Friday, 22 August 2014

Be STEADFAST against evil!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

A lot has happened since I last wrote. Throughout the world and at home. Revelation is sooner than you think!

On the tid homefront, we have enjoyed the interval of a few doggies staying with us; and as of two days ago, Hamish (the little Shiatzu) is back with us. It appears that this has become his second home. Took him out for a walk yesterday and had to give him a wee bath, as he was a little soiled on his derierre. I think he is well used to water, as he was very well behaved when I washed him in our tub. Now nice and clean again, he is running joyfully throughout the house! As in a new lease on life and he already is a very feisty 8 year young dog!

Since it is summer, it would appear a lot of our neighbours are away. A number of them have dogs and they are nowhere to be seen. Usually they walk right by our place, which turns into a Grand Central Dog Station. LOL! However, the neighbours that are here, has given us all a chance of getting to know and appreciate each other a bittid better.

One of our neighbours (the elderly gentleman whom I have mentioned in some earlier posts) surprised us with a freshly baked remarkable pudding cake, made by his wife. The cake was still warm, as it was just out of the oven! As I have shared in the bittidz past, Alan likes to cook and he makes mouthwatering pizzas. He had previously given our same friend, a few slices of pizza; and as a thank you, they gave us this delicious dessert.

Our bittid garden is flourishing; and the cherry tomatoes we gave our neighbour / friend also uplifted his spirits. He was like 'a little kid in a candy store.' The tomatoes are wonderfully sprouting forth and we are happy to share these tasty and healthy tidbit treats as they ripen with these neighbours, as well as others.

The other night, I was in 'Prayer Dialogue' for a few hours, and saying how grieved we are about the monstrosities that are going on throughout the world. Also, I was Praying for many people; including those in other parts of the world, that are under monstrous siege or worse. All of a bit sudden, tears starting streaming down my face! Like there was no stopping them! I think this went on for at least 15 minutes. At the same time, I knew that Our Father was listening (He knows our thoughts even before we think or utter them! How OMNIPOTENT!). ie. I could feel the 'clinching' or tightening within my heart, as if there was a belt cinching everything in. However, it did not hurt, it was a loving comfort and a gentle peace, that surpasses all understanding.

He encourages us to 'Ask, and Ye shall Receive', 'Seek, and Ye shall Find' and 'Knock and a door shall be opened unto you.' I also had a few Prayer requests. I stated that all things are possible with Christ, and that I will simply Trust Him in His Promise to Provide our needs. That being said, the very next day, our needs were supplied! I feel totally re energized, resilient, and Amen that the Holy Spirit IS very present!

When you Invite Christ genuinely into your heart, He comes in and He never leaves. Sometimes Prayers are answered right away, other times they are not. If there are delays, the timing may not be right and / or you are not quite ready to receive the awesome Blessings He has in store for you. If it is a 'no', think of it as a 'Blessing in disguise' and Believe and Trust in Him that He has the best plan for you!

Those of you, who are curious, or skeptical, or bunged out, or at a loss, engulfed in grief etc, sincerely turn to Christ and open your hearts to Him. He IS The Solution. He is our Saviour. With all the atrocities going on around the world, the Prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled rapidly. The Rapture could happen at any time; so be ready.

Going back to when the tears were outpouring from my eyes, I asked Alan why was that? I was not crying, and yet the tears were like overflowing waterfalls. Alan replied,"That is one of God's ways to let you know that you are speaking the TRUTH."

Our Father sees right through us and He knows our hearts. Do not lose Faith in staying the course in standing up for what is right. Whatever situation you find yourselves in; be steadfast in your courageous fight. A tidbit of comfort, for where you spend your eternity, KNOW that at the end of the day, God will eradicate ALL evil.

Therefore, take heart and be strong. God has already WON and Satan and his followers are DEFEATED! You can refer to my earlier posts as well as to the August 13th post: Do you want to 'change the channel' of your Life?! (Eternal Life?!) for some helpful tidbits.

Here are a few bittids of photos we took of the thriving life in our garden! ie. A reddidh Dragron Fly, a Bumble Bee (have to look carefully), and also another snail! A wondrous tidbitz of Blessings in abundance, nethinks! Also, finally a picture of dear Hamish.

Peace and God Bless.

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