Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Always have a thankful heart!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

I just reread my most recent post of April 10th, Be an upbeat Blessing to all those you meet! and you know, it is so tidbitz true! A good attitude with positive thoughts is vital! When one is faced with 'trials and tribulations' do you roll over and play dead; as in giving up? OR rather, do you continue to continue with the Faith, Hope, and Trust in Him to Provide and Lead you through all obstacles. We have 2 choices folks. I choose the latter. Not only that, but if one chooses to put a smile on their face, and have a genuine and caring empathy towards others, you are a 'light' to them. Plus, it is an uplift, when it comes back to you, as well.

Both Alan and I have noticed that as of late, we have received all sorts of wonderful Blessings in abundance! Many are small; but to us, that is huge! Awesome! For example, we have great neighbours throughout our complex, across the street, and down the road.

Over the weekend, we went to our favourite Nurseries. One of them was started by a young couple a few years ago and they have made it a success. Good on them! Their prices are very reasonable and the plants are vibrantly healthy! Our bittidz garden will be blooming with full of vivid colours; a cheerful sight to the eyes and a joy to the heart! We have planted them and we were fortunate that the last couple of days were beautiful sunny days. Yesterday, eventhough it rained a bit, we continued to work in the garden and it felt good. There is nothing like the fresh smell of earth or soil in the rain!

My Dad always found 'peace' in the garden and I (and Alan) totally relate. While you work with TLC in your hands, you have also been given the tidbit time and the Grace to reflect upon all your Blessings! We are looking forward to going back next week to select our spices and veggies. They will be more mature by then too!

In a tid nutshell, we have many Blessings to be thankful for! Could write a best seller on the ones that have occured within even the last week! To make a bittid story short, we are totally grateful! Thank You, Our Father! When I reflect, I also make the choice to 'cast all my cares upon Him' and I leave everything to Him. We live in daily expectation, as per His Promise and we are joyful!

What Joel Osteen shares,‎ is right on! ie. About being content, regardless of circumstances. Again choices: 'Are you going to be sour and bitter etc or - 'sluff it off' and say Thank You to Him, TRUSTING AND KNOWING that He has a Purpose AND the best Plan for your life! Like so what, if the washing machine does not work, or the plumbing is deteriorating etc. Instead, look at your Blessings, rather than 'grumbling' and be CONTENT in all circumstances.

Again, I am thankful that I met Alan, coming up 12 years ago. Apart from him being my husband, he witnessed and shared the message of Christ with me! And guess what! My life has forever been transformed - by welcoming Christ in! Sadly, there are those who misunderstand and think that I have been 'hoodwinked' or 'played' and / or that I have 'changed.' That it would be better if I 'went back to the old way.' Well, that is NOT ON - knowing what I know now.

I hope and Pray for those who are curious and wish to know more. That they tune into the various ministries that I have mentioned in my previous posts. However, it IS the Bible, that provides the Truth and Wisdom; which helps you learn about Christ. When you invite Christ into your heart, you will find that your life has changed for evermore and it will never be the same again. You think differently; you look at things differently; and you have more understanding and compassion. When you Seek Him and Ask Him for Wisdom, He IS there for you. He tells us to go and talk to Him in a quiet place.

Tidbit - Make your mind up to be thankful each and every day. Do not allow yourself to throw a 'pity party' when faced with challenges. On the contrary, stand up, be steadfast, and have an ever ready joyful countenance to receive His Blessings in Abundance!

Bittid - Your past experiences equip and arm you for what you need, for what He has in mind for you. Just know that He will never leave you, once you Invite Him into your heart.

I like this cheerful photo image of Spring daffodils with its encouraging message.

Peace and God Bless.

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