Saturday, 13 June 2009

Being joyful and appreciative for Blessings!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is a really gorgeous morning! Not a cloud in the blue sky; radiant sunshine, birds singing, and flowers coming into magnificent colourful and healthy bloom everywhere! To me, these are wonderful Blessings and a great boost to start a 'summer' day! As I walked contentedly about our home, and appreciating the quiet calm of the morning, I 'Praised Him In ALL Things', and Thanked Him for our Blessings. We have so much to be Thankful for! As I have mentioned in various posts, 'each and every day is like a mini Thanksgiving' to us. I also Asked Him to give us Guidance, Words of Wisdom, and Understanding; as well as Praying for Good things to happen today.

Am playing a bittidz of catch up here. ie From the Vision Channel, within the last few weeks. Will share a brief tidbitz; however, here are the uplifting sites once again, for your enjoyment, that offer encouragement and knowledge of the Bible and Jesus Christ www.hourofpower (Dr. Schuller of 'Hour of Power'); (Joyce Meyer of 'Enjoying Everyday Life'); and (Charles Price of 'Living Truth'). Most likely things will make more sense, when you read and reference their teaching tidbits for yourselves.

On 'Hour of Power', here are some bittids that jumped out at me. Lee Butler, (a retired USAF General) is the Founder of 'Second Chance Foundation'. -'Divine Intervention' - 'His infinite wisdom, He has forgiven and given us a second chance'. Plus, 'Prayer for those who simply added to their Nation's call'. Then Kathy Ireland with her encouraging insights in her book, 'Real Solutions for Busy Mums'. Also, Reverend Tony Campolo - that he Prays in the early mornings, lying in his bed, in 'waiting' for the Holy Spirit; as well as 'Focusing' on the Word of Jesus Christ. I try to do that each morning as well. For those of you, who wake up with heavy hearts, if you do this every day, you will feel the burdens disappear, only to be replaced by a joyful calm. I always think of Psalms 46:10 from the Bible - 'Be still and Know that I am God'. Also, I really enjoy Reverend Campolo's amusing and uplifting story of the inspiration he gives and receives at his Church (Mt. Carmel Baptist Church). Can almost envision the genuine fun and hear the rousing encouragement found in that joyful atmosphere!

We have a few tid errands to do; which involves an hour's drive; so best to go now. Will be back later to share some tidbits from 'Enjoying Everyday Life' and 'Hour of Power'. Also, on the way home, am looking forward to stopping into our favourite Nursery and Produce Farm for a few bittids of veggies & fruit, as well as looking for 'Cilantro' to plant in our garden / patio. I have discovered some wonderful tasty recipes using a bit Cilantro; and we just 'happen to have' one spare planter!LOL!

My apologies for not writing a post yesterday; however time just got away from us. It was a full day. Love the above photo image; have utilized the fresh looking picture in some of my past Spring / Summer 'produce' posts from 2007 and 2008. That also makes for a delicious, light and easy to prepare summer repas - cold tomato soup (or whatever soup you prefer), with sweet basil (or other spices / herbs), and a dollop of sour cream, and freshly baked (or store bought! LOL!) rolls. Perhaps, a green salad too!

'See you later, aligator' - my Mum always said to me!

God Bless.

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