Thursday, 28 August 2014

There are absolutely NO coincidences!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

There are absolutely NO coincidences! ie. As per my post of Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Do you want to 'change the channel' of your Life?! (Eternal Life?!)

Best if you refer to it again for tidbit details. In that post, I mentioned our good friend, John Shorey. I had been thinking about him (and as I later found out, so had Alan) at that time. NO coincidences, methinks! I happened to turn on the T.V. on August 13th and, I just about fell over!!! There was John being interviewed by Jim Bakker. (
on Daystar T.V. (

John was right on about Israel!

Meant to get in touch with John sooner to congratulate him; but 'life got in the way.' That being said, we sent him an email on the 25th. He wrote back and shared that he was on his way the next morning to North Carolina to do a show with Sid Roth. That when he was back, he would get in touch with us. Well, you can imagine that I just about fell over yet again!!! BECAUSE, on that very same day, I mentioned Sid Roth in my post. Now, is that 'supernatural' or what!!! Also, the movie, 'Supernatual' is being filmed close to where we live.

Have been super meditating on the Word. The Prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled. Revelation is happening folks, and everything is escalating very quickly. This is a 'wake up call' for the world!

Tomorrow, will include a few posts with our sentiments that we shared a bittid while ago. Thought it easier to add them in as they are relevant to what is presently happening throughout various parts of the world.

I love this photo image. Looks so peaceful and provides a restful calm.

Peace and God Bless.

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