Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We have had a really nice day. To start off with, we met my son for breakfast and appreciated a great tid visit with him. We then went on home to continue with the 'soup making'. Alan added a bittidz more veggies, as well as a tin of consomme and beef broth to the mix.
We then called our neighbours and delivered tidbitz containers of soup to them. One neighbour who just returned from Mexico with his family (without his wife; as she has dementia and is in a care home). He had been away from her for a week; so the soup hopefully gave him a bit of a boost.
Another neighbour we gave some soup to (an elderly Chinese man; and whose wife had died a few years ago), apparently, was on his bittid own for Christmas. Then there are the new neighbours; who were delighted with the unexpected 'soup delivery.' We also gave some soup away to some other neighbours (we do not know them; as they are generally away during the winter and summer months); and I was graciously invited in to their home. Turns out their daughter who is in her mid forties, is terminally ill with cancer. Very tragic. Glad though, that the soup served to be a tidbit of an uplift.
Then our other dear neighbour, who LOVES Alan's homemade creative soups, was happy to have a large bowl (not a container). She ended up inviting us in tonight for a bit of 'Christmas Cheer'; along with our Chinese neighbour. We all chatted about the upcoming 'New Year's' and then the Chinese New Year celebration on February 3rd. I 'kibutzed' with him (his name is Alan as well)that he could host a Chinese New Year's Party and that all of us neighbours would happily attend! LOL! He pondered that tid thought; however, gleefully suggested that we all go to the downtown Chinese New Year's Parade. So, who knows?
We also went out to give our Greek friend a 'care bag'; which consisted of a good sized container of soup, a large homemade raisin / bran muffin, two leftover pieces of pizza from the other night; and a mini orange (Vitamin C!). He was totally moved. His bright brown eyes lit up and joyfully he cried out: 'Zuppa for dinna.' I suggested to him that he probably has more money (coins) than we do presently; as our business has been stymied at this particular time. Also shared with him, that my son gave us a 'liquor card' for Christmas, to help stock our liquor larder over the holidays. Our Greek friend is a 'regular' and has been performing with his guitar for several years, positioning himself right outside the local liquor store. (Good on him!) Fortunately, he is not homeless, as he mentioned he has a room that he can call 'home.'
Tidbit - 'Love thy neighbour, as thyself.' A genuine tid of empathy goes a long way.
Bittid - When you uplift / encourage those around you; your spirits feel illuminated as well.
Love the above cheery photo image with its enlightening and heartfelt message.
Today really felt like a tid Sunday; and we are grateful to have enjoyed a bit of a time out and a reflective rest. He IS our Refuge and Strength. We are thankful too, for our family, friends, and neighbours.
Peace and God Bless.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
A neighbourhood community
Monday, 27 December 2010
Blessings abound!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Alan and I have appreciated some restful days over Christmas. We were out this afternoon; and ran into some old wonderful friends. Blessings to our souls. Also, I forgot to mention that yesterday morning, I saw a Stellar Blue Jay with a peanut in his beak; that he was in the process of hiding in the shrubs across from our home. It was quite a neat feat to see; as one does not often catch a glimpse of that in motion. Another Blessing, is that we saw a bald eagle flying majestically overhead this am. We have, therefore, many Blessings to be happily thankful for! He IS our Refuge and Strength.
We are looking forward to us doing a reciprocative breakfast with my son tomorrow morning. Alan and I are truly thankful for spending Christmas Day with family. ie My son, my daughter, her husband, and our fraternal twin four year old grandsons..You can refer to my post from yesterday for a few tidbit details.
Alan and I always take this time of year to reflect upon our Blessings, as well as Prayfully pondering our options for the New Year. We remain Prayful that the Plan and Purpose He has for us, will be such that we will recognize it accordingly, so that in our walk, we will be able to continue our Service to Him, in sharing the message of the good news. This will assure us that regardless of our 'trials and tribulations,' He will Provide Solution.
