Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
With all the recent rain we have been receiving, the snow has melted and everything is tidbitz green again! Eventhough it is a damp and overcast day, I am appreciating my elixir of coffee in my wonderful little Christmas mug. A good day to reflect upon our many Blessings and remembering those we loved and love.
My second cousin (I used to call her 'Aunt'; until I was older and could call her by her first name) gave me a set of 4 beautiful Christmas mugs (albeit now there are 3, due to me breaking one many years ago). I have really enjoyed them over the years, and treasure the memories of the times we spent together. She was one who was largely misunderstood; and yet ONCE, I took the time to genuinely know and appreciate her, she had a 'heart of gold.' God Bless her! Sadly, she passed away app 20 + years ago. Now that I think about it, she 'left' me a beautiful large wooden tray, wonderfully carved by my gifted Godfather (her first cousin). Whenever I go by that awesome tray (which is everyday), I think of her. When I was a small child, I always would be drawn to that tray; and methinks she remembered my warm sentiments. So, I raise 'her' coffee mug in a 'Skal to absent friends.'
Very often if people appear to be 'different' or eclectic, there is the tendency to 'judge.' I shudder at that very bittidz word, when it is wrongly and maliciously applied. Very tid often, it starts with bits of falsehoods, gossip, becomes distorted, and so forth. Once the 'cycle' (can be quite vicious) has begun, it is very hard to face up and make tidbit ammends. However, should the ammends occur, one has a 'clean sheet' and /or a brand new canvas to start afresh.
Lest we forget- the 9th Commandment - "Thou shalt not bear false witness."
I remedied the situation with my 'Aunt' / second cousin. ie. 'Stories' I had 'heard' about her and believed, I was, therefore, not kind nor compassionate towards her. Basically, she was the bittid 'butt of jokes', was ridiculed, excluded, and had been conjured up to be the 'laughing stock' throughout the family.
However, deep inside the tids of my heart, I knew this was not right, nor the truth of the matter. I was compelled to have a 'face to face,' 'eyeball to eyeball' with her and 'clear the air' once and for all. The interesting thing is, she was always gracious to all those she met (including me!), which would bother and upset me all the more! Anyway, at that time, I took a big gulp and apologized for my callous part and unkind bits of behaviour towards her. She was a 'spinster' (do not like that word either), was considered to be 'poor', had no money, was 'hopeless' and thus it went. Before I made my apologies to her, I did not follow the 'golden rule' towards her. ie. 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.'
So long story made short, as I am drinking from this dear little Christmas mug, I am thankful that I 'fessed up.' Because I am a curious person, I asked her about certain 'fluff' that I had 'heard.'
Turned out, that she had fallen in love with a young soldier in the second World War, and sadly he was killed. She never got over it. Unfortunately, she was mislabled, misunderstood, and mistreated. Perhaps because she was given the Gift of Grace, and the 'Fruits of the Holy Spirit', she was misjudged by many. So, 'in a nutshell,' I made sure I went out of my bit way to treat her well, and with the respect and kindness she deserved! She and I became close friends; she was a lovely and extra 'special' person. I know she is in Heaven.
Guess I am thinking of various situations that are occuring today and hmmmmm.
Meanwhile, our dear friend sent us today, another wonderful article by Os Hillman as you will read; and again, there are NO coincidences, here folks!Forgiving Those Who Judge You
"After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before" (Job 42:10).
Have you ever been wrongly judged? Have you ever had people assume there was sin in your life because of the troubles you may have experienced? Or perhaps they judged your motives as wrong. What if the people judging you were your closest friends?
This was exactly what happened in the life of Job. His friends did not understand how a godly person could ever go through his degree of adversity unless God was judging him for his sin. However, his friends were wrong and God intervened. "I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has," said God to Job's three friends.
Nothing has really changed after thousands of years. I recall going through a seven year "Job" experience. Friends in the marketplace could not understand why I would experience such calamity unless I had made poor choices. Those in the Church often wrongly equated trouble with sin. Sometimes this can be true, but often trouble is simply a consequence of a call on one's life such as Joseph and the apostle Paul experienced.
Joseph was required to forgive his brothers. Jesus was required to forgive Judas and the disciples for betrayal. You and I are required to forgive those who wrongfully judge us.
This forgiveness is often THE most important step in gaining restoration in our own lives. The scripture above reveals that it was not until Job prayed for his friends that he was restored in the things he had lost.
Is there someone in your life you need to forgive? It may be the missing piece of your puzzle for restoration."
Tidbot - Have the courage to make ammends.
Bittid - Have the courage to forgive.
I love this photo image of Christ, standing at the doorway to your heart. Once you invite Him in, He never leaves you. 'Seek and ye shall find.'
Peace and God Bless.
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