Wednesday, 25 August 2010

An addendum to 'A dear friend remembered'

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greetiing to you, in your part of the world!

This is a bit of an addendum to yesterday's post 'A dear friend remembered.'

Upon tid reflection, certainly it is genuine question of interest / good will to ask people, "How is life treating you?"

However, it tidbit hit me that our good friend treated his life with rich enthusiam and lived it to the fullest. Even as he lay dying, he was courageous and brave. Also, it is a matter of how you treat others. "Love one another as I have loved You"; and "Love thy neighbour, as thyself."

Methinks this is also, why our friend is so dearly loved and will be greatly missed; because he had such a caring and warm heart towards others. He left many friends around the world.

Tidbit - Life is too short. Work towards reconciliations, improving friendships, relationships etc. Since none of us know when our time is up, appreciate each and every day; so that in the end, you 'go out well.'

Our friend did that. He had a wonderfully positive disposition and a true zestful zeal for life. He LIVED; he chose not to just exist.

Bittid - Random acts of kindness, a gentle word / compliment, and / or a warm smile go a long way. Be a genuine Blessing to others. You never know how that might change someone's outlook or outcome of their daily lives. Plus, you feel uplifted as well.

Yes, our friend was very wise for his young years. Last night, while we appreciatively had dinner out on our patio, we did an 'Absent Friends' Toast (a lovely old Norwegian custom)to our friend. He taught me much; and eventhough he lived in another part of the world, he made a heartfelt impact on all those he met.

A closing bittid, 'Praise Him In ALL Things'; regardless of your circumstances. Plus, it is never too late to Invite Him (Christ) in to your heart. 'Seek and Ye Shall Find.' He will Guide and Direct your Path ('He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'). Lean upon Him,(not upon your own understandings); of course do your part; but TRUST Him to Provide the rest. Ask Him to Help with sadness, grief, disappointments, etc. I know our young friend went 'out well.'

I really like the photo image; methinks, it gives a calm and comforting good cheer.

Peace and God Bless.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

A dear friend remembered

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today, I am feeling very sad. A good friend of ours just passed away. We last saw him approximately three years ago; and for the last few days (since Thursday / Friday), I had been thinking about him and wondering how he was. I thought, send him an email and ask him how 'life is treating him' etc.

Well, the weekend came and went. (On Sunday morning, I watched the Vision Channel; made some notes and will share a few tidbits re: 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth' at a later stage).

In the middle of last night 'something' prompted me to get up out of our bed and head straight for the computer. Alas, there was an email that expressed some very sad news. The friend I was thinking about, had just passed away. I thought, immediately, 'NO WAY' - but unfortunately, he had been ravaged with cancer for the last two years; and apparently had fought a good and brave fight right to the very end. So today is an especially sad one. Our friend was only in his mid forties; and to boot, he was an extra special person with many gifts. He was ageless and he had many friends throughout the globe. We are honoured that we had the opportunity to have him as a friend.

I am thinking, 'how is life treating him'; well, methinks he 'treated life to the fullest!' He was a rare treat, touched many hearts, and he knew that whenever he came to our part of the world, he had a place to stay.

Since this tragic news, a number of us who are friends of his, have been in touch with each other via email. Because of this, a genuine circle of comforting friendship is evolving, in loving rememberance of him.

All the other bittids that Alan and I have been / are working on, is still on the front burners; however, today's news has been a bit of a major sobering effect.

I wish I could add a tid more; but at the moment, am going to sign off. We are going to propose a toast - ie. An 'Absent Friend's Skal' to our newly departed friend.

Will write a post before too long.

Peace and God Bless.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yesterday came and went; we embraced the 'Hour of Power' ( and 'Living Truth' ( on the Vision Channel. There are always 'special' ephifanies that I am appreciative of. ie. new tidbitz insights and levels of bittidz info. For those of you who wish a genuine uplift, check into them; as well as other ministries that offer wonderful encouragement.

Today has been a full day. Earlier this afternoon, Alan helped our good friend, to cope with the sudden death of an elderly close friend. His friend had been ill and apart from his ravaged body being totally worn out with cancer, he picked up an infection, which further complicated things. The personal effects had to be picked up (hence Alan's assistance); so that our friend can notify the next of kin, who, happen to live in another province.

Meanwhile, I thought I would tune into 'Enjoying Everyday Life' ( and what a wonderful tidbit experience for me; because I was feeling a bittid down. I normally have watched her on Sunday mornings; but her televised time has changed; from 9:30 am to 6:30 am our time. However, it was / is refreshing to watch her videos / messages online. Thank you, Joyce!

