Monday, 21 December 2009

Christmas Cheer!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Skal! Just finishing a glass of South African red wine! Alan prepared a savoury meal of pork cutlets / shake and bake from Costco; more economic when you buy the packaged meats in bulk! We do the same with chicken pieces; and Alan always creates such delicious dinners!

Our dining room table is now draped in Christmas tablecloths of red and green. The red tablecloth belonged to my Norwegian grandparents; and the green tablecloth has been utilized by our family for many years. There will only be seven of us for Christmas dinner on the 25th; but I am glad to have started the table setting. Within the next few days, I will bake up some bittidz bite sized shortbread, which will be a scrumptious Christmas touch.

On Sunday morning, I watched the Vision Channel - fantastic; and I was Blessed with some more tidbits of 'ephifanies!' ie. 'Hour of Power','Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'. Their messages on HOPE etc were exactly what I needed to hear at the time! I will share some bittids before too long; however here are their websites again; as methinks you will find them genuinely encouraging and empowering. ie.;; and

We had a great time at our good friends' Christmas party last night. In fact, we were the last to leave! LOL! As we were 'leaving', our host asked us to stay on for a few more minutes - which went into another hour! As the expression goes: 'Time flies, when you are having a good time!' We reconnected with many old friends, as well as meeting some new faces. The food was awesome and 'old fashioned' Christmas merriment was had by all!

Apparently, our host's neck had been extremely painful throughout the entire day and evening; and when I touched the sore area, the ache immediately vanished! I was truly surprised; and yet, he assured me repeatedly, that my hands were 'warm, yet cool'. Interestingly enough, my fingers are even tingling at this tid moment, as I type! So, all I can say is that if that helped him a wee tidbitz, great; and I Thank Him! That was my first 'experience'; albeit Alan has told me, I have the 'gift of healing'.

We are still 'waiting' for word on our projects. The chap was going to meet with the other gentleman yesterday. That did not happen; so there are further delays; hence the meeting has been postponed to a later date. However, not going to let that bit disappointment cloud our hopes and / or take away our joy of celebrating the Christmas Season - Christ's Birth! We are truly hopeful, that He has something in the works; eventhough we do not know what it is; save that it is a GOOD PLAN, in Accordance with His Will and His Purpose. We give Him Thanks for our daily Blessings; and we 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.

Tonight, I received a beautiful phone message from a dear friend, who is in her mid nineties; and she is still with it! She had been thinking about me; and wanted to wish both Alan and I a Merry Christmas! As I did not reach the telephone in time, I called her immediately back. Glad I did; as she was going out for the evening with her daughter, who is a few years older than me. We are good friends as well. Alan and I look forward to sharing some Christmas Cheer and joyful Yuletide banter with our 90+ 'young at heart' friend, over the Christmas Season. She was not sure how much longer she would be around for. So I am all the more thankful I called her right back, as one just never knows. I reassured her, that her positive attitude, her wonderful sense of humour, and being daily genuinely Thankful, are what may contribute to her 'youthfulness'.

We are also looking forward to a good night's rest tonight; so as to be recharged for whatever unfolds tomorrow! We are expecting 'good things to happen!'

Love the above photo image, with its awesome message!

Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.

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