Friday, 3 July 2009

A special 'Good Morning!'

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

My apologies that I have not written a post since June 29th; seems so long ago! A lot has been 'crammed in'; and we have quite literally had our 'nose to the grindstone'. We have had various bittidz brushfires to put out, as well as experiencing unexpected 'out of left field' challenges. What we appreciate most, is Him (Jesus Christ) and how He Prevails in trying circumstances. What were obstacles, have / are falling by the wayside.

Tidbit - Apart from having daily FAITH, have TRUST, and be of GOOD CHEER, and when you TRUST in Him TOTALLY, He Provides what you need!

Bittid - When you RELY UPON HIM (and NOT upon your own understanding), and when you ASK Him to carry your burdens, He does. He does not give you more than you can carry at any one time.

In difficult moments, when everything appears overwhelming; quite literally throw it al upon Him. You become immediately uplifted; as if a huge weight has been removed from your heart. Keep things simple.

We have experienced a few tidbitz 'doozers' as of late; however, we 'Praise Him in ALL Things' and we simply 'leave everything up to Him' to 'work out and put right'. We daily thank Him for our Blessings; of which there are many! Even just enjoying the peace and beauty of one's garden gives one a reassuring comfort!

Regardless of your situation, 'keep your chin up', be of confident and joyful calm that He has a Purpose for you; and it is just a matter of 'timing' (His); and that He will Step in and take care of your needs, according to His Will. Anticipate and expect good things from Him - ie Blessings. Any negative thoughts you may have, imeediately 'throw them out the window'; 'switch' your thinking over to a positive outlook. Amazing what transpires!

Love the above photo image; have appreciated my elixir of coffee this am; and we are about to go out and tackle some tidbit tasks. Hope to be back in a bittid.

Glad it is Friday and the weekend! Again! We just celebrated Canada Day on July 1st; and here is wishing good wishes to all those of you, who are celebrating July 4th, American Independence Day. My Mum passed away on July 2nd, 2005; and if you wish, you can refer to 'The Three Generations' post of July 3/07 for a tid of bit background.

Peace and God Bless.

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