Friday, 29 August 2014

Forevermore, your name shall be Satan, the evil one, the deceiver!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

As mentioned yesterday in my August 28th post, There are absolutely NO coincidences!
"The Prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled. Revelation is happening folks, and everything is escalating very quickly. This is a 'wake up call' for the world!"
"Tomorrow, will include a few posts with our sentiments that we shared a bittid while ago. Thought it easier to add them in as they are relevant to what is presently happening throughout various parts of the world."

Am enclosing 3 previous posts that I have written that convey our tidbits of thoughts. In a tidbit nutshell, we must take a united stand against evil ie. Putin, his Russian cronies, Hamas, and now Isis. The nations and countries of the world, must have a unified front and take a stand for what is right! Fight the good fight. Peace talks / cease fires are all well and good; but only if they are kept and honoured. Sadly, by their 'words, actions, and deeds', Putin and his comarades, Hamas, and Isis are condeming themselves. They say one thing, but do another. It is 'business as per usual.'

Putin has supplied the dictatorship in Syria with all of their military equippment, that has subsequently killed (murdered) in excess of 200,000 Syrians. Which has allowed the Isis terrorists to further destabilize Syria and Iraq. Therefore, Putin is complicit in their deaths.

Can appreciate being 'politically diplomatic' in negotiations (world economic trade etc), but the 'enemy' always has another stategy afoot. Simply to usurp and destroy and oppress all those who stand in their way. Would not like to think 'they' are laughing at us; but they are! But at the same time take courage and comfort in knowing that Our Father has the last laugh! He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

Their LIES and DECEPTION can not continue to be ignored by the world. The foes are counting on the 'mamby pamby' complacency attitude; which simply furthers their vile schemes for their wicked purposes.

Feel that this verse from the Bible is appropriate!
John 8:44 - "You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature; for he is a liar, and the father of lies."

We ASK and PRAY that the nations and countries of the world, take stock of what is at stake! All those who detest evil, WAKE UP, PRONTO!

Peace and God Bless.

Here are the posts with their bittids.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We are very fortunate to live in Canada, where there is democracy, freedom of speech, and choice. We have much to be thankful for. Many Blessings!

Today's bittid however, is a different TIDBIT that I am COMPELLED to share! - WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE UKRAINE, IS WRONG AND EVIL!

We thought the Olympics held in Sochi, was to be a good starting point for Russia to reinvigorate its ties with the rest of the world!

Boy, were we wrong!

Putin has thumbed his nose at the whole world and unfortunately, he has forgotten the tidbitz 'Golden Rule.' "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." ???
Did you hear that Putin got his maurading rogue biker gangs to set up the initial roadblocks in and around Crimea?

It would appear that the President of Russia, has an insatiable LUST FOR POWER! It also appears that he has a Napoleonic complex and unfortunately, his latest move on the world's chess board, belies his motivation and greed. He has given the rest of the world THE MIDDLE FINGER!

It is imperative that the WORLD stand up against this meglamaniac that has incited an ACT OF WAR against one of its neighbours. THE UKRAINE! Let's not forget Chamberlain!

What is to stop him from doing this again to other neighbours / countries???

Look what happened in Georgia! THIS could happen in the Balkans or anywhere else! We MUST stop the aggression NOW! We are or should be 'OUR BROTHER'S KEEPER?'

For example, there should be a united front to expel Russia from the G-8 and the G-20, as well as being expelled by the IOC. The WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION should sanction Russia and potentially exclude it from any future discussions!

All nations should NOT allow any Russian and / or Russian corporation into their air space. All of their assets should be frozen and any other punitive measures to bring them to heel, should be ENFORCED!

NATO and all its members, should be sending their NAVAL assets to the Crimea in support of Ukraine. It should also take immediate measures to include any Eastern European countries that are not presently in NATO membership!

The United Nations, eventhough it is not as strong a forum as we would like, should also take a vote of all its members so that Russia is fully aware as to how few allies it really has, or which ones! Also, there should be discussion after the vote, to expel them from being a PERMANMENT MEMBER of the Security Council!

We feel for those who are literally being threatened by this evil, including the majority of Russians!

We have seen evil in various disguised forms, wearing different cloaks. DECEPTION and GREED being the worst! If this is not acted upon ASAP, there will be grave consquences to the world, going forward!