Mentioned too, that my daughter and our son-in-law, generously gave us the leftovers of the Christmas dinner; ie the turkey, the mashed potatoes, and the delicious stuffing. Today Alan made soup from the turkey bones; and it is simmering away in two large pots. We will be giving some of this homemade soup away to our Greek friend, as well as to a few appreciative others; including some dear kind neighbours. While 'out and about,' we picked up a few bittid veggies to throw into the soup; ie celery, carrots, green peppers, an onion, and some consomme soup. Also, we had some barley and rice on hand; so 'aoup, glorious soup', keeps running through my mind and capturing my sense of smell.
Tonight, we will be enjoying a turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sandwich; along with watching some Christmas and Biblical movies. Will mention, that the brussel sprouts did not make it for last night's repas; as they were a bit off. However, the cranberries were still fine to utilize for making a scrumptious cranberry sauce!
Tidbit - Tis the season to give. Why not 'give' each and every day! You become more joyful inside, as well as being a genuine Blessing to all those you meet.
Bittid - Be appreciative and thankful for any and all Blessings given to you. Be glad too for others, who have been bestowed with Blessings as well. Also, do not compare 'your lot' with those, whom may 'appear' to have more Blessings than you etc. Simply Thank Him for what He has provided you with; and keep on trekking; trusting that He, indeed, has a good plan for each and every one of us.
It has been a very special Christmas, as we have been able to share Christmas Day with our family and especially our grandchildren. We are now literally down to tid fumes, primarily due to individuals' deceit, misrepresentation, and malice. However, that being said, what truly matters most, is how you treat others; and to do so, with a 'generosity of spirit.' Lest we forget, the majesty of Christmas is the gift of the Birth of Christ.
Also, for further bittids of encouragement, I keep remembering Robert Schuller Jr's thoughts: 'When you are down to nothing; You know that He is working on something good for you.' Also, Dr. Charles Stanley: 'When God is silent, He has not deserted or abandonned you, He is simply working His Plan (a good plan) out for you.' (or tidbits to that effect). Time and time again, their illuminating insights have been a real uplift to me; and the message sticks, that we must not lose heart! Galatians 6: 9 - 'And let us not lose heart when doing good, for in due time, we shall reap if we do not grow weary.'
Love the above photo image! Alan and I are thankful for this quiet time and we are going to enjoy this evening! Also, 'Fret not, for tomorrow comes soon enough' makes good sense to me. Christ wants us to live one day at a time; no more no less; and to give Him our best, for that day. Looking back on each and every day, Alan and I gratefully acknowledge that He has, indeed, helped us by His Grace, to sustain us each day. We now do happen to need a major miracle to take place; however, we know that somehow / somewhere, He will Guide us through these next upcoming days. 'All things are Possible with Him.'
Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Nothing and yet ALL to give
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Alan and I have ENJOYED the BEST BEST BEST Christmas ever! As per my recent posts, you may have gathered that we have had our tidbitz 'trials and tribulations' for several months. (We are not the only ones who have had their bittidz challenges; nor will we be the last). However, because things 'were as they were', as per this year's Christmas gifts, we had nothing to give (ie. not being able to buy presents) and yet, we joyfully knew / KNOW that we had / HAVE ALL the MORE to give! Thus, we CHOSE to give of the tid 'things' that we had 'amassed' over the years in our home. They were graciously and appreciatively received!
Christmas is a time of GIVING, for sure. And eventhough, buying gifts is 'nice'; they can not replace the value of what is given genuinely with a 'generosity of spirit' from the heart. Alan and I are reflecting hugely; and we are very thankful that He IS our Refuge and Strength; particularly in these times of trouble.
