Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We are appreciatively thankful that today is Sunday; as it has been quite the tidbitz week! We awoke to a beautiful day; and the morning rays of the sun were radiantly glowing everywhere! The leaves of the old huge and magnificent tree outside our bedroom window were and are still like a 'pot of gold.' What majestic Blessings He creates!
We have cast all our cares upon Him and we are in a 'wait mode'; as per His Timing, His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. As I shared in recent posts, He, Our Father, does, indeed, ' Knows Best' for each and every one of us. It is simply a matter of FAITH and TRUST in Him, that He will Prevail with Provision.
We have had some more bittidz challenges; however, we know that He has a Purpose; so we 'keep on trekking'; Praying with Hope and Relying mightily upon Him to Guide and Direct our Path. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'
Again, Alan made up his special turkey soup (leftovers from Thanksgiving) and with barley added to the mix this year, it has been the best batch yet! Our neighbours have really enjoyed this tasty soup as well. Also, during the week, we took containers of this delicious soup, along wtih plates of turkey and pumpkin pie leftovers, to those who were without food or shelter. There is more than just a food need here; and we gave them a gentle uplifting witness, along with a trak, that hopefully will encourage them to 'Seek Him Out'. Hence, major 'food for thought.'
Remember I mentioned about one of our neighbours who gave us some 'cheesy cookies'. Well, I asked her for the recipe; and added I hope I was not being too 'cheesy' in my request. LOL! She promptly provided it; and methinks it is perfect for all occasions / festivities; so I will share it with you in a bit.
Tidbit - When feeling discouraged by obstacles / doubts, turn negative thoughts asap into positives. ie. Think of others and uplift their spirits with a random act of kindness. ie. Whatever you feel comfortable with. ie. giving them a gentle smile, or a soft word of encouragement, or even a simple meal and / or shelter.
Bittid - 'Pay it Forward'. The heartwarming movie, 'Pay it Forward', if you have not seen it, I heartily recommend it.
Also embraced the inspiring 'Hour of Power'. Exactly what the 'doctor ordered'; no tid coincidences here, folks! In a later post, will express a few tidbits / bittids; however, for clarity and understanding, it is truly best if you check into their ministry (www.hourofpower). Methinks, when you receive Jim Penner's message (via God) from his heart to your heart, "It's Time to Dream!", you will, indeed, be reassured with a renewed Hope and a replenished Faith in Him. Also, in Jim's message, he shares about 'running the race' and finishing it; not giving in to fears, doubts etc, that causes us to stumble and 'quit the race.' This has encouraged me to be all the more focused upon Him, and to be 'ready' for whatever unfolds this week and to daily 'stay in the race.'
We have also 'lost' a few more friends this week to the 'Big C'. Right to the end, they all fought with courage (they perservered in their race); and I know they have been 'found' in Heaven, and are at Peace.
The photo image appears to be of homemade soup. Apart from soup being economical and nutritional, we will savour many a zesty soup / meal created from various 'leftovers'. Methinks, when we do up 'soup care packages' for others, these soups / meals will taste even better to Alan and I. Also, we are reflective and Thankful for all our daily Blessings! 'Praise Him In ALL Things.'
Peace and God Bless.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
'A bittid of food for tidbit thought'
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