartily in the affirmative!).
Yesterday we replenished our larder at Costco. Hurrah! 'Thank You, Our Father!' Whilst there, I had to use the washroom. On my way out, I ran into a woman who looked very very sad. She approached me and wished me a 'Happy Mother's Day.' The strange thing is, at that same moment, I was feeling a little discouraged as a mother. ie. Sadly, there has been little communication with some family members; so perhaps I was an 'open book' to her. The 'TLC' of her greeting, gave me a bit of an uplift. I thanked her and wished her the same. Well, her whole face immediately lit up; and it was as if she wanted someone to simply wish her 'A Happy Mother's Day.' (I do not even know if she was an actual 'Mum'; but what matters is, to give a word of genuine and gentle encouragement). Thus the visit to Costco was all the more special - as in receiving a kind unsolicited 'Mother's Day' greeting; as well as me giving this poor woman a gentle word of encouragement in return.
Mums have their foibles. I know I have made my mistakes as a Mum; as did my Mum etc. I am thankful for my Mum and she did her best; and I am thankful. Not easy being a Mum (let alone a single parent; which I was). From my heart, I tried to do my best with love and fairness; however, as the tidbit expression goes: 'You can bring a horse to water, but you can not make it drink.' Methinks, it should be a two way street; and sadly, it would appear that Alan and I are on the low end of the totem pole (with some family members). So I will step back; and hopefully there will be a time (preferably sooner, rather than later; plus, life is too short); when we are genuinely welcome to be an active part of their lives. In the meantime, I will Pray for loving, compassionate, kind, caring, and forgiving hearts for us all.
Tidbit - 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.' Very true!
Bittid - A gentle smile, a kind word, and a random act of kindness is a Blessing. If you are feeling down, be a Blessing to others; as you will also feel uplifted in turn.
Today, while Alan was getting his hair cut, I waited in Tim Horton's. My son gave us some gift cards; so I thought, appreciate his kind gesture! ie. Treated us to a dozen freshly baked doughnuts; the best buy) and I thoroughly enjoyed my time interacting with others of all ages in there. The place was hopping and busy non stop; and before you knew it, Alan was back!
Just a short bittid while ago, it was pouring with rain, thunder and lightning, as well as heavy hailing! Within a few minutes, as per the photo, hail had rapidly accumulated in our roof gutter! Also, here are some more daffodils that Alan picked on his morning walk with our Blue. We are thankful for these flower Blessings of good cheer, while they are still here.
Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Sadly, our Mums are no longer here; however, I wish all mothers of all ages, from all over the world, a 'Happy Mother's Day!' My son has invited us for a Mother's Day Brunch tomorrow and he will be making us 'Eggs Benny!' Yum! We look forward to enjoying a nice visit with him.
Peace and God Bless.