To give a bit of Christmas recap of celebrating Christ's Birth. My son came over yesterday morning and he cooked us an awesome tidbit 'Eggs Benny.' Mmmmmmmm Yum! Plus, he brought over a bottle of chilled champagne and orange juice, that we totally enjoyed with our morning feast. Later in the afternoon, my son drove us over (he was the designated driver) to my daughter's for the Christmas dinner. It is the first bittid time that I have not prepared a Christmas dinner. However, my daughter also volunteered that it was now her turn to 'pay it forward' and to relinquish the reins to her. I did so, gratefully! Our son-in-law cooked up a wonderful turkey in their new nifty deep fryer (connected to a gas propane tank); and while the 'adults' were visiting, I spent the time (as if a 'child' myself) with our twin grandsons; who were / are an inspirational delight! To end the evening, we watched the movie 'Home Alone'; which provided us with many a laugh!
We also went home with the turkey, and the mashed potatoes and the delicious stuffing. Yum yum! Our son-in-law's birthday is today; so they are having a whole new crew in; and are doing the same thing all over again. Good on them!
Also, we 'happen to have' brussel sprouts, and a pouch of cranberries that have been sitting in our fridge since Thanksgiving; so fortunately, they are still good to use! Plus we have a tidbitz gravy package; so all in all, we will enjoy a glorious evening of bittidz 'leftovers.' Alan stripped the turkey to make his incredible soup (we have our Greek friend and others in mind to share this great tasting soup with). Also, my daughter gave us some pieces of fantastic homemade chocolate; and when we arrived home later last night, we delved into the chocolate, like little kids. We will enjoy some more tonight. 'Gifts from the heart', is what it is ALL about; the sharing and the caring. We are thankful for their genuineness of spirit.
Tidbit - Empathy, compassion, humility, wisdom, and understanding are gifts given to us so that we can genuinely give through the 'generosity of spirit' in Christ, to others.
Bittid - 'Seek and Ye Shall Find' means that the more you seek Christ, the more He shares Himself with you; which ends up opening doors of both insights and awarenesses to help those around you, in need of hearing His message. At the same time, when doors are closed, He chooses to open others that expand our horizons and our understanding as to what He has need of us to do now.
Alan helped me with the tidbit wording of the 'bittid'; because I received so many converging thoughts at the same time. I am truly thankful for my mate; and with his belief (and now mine) in Christ, we are being sustained daily by Him.
The above photo image says it all. 'Knock and a door will be opened' and / or, 'Seek and Ye Shall Find.'
Peace and God Bless.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Giving and uplifting others
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It has been awhile since my last post of December 10th; which happened to be our 8th wedding anniversary. Given the tougher moments and turmoils as of late, we were appreciative of celebrating a quiet evening at home.
To recap this past week or so. Eventhough as of late, we are without income presently (due to a devious, greedy and malicious situation; which we are steadfastedly working towards resolving); we still managed to 'give' to others less fortunate than ourselves. ie. We have a street person friend; whom we have always befriended. Apart from giving him change, we also give him some homemade soups, along with other tidbitz food delights. I kidded with Alan that maybe our friend might have some spare bittidz coin to give us? LOL! We recently gave him a box of four chicken noodle soups (from Costco); and just seeing his eyes light up, and a big warm smile, was a huge uplift to our spirits.
We also went to the local shopping centre, and my baker friend literally offered me a cup of coffee and a Christmas butter tart. She perceived I was not my usual self. I am thinking the tidbit thought: 'What goes around, comes around.' So a big thanks for her kind uplift!
Plus while we were at the bakery, a man was watching both myself and my baker friend. I felt as if I was under close scrutiny; but it did not frighten me. As it happened, he approached my baker friend and she gently shook her head to his request (for work, methinks). I immediately discerned that this person was very sad; so I went up to him and spoke to him. It turns out that he is originally from Mexico and has lived here for eight years and has fallen upon hard times. I introduced him to Alan and they enjoyed a smoke and a chat outside.