We should never forget that the past President of the Ukraine, fled under the 'cover of darkness' last weekend to his overseer (Putin) in Russia!

And by the by, He also appears to have absconded with $39 Billion U.S dollars! As well as leaving $13 Million behind at his residence! Duh!
Again, all those who oppose evil, must act NOW and take a stand for what IS right; NOT wrong! What IS good, NOT evil!

We implore any and everyone who reads this, to contact their MP, their MLA, anyone in authority to encourage them to take all necessary bittidz measures they can, to implement all of the ABOVE!

Our hearts go out to all the magnificent peoples of the world and the citizens of the world, that unfortunately are ruled / manipulated / abused by DESPOTS or egotistical POWER HUNGRY DICTATORS!

Our Heavenly Father KNOWS ALL. Remember there IS an etermal address. HEAVEN or HELL. Which address do YOU want, for your self, your loved ones, and your treasured famlies and friends???


Saturday, 22 March 2014
Take a stand for what is right!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Am really appreciating my elixir (coffee) this overcast morning. The forecast is for heavy rainfall or even snow, depending where one lives. That bittidz being said, am glad it is Saturday morning and a tid time to recharge our batteries.

Earlier this morning, we were watching the TV and it would appear that there is something 'missing' about the MH370 airplane that vanished 15 days ago. We feel for the poor families; and for them not knowing the whereabouts of their loved ones. I Pray that if there are any nations and / or resources that can be brought to bear to answer the puzxle of its disappearance, that they should come forward. To bring closure to all families and nations that are distraught with not knowing the truth.

Also, we hold steadfastedly true to our thoughts in my March 2nd post: WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE UKRAINE, IS WRONG AND EVIL! . What is going on there, is bad news! If it is of any tidbitz comfort, God is watching ALL of this and at the end of the day, where will 'their' eternal resting place be? Hmmmmm.
Blessed be our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, for taking a strong stand for what is right! The courage as one of the G-7, in defense of the Ukraine; and standing up to the little man, Putin, of Russia!

Yesterday, I read some some more bittids on COURAGE. May these quoted tidbits from Dr. Stanley, uplift and encourage all those involved with the MH350, the Ukraine etc.

"Gaining Courage in Tough Times
When you face a hardship in life, is fear the first emotion you feel? It doesn’t have to be. Read the article, by Charles F. Stanley

When you face a hardship in life, is fear the first emotion you feel? It doesn’t have to be. We can respond in faith regardless of our circumstances. Remember, courage isn’t just an attitude of toughness or determination. It is a quality of mind and spirit that enables us to meet the challenges of life with peace.

Here are four important things to do when facing life's trials:

1. Be aware of God's presence.

The most important thing to realize through any hardship or temptation is that God is with you. While other people may desert you, the Lord never will.

Remember what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit: “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you” (John 14:16-17). Once we trust Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit will always be with us, no matter what.

2. Draw from God's strength.

Stressful circumstances can drain us emotionally, physically, and spiritually, thereby making us more vulnerable to satanic attacks. Another key to facing any difficulty with courage is to draw from the Lord’s strength.

As Jesus said, the Father sent the Holy Spirit to help us. The Spirit is third person of the Godhead, and He dwells within every born-again believer, providing divine power for living the Christian life. Through Him we gain discernment and spiritual wisdom. He strengthens us physically and guides our emotions as we submit to His leading.

3. Yield to His purpose.

When Paul stood before the Roman tribunal to give his defense, he knew their authority amounted to nothing compared to the power of God. He also knew his suffering was for a specific purpose. The apostle said, “The Lord stood with me and strengthened me in order that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished and that all the Gentiles might hear” (2 Tim. 4:16-17, emphasis added).

Paul, knowing the Lord is always near, realized he could yield to the Father’s will. It wouldn’t be the tribunal’s decision whether or not to take his life; it would be God’s. Because Paul trusted the Lord’s plan, he was able to give one of the greatest defenses of the faith ever proclaimed. His suffering served a purpose—to share the message of the risen Savior with the Gentiles, and eventually the world.

We need to know our suffering is not in vain. God sometimes allows affliction in order to accomplish His purposes, which include demonstrating to the world His faithfulness through our lives. Hardship gives us the chance to say, “Let me tell you about the Lord. He is the source of my strength, faith, perseverance, and endurance. He’s the One enabling me to go through this.”

