Thursday, 13 September 2007

Appreciate the end of a good day!

Today is almost gone! It came and it went; almost like the snap of one's fingers! The day was a great one; and a lot of GOOD things happened - like a domino and / or a ripple effect!

Tidbit - Appreciate the calm and peace you are left with, at the end of a good day. We have lots of projects on the go; and eventhough Alan's injury has slowed us down for a bit, we managed to get many things done. ie him with his foot elevated a tid, and handling administrative details and business via the phone. Plus, we have prepped stuff for next week.

Am now going to go to sleep; so here is wishing you all Sweet Dreams; and to enjoy a wonderfully good day tomorrow! Love the refreshing photo image of the roses; Queen Elizabeth, I think!

Good Night and God Bless!

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