Friday, 4 April 2014


Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Methinks for a bit of background, best you read or reread my post of March 30th -
Reach out to Christ and to those you love!

It pretty much sums everything up in a tidbit nutshell. Then you will appreciate more fully, this addendum and where I am coming from.

Recently I had a conversation with a person whom I love and hold very dear to my heart! It did not go well. It would sadly appear it does not tid matter what my / our version of the truth is. It simply is disregarded and 'chucked out.' Eventhough, Alan and I wish to move forward with this person, it does not appear to be in the cards. The 'adversary' is hard at work (in fact, very hard at work), to thwart any and all good intentions, we have had from the past, or have for the present, and the future. This particular person lives not far from us.

Sadly, there is a vile sentiment and a ballistic anger that has festered and built up towards me. I had hoped that this enormous rage, had passed; but obviously, it has not. Like a volcano, it finally blew its lid!' All I managed to do was to incite the person all the more. That was certainly not my / our plan. In fact, very far from it! Also the so called allegations / accusations towards me were / are not true; but this person does not care. I wanted to meet face to face to clear the air. That suggestion was slammed in my face; as in a 'no go.' This harbouring of anger and malice goes back years; well before I met Alan. As an extra assault to me, Alan has been 'deemed' the convenient scapegoat. For example, a year ago, at a joyful event, he was maliciously maligned and falsely accused. I wanted to address that matter; HOWEVER, with the specific and ultimate purpose to reconcile.

The tidbitz saying: "Oh the web we weave, when at first we choose to deceive" has reared its ugly head - again. At the conclusion of the conversation, this person felt really good! To my dismay, I felt horrid; as if I never knew the person. I know that God is seeing all of this bittidz.

Remember, God threw Lucifer out of Heaven because of his pride; and said: 'For evermore, your name shall be Satan, the Evil One, the DECEIVER." Sadly, this person has fabricated falsehoods and lies, to justify their behaviour and conduct towards me / us. I should have 'nipped this behaviour in the bud' years ago (again, well before I met Alan).

Sadly, we are dealing with a HATRED, which is the opposite of my / our nature; which is LOVE. I am the target being assailed; and my ear drums encountered 'it' in full force yesterday. (It was as if the phone was shaking and I could feel 'its' violent heat!). What is worse and more horrifying is, that this dearly beloved person may not be aware that Satan is using all that he has to lay claim to their eternal souls.

I take solace and comfort, in KNOWING that Our Heavenly Father is keeping a full account of each and everything that goes on with all of us. He KNOWS the TRUTH.

Also, do you know, that He knows the exact number of bittid hairs on everyone's head, throughout the whole world?! This is awesomely phenomenal!

Christ came to redeem, to reconcile to man. I / we Pray for reconcilation also.

Peace and God Bless.

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