Sunday, 26 December 2010

Nothing and yet ALL to give

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Alan and I have ENJOYED the BEST BEST BEST Christmas ever! As per my recent posts, you may have gathered that we have had our tidbitz 'trials and tribulations' for several months. (We are not the only ones who have had their bittidz challenges; nor will we be the last). However, because things 'were as they were', as per this year's Christmas gifts, we had nothing to give (ie. not being able to buy presents) and yet, we joyfully knew / KNOW that we had / HAVE ALL the MORE to give! Thus, we CHOSE to give of the tid 'things' that we had 'amassed' over the years in our home. They were graciously and appreciatively received!

Christmas is a time of GIVING, for sure. And eventhough, buying gifts is 'nice'; they can not replace the value of what is given genuinely with a 'generosity of spirit' from the heart. Alan and I are reflecting hugely; and we are very thankful that He IS our Refuge and Strength; particularly in these times of trouble.

To give a bit of Christmas recap of celebrating Christ's Birth. My son came over yesterday morning and he cooked us an awesome tidbit 'Eggs Benny.' Mmmmmmmm Yum! Plus, he brought over a bottle of chilled champagne and orange juice, that we totally enjoyed with our morning feast. Later in the afternoon, my son drove us over (he was the designated driver) to my daughter's for the Christmas dinner. It is the first bittid time that I have not prepared a Christmas dinner. However, my daughter also volunteered that it was now her turn to 'pay it forward' and to relinquish the reins to her. I did so, gratefully! Our son-in-law cooked up a wonderful turkey in their new nifty deep fryer (connected to a gas propane tank); and while the 'adults' were visiting, I spent the time (as if a 'child' myself) with our twin grandsons; who were / are an inspirational delight! To end the evening, we watched the movie 'Home Alone'; which provided us with many a laugh!

We also went home with the turkey, and the mashed potatoes and the delicious stuffing. Yum yum! Our son-in-law's birthday is today; so they are having a whole new crew in; and are doing the same thing all over again. Good on them!

Also, we 'happen to have' brussel sprouts, and a pouch of cranberries that have been sitting in our fridge since Thanksgiving; so fortunately, they are still good to use! Plus we have a tidbitz gravy package; so all in all, we will enjoy a glorious evening of bittidz 'leftovers.' Alan stripped the turkey to make his incredible soup (we have our Greek friend and others in mind to share this great tasting soup with). Also, my daughter gave us some pieces of fantastic homemade chocolate; and when we arrived home later last night, we delved into the chocolate, like little kids. We will enjoy some more tonight. 'Gifts from the heart', is what it is ALL about; the sharing and the caring. We are thankful for their genuineness of spirit.

Tidbit - Empathy, compassion, humility, wisdom, and understanding are gifts given to us so that we can genuinely give through the 'generosity of spirit' in Christ, to others.

Bittid - 'Seek and Ye Shall Find' means that the more you seek Christ, the more He shares Himself with you; which ends up opening doors of both insights and awarenesses to help those around you, in need of hearing His message. At the same time, when doors are closed, He chooses to open others that expand our horizons and our understanding as to what He has need of us to do now.

Alan helped me with the tidbit wording of the 'bittid'; because I received so many converging thoughts at the same time. I am truly thankful for my mate; and with his belief (and now mine) in Christ, we are being sustained daily by Him.

The above photo image says it all. 'Knock and a door will be opened' and / or, 'Seek and Ye Shall Find.'

Peace and God Bless.

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