Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Perservere IN Faith

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Well, it has been a rather tid 'interesting?' time, these past few days. We have been doing our best to deal with malice, deceit, lies, conspiracy, collusion, 'the whole nine yards!' Alan and I are in situations whereby we know and TRUST that He has a Purpose, that will work to the ultimate GOOD. We have quite literally 'resigned' ourselves to 'waiting upon the Lord'; and that He, and He alone, will bring things to 'fruition.'

We have also been a bit 'let down'; however, we are learning invaluable lessons from recent experiences. Even, a dear friend 'scoffed' by saying to me, 'that Alan and I live by FAITH.' I enthusiastically agreed with her! (Thank you to our Father!) Eventhough things are not happening, and / or as quickly as we would like, we must still perservere with FAITH that 'Our Father Knows Best.' Also, I have compassion for my friend; as she does not fully understand; save that unbeknownst to her, she reinforced my FAITH in Him by her unsolicited comment.

Tidbit - 'Praise Him In ALL Things'; regardless of your circumstances, trials and tribulations etc. Be grateful for the challenges; and look for the GOOD, that will bear fruit from those unfortunate moments. Continue DAILY to be THANKFUL for your Blessings. Be it a little bird hopping from branch to branch is a joyful Blessing.

We embraced a tidbitz of the Vision Channel on Sunday morning; and once again, best if you tune into the various ministries that are offered. There are many wonderful programs to choose from; and we have enjoyed and appreciated several. Top of mind, 'Hour of Power' (, 'Living Truth' ( We also appreciate Peter Youngren's ministry and his awesome idea (re: Grace Forest) of promoting / donating a tree or two towards the future growth of trees in Israel. To quote from Peter's website: "Tree planting is a vital part of the restoration of the land of Israel. Isaiah prophesied that strangers from outside Israel would participate in the restoration of the land."

This is a project that I have just become aware that I am most interested in; and when the funds avail of themselves, I / we will donate some trees. Our choices would include OLIVE trees and perhaps some Fig trees; and if a Mustard Seed Tree, was in the bittidz mix, that would be fantastic as well! Can you imagine that from a tiny mustard seed, that a huge majestic tree sprouts up! (A major miracle, methinks!) Love the inspirational Biblical scripture: 'When you have the Faith, the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.'

Bittid - ASK God to move the mountains (ie of your obstacles). TRUST in Him to do so; particularly more so than ever, when you are faced with major blocking challenges that appear to overwhelm / stymie / pull you down.

I also really like 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (; however, because of the change in the the T.V. schedule, I will look forward to checking into her encouraging website.

Plus, Rhonda Lazerte (Door of Hope) touched my heart in one of her previous messages, about the 'moving of mountains' / obstacles.

Today has been a full day; and we are about to go out and enjoy the hockey game with my son. It will be a nice evening.

The above photo image is of a Mustard tree!

Until next time.

Peace and God Bless.

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