Thursday, 30 July 2009

Uplifting others!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have had a heat wave these past few days; and it is supposed to continue hot til Sunday. Yesterday was 37 degrees Celsius or 104 degrees Fahrenheit. We are so thankful we have a large fan; which helps us sleep; as it has been approx 84 to 88 degrees F at night. It is 88 degrees and rising, as we speak.

Had mentioned in the previous post, that I was going to watch / listen to 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller - well, I am grateful I could access the wonderful messages online! Will share a couple of tidbits; yet I encourage you to tune into the website; as the guest speakers are very uplifting with their experiences and interesting stories.

Dr. Robert Schuller (Snr) introduced Pastor Dan Chun, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Honolulu. ie at the Ko'olan Golf Course! His insights and sharing of the message ('The God Who Knows Your Name'), is enlightening; as is his sense of humour. For those who play golf and say they would like to attend Church; but can not, because of their golf; Pastor Dan Chun comes joyfully back with ('quips' comes playfully to my mind), that he provides both - a Golf Course (18 holes) and a Church! To me, that is awesome; beautiful lush surroundings; 'the whole nine yards!'

Dr. Shelia Coleman (nee Schuller), introduced Reverend Hananiah Zoe, from Liberia (means 'Land of the Free'); who is also President of 'Ministry of Hope'. The bittids of history / events he shares is amazing.

Tidbit - Blessed are those who enjoy and appreciate their 'Blessings'. When one is indwelt with the Holy Spirit, one is able to 'bring a bit more to the table' to joyfully encourage and uplift others.

Bittid - Be genuinely grateful for your Blessings each and every day! He wants us to have a 'Thankful' heart; and to 'Praise Him In ALL Things' - during the good and the not so good times. When things are going well, there can be the tendency to 'forget' to Rely upon Him and / or Thank Him for our Blessings. Even in tough and discouraging moments, it can take a tid of courage to 'reach out' to Him, and ASK Him to 'carry our burdens'. As I have mentioned before, He does 'carry your burdens'; all you need to do, is ASK. 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

We have had an interesting few weeks; and had some favourable tidbitz news yesterday. However, we will know more early next week; and, at the same time, we are taking a bittidz of a holiday 'at home'; inasmuch as it is a 'long weekend' coming up (B.C. Day). Also, 'Keeping Things Simple' works the best for us, as it helps us FOCUS all the more upon Him for HIS Guidance, Understanding, Grace, and Favour etc.

Here is wishing you a great day! Until later! Love the above photo image!

Peace and God Bless.

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