Thursday, 30 July 2009

Refreshing reflections

Good Afternoon,

Back sooner to the post, than I thought I would be! However, had to take a couple of tid photos of our veggie / herb garden. We are going to enjoy a few more ripened cherry tomatoes, cucumber, parsley, garlic chives, sweet basil, and lettuce tonight with our barbecued burgers. Alan has already made up the burgers; so it is just a simple matter of taking them out from our freezer and 'throwing' them on the barbecue. A glass of red vino (South African!) and we are set for a lovely evening in our 'green thumb' garden! We also will barbecue fresh corn from the local produce store! Have to admit, as June was so dry, that boosted our flowers, plants, and fresh produce to a healthier head start!

We attended to a tidbitz task that we had hoped would have tied into another bittidz matter; however, the other project will have to be completed tomorrow or on Saturday. When you cheerfully make the most of the 'best laid plans of mice and men'; you can breath a 'sigh of relief' at the end of the day, knowing that you have accomplished a rather unexciting 'chore'.

We also will be heading back to Costco with our growing list; most likely, Saturday morning, before the temperatures soar. We take our calculator (a large one!) with us; which helps minimize our spending to a pleasurable and managable tally. The calculator is like a 'thermostat!' LOL!

Tidbit - 'Cash by preference' helps one handle their finances better. If you can not afford to buy something, do not buy it; unless you know you can LITERALLY pay for it. If you pay in cash, you are less tempted to fall into debt. Simply ask yourself, 'Do we really NEED this item at this time?' When the time is more ideal, then 'treat' yourself to a 'little something'; and it will be appreciated ALL THE MORE, because you have gone without the immediate 'fluff'.

Bittid - There are times, when 'LESS IS BEST'. 'Keep it Simple'; and RELY upon Him to Guide you. Leaving it all to Him, He KNOWS of your needs and will PROVIDE! Very often, in a much better way than you ever thought possible! That is what we have been / are experiencing in our DAILY WALK with Him.

With all the financial 'meltdown' / domino effect in the world, we have re evaluated our finances; and we agree that 'Cash by preference' is a GOOD PLAN.

We watched the thought provoking movie, 'The International' last night, starring Clive Owen and Naomi Watts. They were making the movie in 2008, while the whole world was in a massive meltdown, because of the obvious massive greed, incompetence, and avarice of various banks / financial companies of the world; 'blindsighting' most of us; with asset devaluations and higher costs of credit. The movie is well worth seeing and highly educational / informative methinks.

Eventhough, we have wonderful air conditioning in our car, the dashboard still registered at 35 degrees Celsius or 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperatures are still going up (just under a 100 degrees in the shade); and I am grateful for the readily availability of tap water. Blue (our Blueheeler), likes ice cubes; so that is cooling him down a bittid.

We are appreciative of our Blessings; and we are simply leaving everything up to Him to handle. We are 'in the Hands of the Lord' - that inspirational 'tidbit thought' came to me, as we were driving into our complex, a short wee while ago.

Once again, 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'

Peace and God Bless.

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