Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
As per my post of June 29th, An appreciative vacation in one's own back yard! Alan and I have truly appreciated and enjoyed a quiet weekend. We have also pondered much; and more so than ever, we are relying upon Him to Direct our path, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. Our immediate future is uncertain; however, we KNOW that HE is our certainty; as in our FINAL address of everlasting life in His Kingdom! Alan and travel on a road less travelled - that is a tidbitz for sure! We are trusting in Him to Provide and at the same bittidz time, leaving all consequences to Him to work through everything.
The last couple of days have been warm summer ones. A heat wave has been forecasted in our part of the world; and it is in the high ninety's now. (Earlier, our outside thermometer was at 100 degrees Celsius). Glad we have a portable fan to utilize in our bedroom at night. Shadow, the dog, is also most thankful for the cool refreshing breezes of circulated air!
To recap a bittid, yesterday morning I watched the Vision Channel and Dr. Charles Stanley's message re: 'Principles and Prefernces' is right on! Methinks, it is best if you were to tune in to his site.( to hear / learn for yourselves. Also, 'A Father's Instruction,' Proverbs Chapter 4, offers excellent wisdom! Actually, the Book of Proverbs provides many wonderful tidbits and I am going to reread them as well!
There were a number of other ministries that I watched later in the day / evening; and in a recent post, I gathered a list of ministries that I have found wonderfully helpful, if you wish to refer to them and check into their sermons. ie Some wonderful ministries! (June 24th) and Take time to smell the roses and appreciate your Blessings! (June 25th).
In Isaiah 5:20 & 21 "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitutes bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" "Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and clever in their own sight!" These 2 verses sum things up that we have experienced within the last tid while.
Joyce Meyer ( is illuminating about how we treat others. For eg, if one mistreats you at work and then their car breaks down. What do you do? Do you say hurrah or, do you offer them a ride to work, while their car is being attended to? The bit gist of it, that you do your best to treat others well, even if they have not treated you well.
Alan and I reflect daily and we are thankful. Also, we choose to treat others well and be a Blessing to all those we meet. Sometimes, kind bittids comes back - Unexpectedly, as in the case of our neighbours, from across the street. Yesterday, he brought us over a freshly baked loaf of bread that his wife had just made! Alan had helped him a few weeks ago with his fence and they had not forgotten that small tidbit gesture. He and his wife are immigrants from the Balkans; and they are lovely people. Good neighbours! They are Blessed with being 'rich' by their 'generosity of spirit.'
Tidbit - Take a stand for what is right. To help you through the 'storms,' arm yourselves with the Full Armor of God and He will Guide you through everything. You can refer to Esphesians 6: 10 - 18 for the putting on of the armor. (see photo image below).
Bittid - Always be a Blessing and a light to others; even when the going is tough at times.
Happy Canada Day celebrations today to all those who live in Canada! As well as wishing a 'Happy Independence Day' celebratons on July 4th, to all those who live in the United States. We have much to be thankful for! ie. Freedom!
Peace and God Bless.
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