Saturday, 14 August 2010

Tomato Blessings!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We are thankful it is the weekend! Hurrah! It has been an ongoing series of events; as we have many bittidz 'irons in the fire.' Exploring several options and going 'all out.' So today and tomorrow, we are extra appreciative of 'R & R.' We are resting in Him; as He is our Refuge and Strength.

Here are a few Bible verses that are providing me with empowering encouragement and solidifying my Faith. For those of you, or others you know of, who may be experiencing various 'trials and tribulations,' these may be of good uplifting cheer.

John 15:5 - " I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing."

John 15:7 - " If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you."

Hebrews 11:1 - " Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

Basically, this is where Alan and I are at; totally trusting and leaning upon Him to Provide the Solutions, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. We have also just overcome some major obstacles; and we know that the Holy Spirit has / is Guiding us. Eventhough, there have been some bit moments when 'nothing appeared to be happening', we know He has been at work; and we are infilled with a confident calm, a peace, and a joyfulness of spirit.We are reflecting gratefully too, upon all the Blessings He has given / gives us each and every day.

Alan right now is watering our tidbitz garden; as it is already in the mid 80's. A good friend, who lives out of town, just called us. He will be coming by later for a tidbit visit and a bittid of dinner. He also has received some good news; so he will be bringing some 'bubbly' (beer! LOL!) to celebrate!

The other night (Thursday), our kind neighbour invited us in for a glass of white wine. It was so nice to simply enjoy her and appreciate her lovely patio; particularly on a warm summer's night. She made a refreshingly healthy hor'd'oeuvre; and here is the tasty tidbit gist of it! Yum! She bought several kinds of tomatoes from the local 'Farmers' Market' (I did not know there were so many types of tomatoes - of all stripes and colours!); and she marinated the tomatoes in olive oil, along with capers, chopped sweet basil (from her garden), and a scallion / sweet onion, thinly sliced. It is suggested that the capers (an interesting bittid touch, methinks) should be toasted and then thrown in at the last minute. Our neighbour chose to toss the capers in, 'as is'. (I am with her; however, ii might be good toasted as well). She gave us some beautiful hydrangeas to take home. We have some tid tarragon in our herb garden / veggie patch and she took some, to add to her potato salad recipe re: her luncheon, earlier that day. We were the lucky recipients of the luncheon leftovers of the tomato creation!

Tidbit - 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'

Bittid - 'Love thy neighbour as thyself.'

Am going to go outside and seek the serenity of our garden / patio; along with a freshly brewed cup of coffee. There is a pair of Hummingbirds that grace our flowers; as well as dragonflies, other birds etc. Very tranquil setting.

The above photo image is an inspiration to me. ie. To make a wonderful tomato soup, which is delicious when served chilled.

Tomorrow, I look forward to watching the Vision Channel. Here is wishing you a Happy Weekend.

Peace and God Bless.

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