Wednesday, 12 September 2007


Have you ever been on a bit of a "buzz"; ie where you lie wide awake at night, with tids of thoughts "buzzing" through your brain? Last night was one of those nights!

As of late, there have been so many variables and unexpected situations, that my whole head was "buzzing" with non stop activity. I was sorely tempted to just get up and prop myself at our kitchen table and write out a list! That would have been an exceedingly long list! LOL! I think I would have felt better, had I done it; because then I would have had a prioritized organized list for the remainder of this week and over the next few weeks! Like falling or "buzzing" into Fall!

Today has been a beautiful Indian Summer; it appears to be even warmer than our "summer" temperatures were! Have always loved the Autumn and this time of year! The leaves are a gorgeous array of colours; of crimson, yellow, orange, and red!

Enjoyed a long planned lunch with one of my best friends; it was so nice to carry on for a bittidz; as if we had just seen each other yesterday! LOL! We got caught up on quite a lot of juicy tidbitz!

Tidbit - Appreciate and enjoy a good friend. Better still, if you both share a genuine rappoire with one another; in that you can talk about anything; then indeed, that special friendship, is 'worth its weight in gold!' Treasure those precious moments; because they are rare.

Bittid - When you are on "a buzz" at night, just ask Him to give you a good night's sleep; and to put on hold any thoughts; brilliant or otherwise. When your mind is at rest, you are able to enjoy a peaceful sound sleep.

By the way, the RH photo image of the 'Queen Elizabeth Rose', is what we grow in our bit of a garden; and our roses are gorgeous! We have a few beautiful roses in a lovely antique vase, in the middle of our dining room table! Plus our veggies are awesome; and the tid green peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes etc. are fabulous right now! Talk about having a full harvest, "buzzing" with life! There is an abundance of hummingbirds, ladybugs etc; and, with the branches of the tree removed yesterday, more light has been established! So, next year, we will grow our garden produce (in pots) in that newly created bit location. As a tid, earthware pots are wonderful; however, if you are in a climate where the frost prevails, then plastic pots are excellent for that purpose! We have 'earthware' colours; and the pots look so real!

Must go and prepare dinner! God Bless! We are thankful for each and every day! Also, if any of you have experienced not so good a day, just appreciate that you have made it through the day! And, tomorrow is a new day!

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