Thursday, 19 December 2013

Merry Christmas!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Woke up to a gorgeous wintery and frost filled morning! Cool temperatures (minus 4 degrees Celsius here); but an expanding sunrise, that is attempting to permeate throughout the high cloud coverage. Chickadees are happily chirping on our splendid magnolia tree, that is right out front! Tis the season, methinks!

Am extra appreciating my 'elixir' of coffee as well! I just reread my December 17th post: Christmas spirit! , and would like to comment a tidbitz further. Yesterday afternoon, I tuned into the ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley of 'In Touch Ministries,' and again, a wonderful message! I had missed his program on Sunday; so this was a 'catch up' for me. To hear his December 15th sermon, Christmas: Teaching Us To Give, you can access his website: Again, NO coincidences! For those of you, who need a bittidz of an uplift, tune into his solid teachings!

Christmas is many things to people. The main one to us, is celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas can be a joyful time; but also can be a very sad time for many. Be it the loss of a loved one(s), ill health, and / or lack or loss. However, it is in the 'giving' and continuing to trek on, in being a Blessing and a 'cheerful giver' to others. You might be experiencing your challenges, but there is always someone who is in a worse situation than yourself. Be it a warm smile, a gentle word of encouragement, a kind random act of kindness. You never know what impact or tidbit difference that may make to someone less fortunate than yourself.

When I was putting out the Christmas decorations the other day, I had a 'replay' in my mind of many Christmas' spent with family. I am thinking of my parents, when I was a child. Those were awesome Christmas! Would enjoy our festive Christmas dinner on the 24th December, have one present to open (usually cosy pjs, which was always appreciated!), then stockings on Christmas morning, then a wonderful breakfast, which included champagne! Then we 'did the tree!' My poor parents; presents and toys strewn everywhere, amongst little squeals of laughter and joy! There was enough leftovers from the 24th, to tide us through the holidays. In those days, as a family, we were invited to good friends for the 25th; so I ended up having 2 Christmas dinners!!

When I married and had children (with my first husband), I tried to continue to do the same; including my parents or his parents in the mix. When we divorced, I still attempted to include various family members. Of course, with the divorce, the kids also enjoyed 2 Christmas meals!!

Now, I am a 'young grandma' and remarried. Alan and I just celebrated our 11th anniversary! It does not feel like eleven years and we are thankful for one another. That being said, we do our best to appreciate the 'spirit of Christmas.' The decorations bring back many a happy tid memory; which causes me to smile every time I pass by them! Also, Shadow is being 'well behaved' with the added Christmas touches.
He also likes the Christmas music! And eventhough I may be a bit 'off key' in my singing, it feels good to sing or hum the carols outloud! LOL!

Tidbit - Be of good cheer to all you meet. Again, you never know how your interaction may be a Blessing to one in need of a major uplift etc. Plus, it is enlightening to the giver! It is continuing to have a positive attitude of Hope, Faith, and Trust in Our Heavenly Father; knowing He Provides! Keep on trekking, folks! As Christ says: "Love one another, as I have loved you."

Bittid - Take this time to be all the more appreciative and grateful for your Blessings. Be thankful too, for His Son, the Gift of Grace and your Saviour!

Think this bittid photo image of the poinsettias brings forth good cheer! If you are not in the 'Christmas spirit', turn it around and make it happen.' 'Merry Christmas!'

Peace and God Bless.

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