Sunday, 26 September 2010

All Things ARE Possible

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been eight days since I last wrote a post. You may wish to refer to that post and perhaps to a few other posts, for a bittidz of background.

From the Bible : Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." That one verse keeps resounding mightily in my heart, and has provided me with much encouragement and hope.

Eventhough, this past week, Alan and I have experienced some unexpected challenges (who hasn't?); there have also been tidbit 'miracles' that have emerged from these 'trials and tribulations.' Eventhough, there has been some 'let downs', disappointments, deception, etc. He has a magnificent way of 'bringing tidbitz things to light', in accordance with His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.

This morning, I watched the Vision Channel and embraced 'Hour of Power' ( - Dr. Robert H. Schuller and Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman. Many great tidbits! Recommend today's insights (every day for that matter!), for those of you who are experiencing sadness, grief, uncertainty, etc; and / or those whom you may know of, who are steeped in 'trials and tribulations'. This ministry also has wonderful guest speakers / interviews; and it is interesting to hear about their life experiences / stories.

ie. Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman: "Today, I'm so excited to introduce to you a woman that I got to know as I read her book, "I Will Carry You: The sacred dance of grief and joy" by Angie Smith. This is a story about a woman and her pregnancy, knowing she's carrying a child that the doctors have told her will not live. Angie is the wife of Todd Smith, the lead singer of the Dove Award winning group Selah. Please welcome with me, Angie Smith."

ie. Angie Smith: "I needed to hear myself say it, in fact I think we all do, but I just said, "My Jesus is the same right now as He was before I walked in that door." And I repeated that over and over again as much to hear the words myself as to say them, but that was what got me through that awful appointment."

ie. Dr. Schuller: "I have a great theme for you today. It's a message title that begins with a verb. Listen: if a sermon starts with a verb, get prepared to make a decision before the end of the message. The verb is wake: "Wake up! God's Dream in You!"

In Dr. Schuller's closing: "So what is your dream? God has a dream for your life. Now the big news is it's not your dream. Its God's dream! This dream is they might find a job, earn some money or do some product or service. God is targeting you. His dream is targeting a dreamer. And the dream will take on a life of its own, if you will let it live in you and not discard it simply because it's impossible. You've got to keep on living, and living is turning impossibilities into possibilities, so go for it. Amen."

Also, Dr. Schuller's positive outlook on 'levels' (ten), are reassuring 'music to my ears!'

On another note, our neighbour volunteered she would 'Pray for us' in Church today. We thought, 'Wow!' That kind comment blew me away! Usually we Pray for others (for ourselves too!)however, this was a generosity of spirit (a Blessing) from our neighbour. We are still enjoying her gorgeous gift of flowers she gave us earlier in the week, to thank us for bringing over a few meals to her. (She had a fall and was not able to accompany her husband on their trip). Plus, our good friend from out of town, stopped by for brunch (prepared by Alan); and this large beautiful floral bouquet added an extra special touch of grace to our table.

Tidbit - 'All Things are possible' with Him. Keep the FAITH.

Bittid - Have a grateful heart and be appreciative for all your Blessings, each and every day.

Also viewed 'Living Truth' ( and Charles Price is always so 'right on' in his teachings. Also with his message on GRACE. (God's Resources / or Riches / or Righteousness At Christ's Expense = GRACE) Methinks, best to listen to his solid sermons as well.

Will look forward to enjoying online 'Enjoying Everyday Life' ( Also, all being well, will watch 'Door of Hope' later tonight. All these ministries have many fine bittids and resources to tune into!

Tomorrow will be an important day for us; as several bittid matters we have been working on, should finally dovetail. Will keep you posted, when we know more.

Love the above photo image of "Seek and Ye Shall Find."

In the meantime, here is wishing you a restful Sunday evening.

Peace and God Bless.

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