Sunday, 6 February 2011

Refreshing ephifanies!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We enjoyed a restful Saturday; and today we are grateful for the peace that the rain brings. A good day to be indoors, methinks.

Think with everything going on, I am a bittidz run down; so am extra appreciative for this quiet day of rest. Watched 'Hour of Power' with Dr. Sheila Schuler Coleman and Pastor Jim Penner; 'World Impact Ministries' with Peter Youngren; and 'Living Truth' with Charles Price; and 'Cavalry Temple' with Pastor Barber. I was uplifted by their insightful teachings; and thus am encouraged all the more, in our daily walk with Christ. Alan and I have experienced our various 'trials and tribulations'; and today's programs enlightened me with some further ephifanies.

As referred to, in the earlier post, Alan and I are 'in the middle'; and we have quite literally turned everything over to Christ for Him to Direct our Path, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.

We were a bit let down yesterday; however, we can take solace and comfort in knowing that He has everything in Hand. ie. 'By their words, actions, and deeds', the TRUTH IS showing up and He, our Advocate, will PREVAIL. The lies, deception, the running away and then twisting the truth, being indignant at being exposed, and so forth, are just but a few of the tidbit experiences. Actually I was rather annoyed at the inequities and the lack of integrity displayed. However, I thought, 'Let Him fight this battle and ALL battles for us.' He has already OVERCOME and WON! So, I cast all my cares upon Him; and am confident and joyful in His Promise.

Eventhough, I am not feeling well and a bittid 'flat out,' I am infilled with an inner calm, as I know He IS our Refuge and Strength. Upon reflection, perhaps with the tid obstacles, and then our first time at babysitting, then the disappointment from yesterday, and just feeling a weary, this IS exactly where He wants us to be. Totally dependent upon Him and Trusting Him in ALL circumstances.

When I made mention of seeing things through eyes of a child (twins actually), there is a refreshing perspective, that very simply; have a 'childlike trust' in Christ. We must all be like a child, before we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Being an intellectual, doing good works, etc does not totally cut it. For you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is in Christ's indwelling in your heart, that imparts the Truth. Therefore, He knows your heart through and through. Reassuring to us, is that He is OMNIPOTENT and OMNIPRESENT; as He KNOWS ALL and is ALWAYS WATCHING.

This morning on 'Hour of Power'; there was a family; whose little girl. Gracyn, almost died. Because of her Faith and Trust in God, she survived. A total miracle! All things are possible with Him. Here are a couple of excerpts from the wonderful guest interview. Methinks, best to watch today's 'Hour of Power' from tid start to finish; first hand, for your own heartwarming experiences and ephifanies etc.

"SSC: So it was completely out of your control?

KD: Yes, in fact on Christmas day, the doctor's told us there was nothing that they could do for our daughter. Here she was, lying there on life support equipment. The machines were breathing for her and pumping her heart for her. She was on total life support and the doctors said there's nothing we can do.

And as a father, we're wired to jump in and try to save the day. There's my little girl fighting for her life but I could do nothing. And I thought back to the night before how she had climbed in bed with me and her freezing cold hands on my back were a distress warning that something was terribly wrong. But I had just put socks on her hands and asked her not to touch my back anymore. I had no idea that my daughter was dying right beside me and there I am hearing there's nothing we can do.

And at that moment, God spoke through a scripture passage, a short one, Psalm 46: 10, "Be still and know that I am God." So we had a choice: I could try to save the day when I had nothing to fight it with or I could just be still and place our daughter in the hands of the One who created her. So that's what we did and we didn't know what the outcome was going to be, but we knew that if God was going to take her to heaven, that she was in His hands and that was okay. But if we would just keep praying that He would give her back and if He would do a miracle like that, that that would be okay, too. So that's what we did.

SSC: Total surrender of your child to God not knowing the outcome. That's a tough, tough thing to do.

KD: I'd never been there before, but having been there now, it's an amazing place where you find that only God can do this. And that's where the kind of faith that can move mountains happens, when only God can do it. And when we know only God can do it and we tell everybody around us only God can do this, that's when mountains can move and miracles can happen.

SSC: And God was there with you through the whole process. I just love your book. It's such a testimony and a help no matter what crisis people are facing. And that's what you said in the introduction, you said people are facing all kinds of crisis today: financial or whatever, and I'll tell you there are times when I have a bad day or I feel like there's a crisis in my life and as I was reading that I thought well this is nothing. If they can trust God through the outcome of their child, whose life is at stake, we can trust God with anything else.

KD: Absolutely."

A tidbitz ephifany! Also, there are NO coincidences as Alan and I can relate to some of the challenges. ie. As in surrendering everything to Him; and not knowing the outcome. Or being 'in the middle.' Joyce Meyer of 'Enjoying Everyday Life' shares her insights about being 'in the middle'. (You can refer to my Nov 23rd & Nov 25th, 2010 posts for a wee bit of clarity). For the past few days, I have also been appreciating a solid comfort from Psalm 46:10 - 'Be Still and know that I am God.'

Here is the other awesome quote from the interview.
"GD: This song is called, "Healer" and it says whatever you're going through God will be with you. I listened to this song in the hospital every night before I went to bed and my mom would say to me "one day you're going to sing this in church" and so now I have the opportunity to do that. SSC: Here you are a singing miracle. Thank you Gracyn and thank you Kris and Robin."

He is the doorway to your heart; all you have to do, is to genuinely invite Him in; and He will come in and will never leave you. I love the above gentle looking photo image.

Again, many thanks to all ministries who generously provide their time and sharing the message of Christ. I look forward to watching some more programs tonight.

Peace and God Bless.

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