Meanwhile (because of my friend's kindness to me) it was as if I was an exhuberant magnet; and my baker friend was instantly 'provided' with a whole flurry of customers (at my enthusiastic recommendation, they bought Christmas butter tarts, as well as other tasty goodies. LOL!). So again, 'What goes around, comes around.' 'Pay it Forward.' I also think the Holy Spirit was / IS at work!
'Marco', the Mexican, and ourselves exchanged email addresses. He wrote us a wonderful letter of thanks; saying that at that precise moment when I came up to him, he was in a major state of financial despair. That he was a God fearing man; but at that very moment, he no longer felt he had the strength to keep on Praying to God for help. Another bittid food for thought, 'There are no coincidences.' Also, to never give up Praying to Him. We will keep in touch with our new friend and do what we can for him.
Also, a 'fatherly figure', who is dear to my heart, has recently lost his spouse to cancer. I was not sure what to do to be of an uplift. I ended up giving him my Bible. We bought it from Costco four or five years ago; and it is beautifully bound, with Fresco pictures, a family tree, special dates to remember, the whole nine yards. Plus it is in BIG PRINT - extremely easy on the eyes!
I have another Bible, that I read from; and I immediately thought I can not read from two Bibles at the same time! So 'give it away and gladly!' It turns out that he was receptive and loved the gift. He added that he has not read much of the Bible; and that he will read it with interest. ('Seek and Ye Shall Find', I am thinking!). He is an avid reader. I also suggested that the Psalms offer much encouragement and comfort. However, my main thought was / is to give him an uplift and a comfort (plus it might soften his heart towards others; whom perhaps he has not treated as well over the years). I also left it with him, that if he would like a visitor, or if he needed any help, or a drive to wherever, to just simply give me a call.
Also, we were shown a heartfelt kindness by a good friend and her husband yesterday; as they brought over a 'care package' for us. Their wonderful hamper included a ten pound turkey, a package of tomato basil rice, salted and unsalted butter, a tin of salmon, imperial strong fort cheddar cheese, frozen chicken pieces, a case of beer (Labatts Blue), and a two litre (in a soda pop bottle! LOL!) of their homemade batch of red wine; along with frozen mini cheesecakes. Last night, we appreciated a 'subway dinner', along with a glass of their wine (me), a beer (Alan), and a few mini cheesecakes for dessert, while we were watching a touching Christmas movie on T.V. Given the 'trials and tribulations' we have experienced, this, indeed, was a splendid treat!
Also, the 'subway dinner' was graciously given to us by my son. The 'subway gift card'; and coupons, gave us a wonderful dinner for free!
This year, Alan and I are giving gifts from our home; as we are not able to buy presents. We have amassed a lot of things over the years; and we are just as happy to give of our 'things' to our family and treasured friends. The Christmas Spirit of celebrating Christ's birth, lies in the joyful 'giving;' and this particular Christmas will be all the more special to us; ie giving gifts straight from the heart. It is super to buy presents; however, giving 'things' from one's abode, can be heartwarming as well, methinks.
Also, as a gesture of gratitude, we gave my son four small exquisite silver goblets, marked from Spain; and to our 'hamper friends', we gave them a small silver bud vase.
Also, we were at a lovely Christmas gathering on Saturday night; and it was the best party ever. In that, a lot of people were / are feeling the financial pinch and the economic crunch; and have re evaluated their lives and how they treat others etc. My two bits worth were; that I have come to a point where that 'I am not into any more 'B.S.' and that genuine and down to earth people, is where it is at. Period.' "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" are truthful tids that radiate my heart and permeate my mind.
Yesterday morning, we went to the doctor's; as Alan has a large growth that had suddenly mushroomed on his shoulder. It is benign fortunately; he could get it removed, but that costs money - which we do not have right now. However, we have many other Blessings to be grateful for!
