Friday, 5 July 2013

Soaring with the eagles!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Can not believe how quickly the tidbitz time goes; even for just a few bittid days.

Today, the temperatures have subsided a tid and it is refreshing. The gentle rays of sunshine are appreciated too! A welcoming start to a summer weekend, methinks!

To give you a bit of a heads up.

It would appear that Shadow (you can refer to my earlier and recent posts) is going to be staying with us for some time. Apart from us loving dogs, it will also help us with a bittidz of cash flow. We have been helping a few friends out with their dogs, and it would appear that this may be a tidbit way of what He would have us do!  Earlier I had made mention of our ideas -  'Hope and Vision!  in my June 3rd post. We have not lost sight of those tids of vision!

This morning, I saw two majestic bald eagles soaring high overhead; with their huge expansive wings. I immediately thanked Him for that aweome Blessing! Like how often does one see that 'Heavenly' sight! Plus, the magnificent thought of soaring with eagles; and that 'TheTruth sets you free' soars through my heart, veins, and soul!

Tidbit - When you have done your best, simply leave the rest to Him to work out; as in casting all your worries / cares / doubts / anxieties / fears etc upon Him.

Bittid - "Be still and know that I am God." - Psalm 46:10.

Alan and I will do just that; being still and yet being ready at the same time. For whatever it is, He would have us do, as per His Will, Purpose, and Plan.

Psalm 91 - 'Security of the One Who Trusts in the Lord.' Verse 4 - ' He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.'  Apart from that verse giving me comfort, I hope it does for those of you, who also may be experiencing bits of 'trials and tribulations.' 

The Bible is the Word of God, which is the TRUTH and in times of trouble, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah,  etc as well as the Books in the New Testament are wonderfully uplifting and FAITH BUILDING.

Peace and God Bless.

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