Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Happy Father's Day to ALL Fathers of all ages. Be it the great grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers, fathers to be.
It is a very special day to celebrate; much like Mother's Day.
In this case for the Dads, out come the barbecues and / or an extra nice occasion for Dad. I remember my Dad and how we used to enjoy the Father's Day, along with a later barbecue. He was served breakfast in bed by us, given peanut butter and jam sandwiches made by me for lunch, followed by a dinner barbecue. We did our best to make sure he had a complete R & R Day; which included him being on his lawn cot. LOL! Then in the evening was the wonderful treat of barbecued steaks! He chose to do the barbecuing! He thought that if there were to be any grilling mistakes, he would prefer that it would fall upon him rather than on me, the 'youngster.' LOL!
Now that I think about it, our Dads were all the more 'special' as they took many burdens upon themselves. So much fell upon their shoulders and hearts. They were involved in the wars and they had their duties to their countries. I used to ask my Dad about the war days and he chose to remain silent. So, I was never told and hence never knew what truly befell him etc. Save to say, they had to be sheer survivors. Now that I am a tidbitz older, I have more of an appreciation and an understanding.
Our Dads and their Dads were a 'breed apart.' I am thankful (as is Alan) that we had such 'tough' Dads. They had to be; they had been involved in wars; they quite literally had to endure in their fight for freedom for the rest of us. Our Dads taught us much. My Dad taught me truth, honour, integrity, sportsmanship, fair play, and the stamina to endure with Faith. To have steadfast courage; and last but not least an enthusiasm to appreciatively embrace each and every day!
My Dad loved to garden and as I have mentioned in previous bittid posts, he found it to be restful and productive. As well as re aligning his focus in his Faith in God, and restoring his purpose. I could go on and on about my Dad. In a tid nutshell, he did his best for his family; and more often than not, against all odds. He was a Christian and always 'fought the good fight.' Upon reflection, I wish I had had more 'spiritual' discussions with him, while he was alive. I have found that he and I have many similarities. He and my Mum adopted me and my Dad was a Norwegian. I did find out a bittidz that my 'natural' parents were both Norwegian; which perhaps explains why my Dad and I have a certain type of 'disposition.'
My Dad was 'slow to boil' but when angry, a different story. I am of the same nature. He used to say that when something unkind was said, it can never truly be taken back. If one is genuinely sorry, well, that helps heal any 'gulf.' But words have a stinging way of making their blows. So, he would say to me: 'Think twice before you speak in anger." That is a good bit of tidbit advice.
Also, when there are personal attacks upon you, they are not from God. This is a comfort to me; as I am learning and being better equipped in the spiritual warfare. Daily, putting on the full armor of God is vital, to keep Him first place in your heart. Things are easier to bear when you focus upon Him, in ALL circumstances. That was how my Dad chose to live his life; and it has only been within the last few years, that I have come to a greater understanding of that reality. In a tidbit, Our Heavenly Father IS the Best Father we could ever have; and He IS our Best Teacher and Advocate.
So thank you to my 'earth Dad' for adopting me. I have many wonderful memories and may this post be a tribute to all Dads throughout the world.
Here is an image photo of the beautiful pink Queen Elizabeth Rose. It is a climbing rose and my Dad loved his roses; and would enjoy wearing a bittid rose in his lapel.
Happy Father's Day to all Fathers. Also, a THANK YOU, to Our Heavenly Father; and 'Praise Him in ALL things!' I am thankful that He knows what IS the best for each and every one of us!
Tonight Alan and I will enjoy a special dinner of Beef Wellingtons. With a glass of red wine, we will raise our glasses to our Dads, and say Skal to 'Absent Friends.' The 'Absent Friends' Skal is a Norwegian custom.
Peace and God Bless.