There are NO coincidences here, folks! ie. Joyce starts off, by referring to John 15: 7. Well, that amazing verse with its words, has haunted me for many days; particularly today! Joyce is basically talking about the 'power of words'; and Proverbs 18:21. " Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." is truth. If you wish, please refer to my recent post(s) for tidbits of background.

Late yesterday afternoon, we received news that an offer is in the works for our home. As much as we wish to remain here, this is a prudent way to resolve everything. We have turned everything over to Him; because - simply, He knows BEST - for each and very one of us.

The 'melt down' has not helped our business; and yet, we are looking to Him to turn eveything around - as per His Will, His Purpose, His Plan. Challenges and all; 'We Praise Him in All Things'. He says: 'Fear Not, For I have OVERCOME the world'. Therefore, if we sell our home, we will then be able to solidify our business with the proceeds. We will rent for a year or so; and then, when we have 're - entrenched', we will be in a better position to 'cherry pick', as the saying goes. I have always felt, that 'the world is your oyster,' as I am always an optimist. However, more importantly, is focusing all the more upon Him, to Provide the Solution.

Tidbit - The expression: 'Short term pain, for long term gain.' Very true!

Bittid - Be thankful and appreciative for your daily Blessings. Treat each day like a 'mini thanksgiving!'

Love the above lush photo image (very Bohemian and relaxed to me!) Alan just poured me a glass of white wine (AFrican); it hits the spot! It has been a warm day. Skal!

Will keep you posted, when we have some more bittids to share.

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Tomato Blessings!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We are thankful it is the weekend! Hurrah! It has been an ongoing series of events; as we have many bittidz 'irons in the fire.' Exploring several options and going 'all out.' So today and tomorrow, we are extra appreciative of 'R & R.' We are resting in Him; as He is our Refuge and Strength.

Here are a few Bible verses that are providing me with empowering encouragement and solidifying my Faith. For those of you, or others you know of, who may be experiencing various 'trials and tribulations,' these may be of good uplifting cheer.

John 15:5 - " I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing."

John 15:7 - " If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you."

Hebrews 11:1 - " Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

Basically, this is where Alan and I are at; totally trusting and leaning upon Him to Provide the Solutions, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. We have also just overcome some major obstacles; and we know that the Holy Spirit has / is Guiding us. Eventhough, there have been some bit moments when 'nothing appeared to be happening', we know He has been at work; and we are infilled with a confident calm, a peace, and a joyfulness of spirit.We are reflecting gratefully too, upon all the Blessings He has given / gives us each and every day.

Alan right now is watering our tidbitz garden; as it is already in the mid 80's. A good friend, who lives out of town, just called us. He will be coming by later for a tidbit visit and a bittid of dinner. He also has received some good news; so he will be bringing some 'bubbly' (beer! LOL!) to celebrate!

The other night (Thursday), our kind neighbour invited us in for a glass of white wine. It was so nice to simply enjoy her and appreciate her lovely patio; particularly on a warm summer's night. She made a refreshingly healthy hor'd'oeuvre; and here is the tasty tidbit gist of it! Yum! She bought several kinds of tomatoes from the local 'Farmers' Market' (I did not know there were so many types of tomatoes - of all stripes and colours!); and she marinated the tomatoes in olive oil, along with capers, chopped sweet basil (from her garden), and a scallion / sweet onion, thinly sliced. It is suggested that the capers (an interesting bittid touch, methinks) should be toasted and then thrown in at the last minute. Our neighbour chose to toss the capers in, 'as is'. (I am with her; however, ii might be good toasted as well). She gave us some beautiful hydrangeas to take home. We have some tid tarragon in our herb garden / veggie patch and she took some, to add to her potato salad recipe re: her luncheon, earlier that day. We were the lucky recipients of the luncheon leftovers of the tomato creation!

Tidbit - 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'

Bittid - 'Love thy neighbour as thyself.'

Am going to go outside and seek the serenity of our garden / patio; along with a freshly brewed cup of coffee. There is a pair of Hummingbirds that grace our flowers; as well as dragonflies, other birds etc. Very tranquil setting.

The above photo image is an inspiration to me. ie. To make a wonderful tomato soup, which is delicious when served chilled.

Tomorrow, I look forward to watching the Vision Channel. Here is wishing you a Happy Weekend.

