Sunday, 7 June 2009

Today's Blessings!

Hi again,

Wanted to share that my attention was joyfully and thankfully captured, whilst I watched 'Hour of Power' -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' -; and 'Living Truth' -

All I can suggest is that for those of you who wish to know more about Jesus Christ and to gain encouraging bittids, a good plan, is to tune into these wonderful programs. Had a number of 'ephifanies' today! Will touch on a few of those tasty tidbits in my upcoming posts; as they always give me a greater clarity and a better understanding of Him.

Actually, the 'clarity' comes when 'He is invited into you!' He tells us 'I am at the doorway of your heart. If you open the door, I will enter and never leave you'. When this happens, we all 'change'; and you just naturally want to know more! 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

Here is wishing you a Blessed Sunday. 'Praise Him In All Things!'

Again, many thanks to my 'gifted' friend, who took this photo of the beautiful Iris, from their magnificent thriving garden!

God Bless.

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