4. Meditate on His Word.

There is one other thing that can keep our spirits up during difficult times—God’s Word. Paul specifically asked Timothy to bring his books and parchments when he was on trial in Rome (2 Tim. 4:13). While nobody knows for certain, those books were possibly early writings of the gospel (or some portion of it) and the parchments referred to Hebrew Scripture.

In spite of the sermons Paul preached, the churches he established, and the profound knowledge he had, he was just as normal as any of us. He needed the living Word of God to remind him of the truth and provide encouragement. When we encounter hardships in life, reading Scripture on a daily basis protects our hearts and minds.

Our Choice

No one chooses to go through times of pain and sorrow in life. But we can choose our response. We can decide to pray, “Father, thank You for never leaving me—and for strengthening me now. Please use me, whatever it takes, to accomplish Your purposes. And Lord, as I meditate upon Your Word, nourish my soul with the truth, and see me through this hard time.”

Friend, if you'll remember to do these four things, you'll be filled with the courage to walk through any trial and be victorious in the Lord Jesus Christ."

Just took a couple of bittid pictures of the new budding bursts of Spring! Our beautiful magnolia tree has started to display a bit of its white blooms; as well as some mini yellow daffofils that have miraculously 'sprouted' up in one of our pots! Many tidbit Blessings to be thankful for!

We must take a stand for what is right and the TRUTH! Have the COURAGE to exhort all freedom thinking nations in the world, to take a united stand against evil. ie. What Putin is trying to usurp and get away with! Good on our Prime Minister for addresing the nations of the world with this atrocity! We must NOT allow Putin any more room. As Christ says: "Get thee behind Me, Satan."

Peace and God Bless.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Good versus Evil!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Since I last wrote, we have experienced a bit of a 7 day to 10 day heat wave. We now have the rain and the garden is very thankful for it
That being said, we have much to be thankful for.

With the missile downed MH-17 airliner, that has left us stunned. Alan and I are totally aghast and we are sharing our thoughts.

It is very obvious who is behind it (the Russian sanctioned Pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine). This is reminiscent of Putin's seizure of Crimea a few months ago. (You can refer below in my P.S. re: my March 2nd post WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE UKRAINE, IS WRONG AND EVIL!).

They will receive their just rewards. They also are evil and have not adhered to the Rule of International Law. Here Putin is, in Moscow, saying: "Who me? Who me? We haven't done anything wrong???" (It is always the other guys. ie. Ukranians - B.S). We have an empathy for those who live in Russia who have been deliberately misled and hence manipulated on false information.

Also, be aware that the Kremlin and Putin and his henchmen have lied to his own population to manipulate them into thinking this little man is solidly for them. Where in actual fact, he is only interested in himself and his lackeys and cronies. ie. The past President of the Ukraine - Duh. Left $13 Million US dollars as he fled, as well as absconding with app $39 Billion US dollars from Ukraine's treasury. Duh.

If Putin who says Russa has no involvement in any way, shape, or form, why doesn't he order all the Pro-Russian militants in Ukraine to take off their masks and be photographed and fingerprinted, to validate his absurd pronouncements???

Our Heavenly Father is watching all this and at the end of the day, He will very definitely take care of ALL things justly. Nothing escapes Him!!!

Hopefully, here are a couple of tidbits of encouragement and comfort.

Psalm 37: Verses 12 - 15.(KJV).

"12 The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. 13 The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming . 14 The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation. 15 Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken." I love those verses; and that He laughs at His enemies!

Hebrews 10: Verse 30. "For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people." This is reassuring also to me; in that the Vengeance belongs to Him and Him alone!

The same with the Israel situation. (As Revelation in the Bible says "All the eyes of the world will be on Israel"). Prime Minister Netanyahu is doing the right thing and is compelled to stay the course to 'fight the good fight.' May the other Nations throughout the world follow suit; and implement the appropriate actions / steps. Be proactive and take a courageous stand against all this vile and evil. (Hamas).
It would appear that so often the tid ones who are 'guilty' of their words, actions, and deeds, are amongst those who point accusatory fingers at everyone else. To cover their tracks by bittids of deception, lies, manipulation and confusion. Again, Putin, Russia, and Hamas.

He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

Peace and God Bless.

This is a photo image of Putting on the Full Armor of God.

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