Also, my daughter called and invited us to Christmas dinner to their home on Christmas night. This is the first time that Alan and I have not put together a Christmas dinner. Needless to say, we are delighted with their kind invitation, and we are looking forward 'with bells on', to partake in the joyful festivities. She suggested that my son would drive; hence Alan and I can enjoy a glass or two of wine, without worrying about the drive home. We have been asked not to contribute any food; however, we will 'round up a bit of something', as we do not wish to go empty handed from the larder. Also, re: gifts, I let her know that Christmas is more important to celebrate with each other and not about the gifts. Of course, with little ones, a different story. We were fortunate to purchase a gift for our twin grandsons. We will locate some 'special' items from home; that hopefully, my daughter, her husband, and my son will enjoy over the years.
The other night, we watched the Christmas movie, 'One Magic Christmas.' Very heartfelt; has an interesting story line about the family being in 'dire straights.' Actually, there are a lot of good 'down to earth' movies on the Vision Channel etc. So, for those of you, who may be feeling a bit downcast, discouraged, etc, you may be given some hope and encouragement from them. Also, the following two verses from the Bible really uplift my spirits. Perhaps, they will do the same for you. ie. Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto youe own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."
It is the first day of winter here; however, unlike the two beautiful cosy pictures, it does not appear, that we will be having a 'white Christmas' in our tid part of the world. I love the two photo images; both portraying very lovely tranquil winter scenes.
I hope to share another post or two with you before Christmas. If not, then here is wishing each and every one of you, a very Merry Christmas! And may you have a 'generosity of spirit', love, and give generously and joyfully of your hearts! Random acts of kindness are greatly appreciated; both by the giver and the recipient! Eventhough it is nice to receive, it is better (very rewarding) to give. Upon tid reflection, we have noticed that He very definitely has 'sustained' us throughout each and every day; and we have been provided with daily wonderful and extra Blessings. We have much to be thankful for. 'Praise Him In ALL Things.'
Peace and God Bless.
Friday, 10 December 2010
Blessings in disguise
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting, to you in your part of the world!
Whew! We are glad it is the weekend! Can take a bit of a pause. It has been a full week of ongoing obstacles.
Yet, we know we must keep on trekking, Praising Him in ALL Things, and be genuinely grateful for all our daily Blessings.
Today has been a day of 'mixed Blessings in disguise.' As per my most recent post, it is amazing 'what comes home to roost' and / or, 'certain things coming to light.' We have had to face a couple of 'unpleasant' matters; however, fortunately, these particular problems were taken care of via 'mysterious ways.' Upon tidbitz reflection, I believe that He has had a major hand in helping bring justice to resolving certain issues.
Last night, we watched the uplifting movie, 'Homeless for the Holidays.' Well, we can certainly relate with empathy to this true story, as we are also experiencing similar challenging moments. This year, indeed, is going to be a very interesting and different Christmas for Alan and I. However, we are happy; and we are going to continue to being truly tid thankful for each and every day. Each day to us, is like a 'mini thanksgiving'; regardless of one's bittidz circumstances.
Tidbit - 'Keep things simple.' Be appreciative for the little things.
Bittid - He is your Refuge and Strength; take time out to rest in Him. He will Guide your way. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'
I like the above photo image with the encouraging message: 'Seek and Ye Shall Find.'
Peace and God Bless.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Perservere IN Faith
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Well, it has been a rather tid 'interesting?' time, these past few days. We have been doing our best to deal with malice, deceit, lies, conspiracy, collusion, 'the whole nine yards!' Alan and I are in situations whereby we know and TRUST that He has a Purpose, that will work to the ultimate GOOD. We have quite literally 'resigned' ourselves to 'waiting upon the Lord'; and that He, and He alone, will bring things to 'fruition.'
We have also been a bit 'let down'; however, we are learning invaluable lessons from recent experiences. Even, a dear friend 'scoffed' by saying to me, 'that Alan and I live by FAITH.' I enthusiastically agreed with her! (Thank you to our Father!) Eventhough things are not happening, and / or as quickly as we would like, we must still perservere with FAITH that 'Our Father Knows Best.' Also, I have compassion for my friend; as she does not fully understand; save that unbeknownst to her, she reinforced my FAITH in Him by her unsolicited comment.
