Monday, 16 August 2010

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yesterday came and went; we embraced the 'Hour of Power' ( and 'Living Truth' ( on the Vision Channel. There are always 'special' ephifanies that I am appreciative of. ie. new tidbitz insights and levels of bittidz info. For those of you who wish a genuine uplift, check into them; as well as other ministries that offer wonderful encouragement.

Today has been a full day. Earlier this afternoon, Alan helped our good friend, to cope with the sudden death of an elderly close friend. His friend had been ill and apart from his ravaged body being totally worn out with cancer, he picked up an infection, which further complicated things. The personal effects had to be picked up (hence Alan's assistance); so that our friend can notify the next of kin, who, happen to live in another province.

Meanwhile, I thought I would tune into 'Enjoying Everyday Life' ( and what a wonderful tidbit experience for me; because I was feeling a bittid down. I normally have watched her on Sunday mornings; but her televised time has changed; from 9:30 am to 6:30 am our time. However, it was / is refreshing to watch her videos / messages online. Thank you, Joyce!

There are NO coincidences here, folks! ie. Joyce starts off, by referring to John 15: 7. Well, that amazing verse with its words, has haunted me for many days; particularly today! Joyce is basically talking about the 'power of words'; and Proverbs 18:21. " Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." is truth. If you wish, please refer to my recent post(s) for tidbits of background.

Late yesterday afternoon, we received news that an offer is in the works for our home. As much as we wish to remain here, this is a prudent way to resolve everything. We have turned everything over to Him; because - simply, He knows BEST - for each and very one of us.

The 'melt down' has not helped our business; and yet, we are looking to Him to turn eveything around - as per His Will, His Purpose, His Plan. Challenges and all; 'We Praise Him in All Things'. He says: 'Fear Not, For I have OVERCOME the world'. Therefore, if we sell our home, we will then be able to solidify our business with the proceeds. We will rent for a year or so; and then, when we have 're - entrenched', we will be in a better position to 'cherry pick', as the saying goes. I have always felt, that 'the world is your oyster,' as I am always an optimist. However, more importantly, is focusing all the more upon Him, to Provide the Solution.

Tidbit - The expression: 'Short term pain, for long term gain.' Very true!

Bittid - Be thankful and appreciative for your daily Blessings. Treat each day like a 'mini thanksgiving!'

Love the above lush photo image (very Bohemian and relaxed to me!) Alan just poured me a glass of white wine (AFrican); it hits the spot! It has been a warm day. Skal!

Will keep you posted, when we have some more bittids to share.

Peace and God Bless.

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