Saturday, 23 October 2010

Finish the race!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Glad it is the weekend! There is something calm about the quietness of a Saturday fall overcast morning. Am also really appreciating my cups of coffee. Have not had a chance to write til tidbitz now; as it has been a full week for us. We are continually working towards things; eventhough we have experienced some sadness and setbacks. No sooner when there appeared to be a bittidz 'light at the end of the tunnel', then some 'off the wall' 'stuff' surfaced. Never a dull moment; can put it that way.

We will be without our computer for the next few days; so am writing now. A kind neighbour / friend, who is like a walking computer, has offered to help us; and he will be giving our computer a thorough 'checkup', as well as purging all unnecessary and accumulated 'fluff.'

Mentioned in my last post, that I was going to share some bittids re: last week's 'Hour of Power. Recommend that you tune into 'Hour of Power' on the Vision Channel; and watch this inspirational program; so you receive the info first hand. The Guest Interviews, Jim Penner's message about 'It's Time to Dream!' etc are wonderful tidbits of encouragement!

ie."Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." That's from Hebrews 12, verse1. God's saying to you this morning, run the race."

"Now, if you notice anything about athletes that run races, they get down into that crouch; their hands are down and their muscles are taut and they're ready to go. And, boom, the starter pistol goes off and they run. They don't know if they're going to finish the race. They don't know if they're going to win. They do not know if they're going to pull a hamstring and never run again. They don't know that. They just run the race. Why do they do that? Why would they run that race? They have something that you and I need. They believe something that you and I need to believe. When they get down into that crouch, they have faith that they're going to finish. You hear that? They have faith that they're going to finish."

"Now, how in the world are we supposed to run this race? How are we supposed to do it? How are we supposed to start dreaming again? Well, the scripture just told us; it says to "throw off everything that hinders."

Also because of the events of the past week and the uncertainty of this upcoming week for us, I was 'Guided' to turn to 'Hour of Power' for a few words of encouragement. There was Dr. Robert Schuller's refreshing and invigorating message. (He just returned from a trip to China; and WOW!). Best if you read / listen / watch for yourselves to receive a better understanding. However, here are some of his enlightening excerpts.

"Is Your Frying Pan Big Enough for God to Fit In?" (Dr. Robert H. Schuller)

"So we have to learn to dream the dream. Try to search out the things God has for your life today. Dear God, give me the courage to grab hold of the dream You have for my life. The dream is bigger than I am, and if I go for it, I may fail. But dear God, the biggest failure is if I don't have the faith to try. Don't let me be fearful so that I'll be too scared to reach out for something bigger than I am."

"Remember this bible verse, Proverbs 28, verse 1: "The godly are as bold as lions." Be brave. "God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you ask, seek or think."

"There was a judge who was campaigning for re-election and was running on his record of integrity. He was a distinguished, honorable gentleman of a small charity and his opponent was introducing a vicious and smearing, unfair campaign against him. What could he do? At a news conference, a reporter stood and asked him, "Your honor, do you know what your opponent is saying about you? Would you care to comment, please?"

The judge looked at his campaign counselors and the chairman of the committee, then he looked at his audience and said calmly, "Well, when I was a boy, I had a dog and every time the moon was full, the old hound dog would howl and bark at the things he saw in the bright face of the moon. So we never did sleep well in full moons. He would bark and howl at the moon all night long." Then he said "thank you," and sat down.

Well the campaign chairman stood up and said, "That's beside the point, sir. You haven't answered your critics." The judge replied, "I just did. When the dog barked at the moon, the moon kept right on shining. I don't intend to say anything back to my critics. I'm going to keep right on shining, quietly and calmly like the moon." That takes courage and that's where we need God."

I received a bit of solace and resolve about the story re: the Judge's experiences with smear campaigns and slandering against him. LOVED the example about the dog that kept howling; yet the moon kept shining! Thank you, Dr. Schuller.

Have shared a tidbit or two; and hopefully, you are infilled (by the Holy Spirit) with a positive, fresh courage and a renewed calm, should you (or others you know of) be experiencing some bittid 'curve balls' at this time.

Also, two verses from the Bible keep 'shining forth'; and have been a comfort of 'good cheer' to my tid ears and heart as well. Continue to have the Faith in Him; and 'Praise Him In ALL Things', regardless of your circumstances.

ie. Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

ie. Galatians 6:9 - "And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary."

Our friend's funeral / memorial service is today; he is resting in peace. Eventhough he fought a good fight against cancer; he finished his race and went out well.

Eventhough it is Autumn, I love this photo image; as it looks so peaceful and restful. Have a nice weekend!

Peace and God Bless.

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