Tidbit - 'Praise Him In ALL Things'; regardless of your circumstances, trials and tribulations etc. Be grateful for the challenges; and look for the GOOD, that will bear fruit from those unfortunate moments. Continue DAILY to be THANKFUL for your Blessings. Be it a little bird hopping from branch to branch is a joyful Blessing.
We embraced a tidbitz of the Vision Channel on Sunday morning; and once again, best if you tune into the various ministries that are offered. There are many wonderful programs to choose from; and we have enjoyed and appreciated several. Top of mind, 'Hour of Power' (, 'Living Truth' ( We also appreciate Peter Youngren's ministry and his awesome idea (re: Grace Forest) of promoting / donating a tree or two towards the future growth of trees in Israel. To quote from Peter's website: "Tree planting is a vital part of the restoration of the land of Israel. Isaiah prophesied that strangers from outside Israel would participate in the restoration of the land."
This is a project that I have just become aware that I am most interested in; and when the funds avail of themselves, I / we will donate some trees. Our choices would include OLIVE trees and perhaps some Fig trees; and if a Mustard Seed Tree, was in the bittidz mix, that would be fantastic as well! Can you imagine that from a tiny mustard seed, that a huge majestic tree sprouts up! (A major miracle, methinks!) Love the inspirational Biblical scripture: 'When you have the Faith, the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.'
Bittid - ASK God to move the mountains (ie of your obstacles). TRUST in Him to do so; particularly more so than ever, when you are faced with major blocking challenges that appear to overwhelm / stymie / pull you down.
I also really like 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (; however, because of the change in the the T.V. schedule, I will look forward to checking into her encouraging website.
Plus, Rhonda Lazerte (Door of Hope) touched my heart in one of her previous messages, about the 'moving of mountains' / obstacles.
Today has been a full day; and we are about to go out and enjoy the hockey game with my son. It will be a nice evening.
The above photo image is of a Mustard tree!
Until next time.
Peace and God Bless.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
'Baby steps'
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
This is just going to be a brief bit of a post; as Alan and I had an early start to the day. It really feels like a Friday evening to me; so am going to appreciate a quiet night (ie. Watching the hockey games! LOL!).
We have a beautiful calendar from 'Living Truth'(; and just a few tid minutes ago, I opened it up to show the wintery picturesque month of December. Some enlightening words written by Charles Price, jumped right out at me! "You will never prove God in the big areas of life, unless you are living with God in the little areas of life. You cannot leapfrog to victory from nowhere." What a tidbit of encouraging endorsement! Alan and I have been / are living one day at a time; and just today I mentioned to Alan, 'Well, I guess He is having us take 'baby steps' before a major breakthrough!' There are NO bittid coicidences, methinks!
We enjoyed steak (from Costco) the other evening and Alan marinated it for a few days. Amazing how wonderfully the marinade tenderizes and flavourizes the meat. We have stretched the steak into sandwiches for a couple of meals; as we served it 'Chateaubriand' style. In fact I am about to have the 'leftover' sandwich again; along with a full glass of delicious red wine. I have a tidbitz of a head start on the wine; so Skal! Alan will be devouring warmed up in the microwave, the 'leftover' cheese and spicy pizza pieces from last night's dinner. Pizza also is good cold; particularly if you have had a bittidz of a late night.
The red wine, 'Frontera' (Merlot) is from Chile. Recently we ran into an older neighbour in the Liquor Store, and he suggested this wine to us; and not only does it taste good, it is of tremendous value! We also like South African wines, as well as the Marcus James (a red Cabernet) from Argentina. (The Marcus James was sold out in the three different liquor stores we went to; so go figure!) We ended up following our neighbour's (Frank) advice. Frank, has travelled extensively to wineries throughout the world; and he highly recommends the Frontera. We only know our neighbour in passing; however, his eyes sparkled and came vividly to life, when he spoke of this favourable wine. This tete to tete has now opened up the door for a future friendship or camadarie. (As a tid, I have always thought it would be great to own a vineyard...dream never know..that would be something I would LOVE to do! And of course, tasting the wine! LOL!)
