Saturday, 18 September 2010


Good Afternoon or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

The week has flown by! Alan and I have had our tidbitz 'noses to the grindstone'; re: exploring various avenues. As of Thursday, we had a few other tidbit options open up, that literally 'came right out of the bittidz blue.' What has been presented thus far, has all been in the bittid 'abstract'; however, now it is a matter of 'waiting patiently' for something more 'concrete' to show up. It would appear that we are at tid 'crossroads'; and therefore, we are 'Waiting upon the Lord', all the more, to help us make the right decisions. We have some major choices to make. Alan and I have done our bit best; however, we also know that we must not rely upon our own understanding. We trust that He has everything in hand; afterall, 'Our Father Knows Best' for each and every one of us; as He loves us all unconditionally; warts and all. That is most reassuring, methinks humbly and happily!

Eventhough, there has been a lot of tidbitz going on, we are doing our best to live one day at a time. He says 'Fret not, for tomorrow comes soon enough.' Therefore, we are heartily appreciative for each and every day; as we have many bittidz Blessings to be thankful for.

In the middle of the night, I was having a 'Prayer dialogue' with Him; and I was 'Guided' to 'get up' to read a Bible passage. It turns out that I was 'Directed' to 1 Samuel, Chapter 16;12-23, re: 'David Anointed.' That Biblical passage gave / gives me such a comforting peace and reassurance. To quote most of Verse 13 - "Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward." Then and there, I received a major ephifany! I had just asked Him for Wisdom and Understanding; and it hit me why David may have had such a 'mighty' zest in his Prayers to Him. The wonderful word, 'MIGHTILY' jumps right out at me! That being said, that may make sense why David was always so mightily exhuberant in his enthusiasm and steadfast faith and trust in Him; knowing that Our Father would Provide MIGHTILY! Mighty food for mighty thought, methinks! Wow, what a tidbit!

I may have mentioned earlier, but I have a 'soft spot' for David; and I have always related (eventhough female) to his attitude! It is slso beneficial to read all the verses (ie 12 -23); as there are many illuminating insights.

Tidbit - Give Him your best today and today only. Tomorrow will take care of itself. 'One day at a time.' When you look back at the past week (or whatever), you just know that He (the Holy Spirit) has been right there with you, in helping you overcome obstacles. So, would He do any MIGHTILY less now?

Bittid - Trust Him to Guide your path; as, 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'

We are totally grateful it is the weekend and we are looking forward to a nice quiet Saturday night at home. Tomorrow morning, we will enjoy the Vision Channel; always much to learn from their enlightening ministerial programs. ie. 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', 'Living Truth', 'Door of Hope' and many others.

Also, another Biblical passage that is a bittid of uplift / encouragement - Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." With everything that is going on in our lives, Alan and I believe that totally.

Oh, our next door neightbour. We brought her over some Shepherd's Pie (a la Costco!) and salad last night for dinner (she was injured from a fall; so alas, she was not able to accompany her husband on their vacation; so she is on her own for the time being), and she in genuine thanks, gave us a batch of her home baked shortbread (delicious!). The gift bag that contained the shortbread cookies, had 'BELIEVE' written on it. There are NO coincidences. 'Love thy neighbour, as thyself.' or 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.' Also, we gave her a long stemmed Queen Elizabeth pink rose from our garden (Alan's TLC suggestion) and she was wonderfully appreciative!

Love the 'mighty' photo image of David and Goliath. The Lord IS our Refuge and Strength!

Peace and God Bless.

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