Friday, 8 August 2014

Continue the good fight for what is right!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting for you, in your part of the world!

Have you ever had tidbitz moments when you have reflected upon some special memories when you were a child?
ie. Every once in a tid while, my parents would go away on a vacation and they would leave us with an older lady (now I am that age! LOL!), who I called 'Nana.'' I thought she was just wonderful! When Nana stayed with us, she used to cut up my toast into tidbit triangles and covered it with marmalade. I thought this was so awesome! Also, there were times when she brought me breakfast in bed; so this was all the more special to me! Nana was dear to my heart.

Tidbit - It does not take much to uplift another person. Especially a small child, and to make them feel genuinely loved and special!

As per my earlier bittidz post, to recap a bit, I watched online the video, 'A Passing Opportunity' (August 3rd) from In Touch Ministries
( and it was excellent. Dr. Stanley provides such enlightening insights! Particularly during these uncertain and turbulent times. Will also be appreciative for more tidbits from his following online video 'Responding to Our Opportunities' (dated for August 10th), that I will be watching soon. Many bittids of wisdom to glean, methinks!

Dr. Stanley's 'Article Archive' is also a wonderful wealth of information; and the Bible verses - Romans 5: v 3 to 5 really jump out at me!

Verse 3 - And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance;
Verse 4 - and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope;
Verse 5- and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

When I was reading through Dr. Stanley's 'Article Archive', there was a beautiful article, 'The Last Red Geranium'. That heartfelt story touched a tidbitz chord within me that I could identify with; as well as me having an immediate empathy for the woman. My husband, Alan, asked me what made me have that 'out of the blue' childhood memory about Nana? Well, I replied that I must have been given the thought from Above. AND, this was BEFORE I read 'The Last Red Geranium.' I know that there are NO bittid coincidences. Earlier this Spring, we planted a colourful mix of 32 geranium bit seedlings in our flower box. Believe it or not, the red geraniums stand higher than all the rest! Wow!

Bittid - Do not ever give up the good fight for what is right.

Just took a few tid photos. One is of our gorgeous red flowering supertunia plant. The other two pictures are of the flourishing red geraniums in our thriving little bittidz garden. We have much to be thankful for! Blessings abound! Praise Him in ALL things!

Peace and God Bless.

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