Tidbit - 'Do not fret not about tomorrow, for it comes soon enough'. At the moment, can not remember what Biblical passage this Scripture is from; however, more importantly, it is a reassuring comfort to me.
Bittid - Appreciate others; particularly if they have done you a good turn, with 'a generosity of spirit.'
Last week, our next door neighbour gave us a gorgeous indoor plant, that I will take a picture of and post for you, before too bit long. I do not know its name; however, I have always loved this particular pink flowering 'cactus like?' plant. I feel it is 'happy' to be residing in our front hall. Apparently, our neighbour was going to 'throw it out?'; well, it is now 'at home', along with all the other plants, that Alan has 'rescued' from our garbage complex.
Here is wishing you a nice evening! I like the above photo image of two contented puppies!
Good Night, Peace and God Bless.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Keep on smiling in your trekking
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Thought today, I would share this insightful message of encouragement from Joyce Meyer of 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (
Before I do, Alan and I are certainly in the throws of many a 'trial and tribulation' these days. It is as if we finally have something resolved, and then something else comes 'out of left field.' Have to admit, at this time, we are feeling very weary and overcome with all the various bittidz 'out of the blue' obstacles that are being hurled against us. Something 'made me' go and check out Joyce's 'Daily Devotional.' Am glad I did; because this is exactly where Alan and I are at this very tid moment. THANK YOU JOYCE!!!!
So, as a tidbitz, for those of you experiencing some challenging circumstances, hope this serves as a bit of a calming reassurance to your hearts. Here goes:
"Still the Storm'
December 1
"And He arose and rebuked the wind and said to
the sea, Hush now! Be still (muzzled)! And the
wind ceased (sank to rest as if exhausted by
its beating) and there was [immediately] a
great calm (a perfect peacefulness).
— Mark 4:39
When Jesus and the disciples were crossing the lake and a storm arose, the disciples panicked. They were as stormy inside as the tempest around them. But when Jesus spoke “Peace, be still” out of that well of peace within Him, immediately the wind and the waves became calm.
You cannot rebuke the storms in your life if you have a storm raging on the inside of you.We maintain peace by trusting God. Don’t be mad at God because you didn’t get what you prayed for. Don’t be mad at God because your friend got a promotion at work and you didn’t. Don’t be mad at God because your friend got married and you’re still single. Trusting God in every situation is the only way to still the storm within."
Wish I had many more bittids to add; however, at this time, I do not. It is heavy slogging and the words "Trust in the Lord with all your heart", keeps coming back to me (and to Alan); so we 'keep on trekking.'
Christmas (December 25th) is about celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ. The Christmas season is portrayed to be a joyful time (Christmas shopping. parties etc); however, such is not always the bittid case; as there are many people who experience extreme sadness. (loss of loved ones, loss of income, friends, family etc) Given what we are going through, it would appear, that this Christmas will be more of a sombre one than usual. However, Alan and I have made up our minds AND hearts, to be all the more thankful for our tidbits of Blessings; regardless of 'the storms' that are swirling about us.
Upon amusing and bemusing reflections, it is fair to add, that we have more of a tid chance to win a 'lotto' (LOL!); than with the various institutions and certain individuals we have been dealing with thus far (for months). I just came to that bit realization earlier in the day. Today has, indeed, been a sobering and yet enlightening one for us. However, if nothing else, we have dared to try; and we will continue to Rely upon Him to Provide the Solution. 'ALL Things are possible with Him.'
Will close with the above wonderful photo image. Very tidbit true. If you wish, you can refer to my recent posts for extra tidbits and bittids of background.
Peace and God Bless.