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Appreciate your Blessings to the hilt!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a tidbitz of awhile since I have written a post (last one was Tuesday, July 27th). As the expression goes: 'Time flies, when you are having a good time.' Well, we have been having quite the time alright - filled with beaucoup de 'trials and tribulations.' However, we continue to remain hopeful and positive; and have focused all the more attention upon Him; knowing that He, Our Father, Knows Best (for each and every one of us; He loves us all unconditionally!). It is His Will; not ours. So, in a bittidz nutshell, we have 'thrown everything upon Him' and trust that He will Provide as per His Will, His Purpose, His Plan. We are 'fluid'; if you will; and just simply 'waiting PATIENTLY upon the Lord' for His Provision. Sometimes 'easier said, than done'; however, that is the way of it.

To recap a bittid. We have been recently introduced to some other options; so this week will be a full one for us. We have not lost tidbit sight either, that there may still be a potential offer (for our home) in the mix; however, we will also pursue / explore these other doors that have opened to us.

Today, we have totally been immersed in enjoying the quietness of a rainy Sunday; just been puttzing / puttering appreciatively about our home. Presently, I am listening to some Celtic music, and it strikes such a soothing cord deep within me. (Eventhough, I am a Canadian, I also have a mix of Norwegian and Irish blood (from the blood parents); so I naturally am drawn to the hauntingly beautiful lyrical sounds).

On Friday evening (in the middle of the night), it started to rain; as was the weather forecast. (We needed the rain). I went outside and put away our patio cushions and the dog rug; appreciating all the while the gentle rain and the soft winds upon my face and skin. Blessings in abundance, methinks!

Eventhough, we have 'obstacle courses' before us, Alan and I are 'happy.' Even our good friend who visited us the other day, could not believe how we could still be content, with all that has been happening (or not) re: our circumstances. We 'Praise Him In ALL Things'; and we KNOW that by being genuinely appreciative, grateful, and thankful for all our Blessings, this helps us to survive each day. Eventhough we do not understand the 'why's' of what is going on (or not), we have left / are leaving everything to Him. I have asked Him for an 'extra dose of the Holy Spirit' to indwell within us; so that He can give us Guidance, Wisdom, Understanding, Grace, and Solution.

Last night my son and I went to see the Cirque Du Soleil. Wow! Are they ever fantastic performers! They have, indeed, been Blessed with special 'gifts' methinks! I will forever cherish the evening; and I am greatly appreciative of the special and fun time he and I spent together. It was a pre birthday treat / gift; and I am exhuberantly grateful. My son came over for dinner first for Alan's creative cheese / peppers pizza and my healthy green salad (which included fresh chives and parsley grown from our garden produce). It was a delight to sit at our dining room table, listening to music (the same Celtic music! LOL!) and we also appreciated the colourful bouquet of flowers that my son gave us, as they refreshingly graced our table.

Tidbit - Life is preciously short. Make the most of it. Particularly with family.

Alan and I 'lost our Mums' (to cancer) and we miss them. So, as a Bittid - enjoy your Mums / Dads / Grandparents / siblings / children / grandchildren etc. because you never know when your time or their time is up.

This morning on the Vision Channel, I watched and embraced 'Hour of Power' and 'Living Truth.' (I will be viewing 'Enjoying Everyday Life' online, as the program is on at a different time on Sunday mornings). I recommend as a Tidbit, for those of you who truly want hope, encouragement, and to be uplifted both in spirit and knowledge, to tune into ''; ''; and ''. There are also other wonderful ministries. ie. 'Door of Hope', 'Tonorrow's World', and so forth.

On 'Hour of Power', it was just what the 'doctor odered'; music to my ears! Methinks, NO coincidence, here folks! Pastor Sheila Schuller Coleman wonderfully shares about a 'tug of war' about 'wills.' ie. It has everything to do with His Will; NOT ours. Psalm 37:4 - "Delight yourselves in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart". Like her heart was touched, those very words reached my heart as well!

On 'Living Truth', Charles Price (whose solid teachings we appreciate!) referred also to John 15:5 - "I am the vine; you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing." So very true!

Bittid - Appreciate your Blessings; regardless of your current situation(s). Rely upon Him; Abide in Him; and Rest in Him; Trust Him with ALL your heart. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'

Hope this gives you a bit of an uplift; as it does to me. Eventhough we have our turbulences / challenges / 'tests', we remain steadfast; and will endure whatever unfolds, as per His Will, His Purpose, His Plan.

Am about to appreciate a tid of pea soup for dinner; a perfect meal for a rainy night. Love the above photo image of the soaring and confident eagle!

Peace and God Bless.