Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Today is a gorgeous day; albeit very cold temperatures. My heart goes out to all those areas that are being inundated with snow, ice storms, blizzards, horribly cold temperatures etc. At least we have sunshine and we are not without power.
Shadow loved his 'sweater coat' and it kept him nice and warm on his walk this morning. It is actually a black jersey type sweater (one of my favourites) but hey, I can only wear one sweater / jersey at a tid time. So, this is extra special to give it away to Shadow.
Am appreciating my cup(s) of coffee, and at the same time, can hear the little chickadees contentedly chirping away! Also, I found a bittid Christmas 'treasure' in one of the boxes that I finally unpacked, when I was decluttering 'stuff.' A small heating tray that my Mum enjoyed to keep her pot of tea warm. Well, this bittidz tray is now in use for the coffee pot! Happy memories of my Mum etc, and Blessings abound! My Mum was one who loved Christmas; and she instilled that in me as well!
The photo image of the turkey really speaks to my spirits and taste buds! It looks so good; and may we have a tidbitz turkey this Christmas. There is something special about cooking up a turkey, with all its wonderful tidbit trimmings! Apart from the festiveness of the meal, the turkey and its ensembles, provide for many a delicious leftover meal. Even more important, depending on the size of the turkey, we have always enjoyed giving a few plates and / or turkey soup to those less fortunate. (We know what it is like to be without; and empathy, compassion, and understanding is so vital).
Tidbit - Your weaknesses / circumstances become strengths. Turn everything over to Him. He IS our Refuge and Strength.
Bittid - Joy comes from within. When you invite the Holy Spirit into your heart, you change. Let the Holy Spirit Direct your path to victory!
This morning, I enthusiastically watched the Kenneth Copeland ministry. He is excellent with his empowering message! Will be appreciating other ministries today, as well.
May you enjoy and be thankful for all His Blessings! Love the bit photo image with its powerful message: 'Love conquers all.'
In closing too, bittids of my October 14th post, jumps out at me. These tidbits are very true for each and every day!
'Generosity of spirit' and remembering with Thanksgiving!
Peace and God Bless.
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