Sunday, 1 June 2014

More Blessings in Abundance!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is a gorgeous Sunday (June 1st!); one would think the tidbits of summer are here! The flowers, plants, veggies, and herbs have all wonderfully perked up from the recent rainfall. We are appreciative for our garden Blessings; wherein, there is a constant life of abundance and buzz of activity. This includes a tidbitz flurry of butterflies, dragonflies, bees, hummingbirds, and other birds, that are diligently pollinating the various bittids of flowers.

Have taken two bittid photos (see below) of an Iris? with yellow flowers; and it will be interesting and exciting to watch all the upcoming tid blooms. Perhaps this was carried by one of the attracted pollinators and / or other forces of nature; as it is a magnificent surprise of new tidbit life! Another one of His awesome creations!

Early this morning, I watched Dr. Charles Stanley. His encouraging message (see video), 'In the School of Faith, Part 3: The Stages of Our Faith' is very helpful. There are no bittidz coincidences.

Yesterday in my bittid post of May 31st, 'Parental Guidance' LOL! I referred to the Bible re: believing in Him, being born again, and having eternal life in His Kingdom. For those of you who have questions, the Bible IS the Truth and Dr. Stanley (as well as many other knowledgable and inspiring pastors that I enjoy and have mentioned) provides solid teachings.

Basically and simply, keep your steadfast FOCUS upon God ALWAYS. He will Provide the rest, as per His Promise. It is true about the stages of our daily growth in Christ through our Faith. As He, in turn, uses us to share the message of the 'good news!'

Tidbit - Be joyful and thankful for all the Blessings He Provides!

Bittid - As your garden grows, may your Faith also grow in daily bountiful abundance in dependence and Trust in Him! Sow the seeds of Christ; and let Him Reap the Harvest!

The awesome verse from John 10:10 truly speaks a major tidbit to my heart! - "The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly."

It has been a nice restful Sunday. Alan and I are very appreciative for our Blessings and we are resting up a bit, for what is going to be another full week.

Peace and God Bless.

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