Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Uplifting Reflections! DAILY!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Have you ever found that there are tidbitz times, when someone has taken advantage of you 'ROYALLY??!!' They know it and you sense it. Well, we had a bittidz situation on Easter Sunday, of all days. We were 'taken in'; as the 'goal posts kept changing.' When we 'gave an inch', they kept switching their tactics, to suit their ultimate M.O. strategy. That greatly upset me, because of the manipulative maneouvres. My first reaction was to 'tell them where to go' as in 'take it and stuff it.'

However, I thought better of it and Prayed for Wisdom and Understanding. An immediate calm befell me! I Asked Him for Guidance and what to do, and what was the best solution? The next tid thing I knew, I was thanking Him for what just occured? For whatever tidbit reason, that was the right thing to do! Then within bittid minutes, 'inner thoughts' surfaced: "Fret not. For you will make up the shortfall; as you will be reimbursed and then some, for your troubles. Worry not."

As it happens, we received a phone call (totally out of the bit blue) on Sunday evening, from someone who was interested in some of our head vases. She came over on Monday morning and left with a few, FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT NEEDED! WOW! (inwardly, I thanked Him and when she left, I thanked and Praised Him out loud!)

She is a lovely person and she asked me to put a vase aside for her, for another time. That is what it is all about; building relationships! She looks after her demeniated father (same age as Alan's Dad) and she has her share of bittidz difficulties; so. I gave her a bit of a break, which uplifted her spirits. Methinks when one experiences various 'trials and tribulations', there is more of an empathy and compassion towards those who need a tidbitz of encouragement.

A little later in the day, we received another call on our 'dog pal'. Hamish, a ' Scottish' feisty but dear little rug rat. (I have refered to him in earlier posts). We look after him on the odd weekend; but this time, his owners have planned a vacation for 11 days! Again, I thanked Him for His awesome Provision. WOW!

Going back to the other 'tacky' scenario (which now seems 'small'), we have made the choice to look forward to that opportunity; albeit we felt we had, indeed, been 'duped.' So, what was not appearing to be the best, has turned into a most winning situation! May the Blessings keep on coming! Yahoo!

In my April 16th post: Always have a thankful heart! , I refered to Joel Osteen,https://www.joelosteen.com/. Methinks, Joel is an awesome Warrior in Christ's Service and he has all the armour of God!

Verse 28 from Romans 8 is a wonderful example of our 'Victory in Christ' - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His Purpose."

Also, I thought of the story in the Bible; whereby Peter's robe was either lost or stolen and he was very angry. Christ said to Peter: Take Mine. I will get another."The lesson being, Peter's anger diminished and a lesson was taught! That is exactly what happened here, folks! Awesome, methinks!

In the last chapter of Job 42: 10-17 - 'God Restores Job's Fortunes', that is so reassuring! So for those of you, who have had challenges etc, never lose hope and always press on with the FAITH and TRUST in Him to Provide and He does! ie. Hebrews 11:1 - "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

Here is another empowering message from Mark 11:24 - "Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted you."

Presently, we have a lovely dog, by the name of 'Ivy' staying with us; while her owners are getting married and on their honeymoon. She jumped into the planter box of our Ivy Geraniums that we recently planted. Fortunately, they survived; and methinks that I will dub them as 'Ivy's Geraniums!' LOL! She has a great disposition and if I am able to take a photo of her, I will.

Another dear friend of ours, has a metal detector and he enjoys using that tool to search for interesting 'finds.' Well, he found an 1881 USA Indian Head Penny - minted 113 years ago, in Philadelphia! I thought how fascinating; and that is history! Me being inquisitive, wondered where did that penny travel and with whom! - ie Be it amongst traders, through wars, perhaps via famous generals, various families, etc.

I am appreciative of his response to me; and an interesting history lesson!
"The battle of the Little Big Horn was fought in 1876 and when the US army started to get after the Indians involved, Sitting Bull and about 5,000 Sioux followers came to Canada. They lived here in Wood Mountain area of Saskatchewan. It was then that the NWMP started to patrol this area and string out a line of forts westward. They of course, later became the RCMP."

Also, in our friend's travels, he found an 1893 Indian Head while in OMaha Nebraska. Good on him!

To add, here a couple of my tid favourite Bible verses, that provide a comfort, a reassurance, as well as a confident expectation in His Provision in daily abundance!

Proverbs 3: 5-6 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowldege Him and He will direct your path."

Psalm 46:10 - "Be still and know that I am God."

Well, hope these bittids and tidbits will make an impactful difference on how you live and enjoy each day!

Am going to include the inspiring video again, of that gifted 10 year old boy, as per my post on Easter Sunday. It is a tremendous uplift that is not just applicable to Easter; but for everyday! Our dear friend who forwarded it on to us, is right on, when she says: "His way, just listen"

Peace and God Bless.

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