Friday, 18 December 2009

Hope is good!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Have not written a post since Dec 13th! It has been a full week and then some! Alan and I are persisting to do our best, to remain steadfast, stalwart, and to be of good sincere cheer! We are relying totally upon Him to Guide our path, as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.' We have 'all burners going', if you will; and something has got to show up! He says to 'fret not' for tomorrow; as tomorrow will be here soon enough and will take care of itself. Also, no sense drudging up what happened yesterday; and simply, He wants us all to our best and to give Him one day at a time. ie. TODAY!

We have been thankful to see our bed at night (we are grateful we have a bed, a roof, and food - many places in the world do not) and as we fall off to sleep, we Thank Him for all our Blessings. Regardless of your circumstances or obstacles, remember He says: 'Fear Not, For I have OVERCOME the world'; plus He created the Universe in six days! He also knows the number of hairs each of us have on our heads - throughout the whole world! Now is that awesome, or not!

Also some tidbits that keep coming to my mind and have been an encouraging uplift! ie. Robert Schuller (Jr) shares, 'When you are down to nothing, you know He is up to something - that is something good for you'. Also, Dr. Charles Stanley says, that 'when God is silent; He is working things through for you'. Also Dr. Robert Schuller expresses joyfully, that 'all things are possible with God; that nothing is impossible when God is in them' (or words to that effect). It is also the 'power of positive thinking'; and that when you are beseiged with 'negatives', focus ASAP on the positives AND upon Him! Do not let your dreams be stolen from you. Joyce Meyer has expressed those invigorating insights as well.

As some of you know, we really enjoy watching the Vision Channel on Sunday mornings. I have my elixir of coffee, Blue curled up beside me on the comfy sofa, and I embrace the ministerial teachings from 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - I mentioned that I would share a few of their enlightening bittids; and at times, I will happily do so! However, still best for you, to tune into them for expanding your own personal understanding and genuine growth in Him.

This week has been an agonizing 'arm wrestle' for us; as we have gone through many twisted valleys of 'ups and downs'. Eventhough, we have experienced several disappointments, let downs, adversities, some sadnesses, etc, we are going to endure, knowing He has a better plan for us. We personally do not understand why certain things are happening or not; yet, we Trust that He has everything in Hand, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. This is true for each and every one of us. So, if any of you are having your tough times or challenging moments, peacefully 'turn everything over to Him'; and 'keep on trekking' - with Hope, Faith, and Trust in Him, having the calm confidence, that He always Provides Solution. We believe God Answers All Prayers; in one way or another and all in HIS Time frame.

On a more upbeat note (best to always dream optimistic!), we are going to a dinner / birthday party for our dear neighbour and friend this evening. She is 80 years young; and, she is amazing! Eventhough, she is old enough to be my Mum; she is very 'young at heart!' May Alan and I be like her when we hit that magnificent age and stage! On Sunday evening, we have been invited to an annual Christmas party; so we are looking forward to that fun gathering, meeting with old and new friends.

Here are some tid pictures of our Christmas tree and our Blue! The first photo of Blue, is in our living room; and the other is in our den / family room. The Christmas tree is nice feet tall in our front foyer / hall! If you wish, you can refer to my recent December posts of 'Much to be thankful for!' and 'Bolstered spirits' for a bit of background!

Have to go to attend to some bittidz matters. Here is wishing you all a nice Friday / weekend; and I hope to be back soon with some tidbitz good news! Meanwhile, we are Abiding and Resting in Him. He IS our Refuge and Strength.

Peace and God Bless.

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