Monday, 27 December 2010

Blessings abound!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Alan and I have appreciated some restful days over Christmas. We were out this afternoon; and ran into some old wonderful friends. Blessings to our souls. Also, I forgot to mention that yesterday morning, I saw a Stellar Blue Jay with a peanut in his beak; that he was in the process of hiding in the shrubs across from our home. It was quite a neat feat to see; as one does not often catch a glimpse of that in motion. Another Blessing, is that we saw a bald eagle flying majestically overhead this am. We have, therefore, many Blessings to be happily thankful for! He IS our Refuge and Strength.

We are looking forward to us doing a reciprocative breakfast with my son tomorrow morning. Alan and I are truly thankful for spending Christmas Day with family. ie My son, my daughter, her husband, and our fraternal twin four year old grandsons..You can refer to my post from yesterday for a few tidbit details.

Alan and I always take this time of year to reflect upon our Blessings, as well as Prayfully pondering our options for the New Year. We remain Prayful that the Plan and Purpose He has for us, will be such that we will recognize it accordingly, so that in our walk, we will be able to continue our Service to Him, in sharing the message of the good news. This will assure us that regardless of our 'trials and tribulations,' He will Provide Solution.

Mentioned too, that my daughter and our son-in-law, generously gave us the leftovers of the Christmas dinner; ie the turkey, the mashed potatoes, and the delicious stuffing. Today Alan made soup from the turkey bones; and it is simmering away in two large pots. We will be giving some of this homemade soup away to our Greek friend, as well as to a few appreciative others; including some dear kind neighbours. While 'out and about,' we picked up a few bittid veggies to throw into the soup; ie celery, carrots, green peppers, an onion, and some consomme soup. Also, we had some barley and rice on hand; so 'aoup, glorious soup', keeps running through my mind and capturing my sense of smell.

Tonight, we will be enjoying a turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sandwich; along with watching some Christmas and Biblical movies. Will mention, that the brussel sprouts did not make it for last night's repas; as they were a bit off. However, the cranberries were still fine to utilize for making a scrumptious cranberry sauce!

Tidbit - Tis the season to give. Why not 'give' each and every day! You become more joyful inside, as well as being a genuine Blessing to all those you meet.

Bittid - Be appreciative and thankful for any and all Blessings given to you. Be glad too for others, who have been bestowed with Blessings as well. Also, do not compare 'your lot' with those, whom may 'appear' to have more Blessings than you etc. Simply Thank Him for what He has provided you with; and keep on trekking; trusting that He, indeed, has a good plan for each and every one of us.

It has been a very special Christmas, as we have been able to share Christmas Day with our family and especially our grandchildren. We are now literally down to tid fumes, primarily due to individuals' deceit, misrepresentation, and malice. However, that being said, what truly matters most, is how you treat others; and to do so, with a 'generosity of spirit.' Lest we forget, the majesty of Christmas is the gift of the Birth of Christ.

Also, for further bittids of encouragement, I keep remembering Robert Schuller Jr's thoughts: 'When you are down to nothing; You know that He is working on something good for you.' Also, Dr. Charles Stanley: 'When God is silent, He has not deserted or abandonned you, He is simply working His Plan (a good plan) out for you.' (or tidbits to that effect). Time and time again, their illuminating insights have been a real uplift to me; and the message sticks, that we must not lose heart! Galatians 6: 9 - 'And let us not lose heart when doing good, for in due time, we shall reap if we do not grow weary.'

Love the above photo image! Alan and I are thankful for this quiet time and we are going to enjoy this evening! Also, 'Fret not, for tomorrow comes soon enough' makes good sense to me. Christ wants us to live one day at a time; no more no less; and to give Him our best, for that day. Looking back on each and every day, Alan and I gratefully acknowledge that He has, indeed, helped us by His Grace, to sustain us each day. We now do happen to need a major miracle to take place; however, we know that somehow / somewhere, He will Guide us through these next upcoming days. 'All things are Possible with Him.'

Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.

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