Sunday, 25 April 2010

A rainbow delight!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Just reviewed my most recent two posts; and saw that the date of the latest post, was in error. I corrected it to show up, as Friday, April 23rd. I guess I forgot to change the date / time frame option.

The weather between then and now has been like a teetering / tottering 'see saw' - back and forth with April Showers galore, and then followed by brilliant massive rays of sunshine. We have been fighting a bit of a flu? bug; so we have appreciated this quiet weekend.

This morning approx 5:00 am, I heard the chirping cheerful sounds of the birds; always a happy heralding of Spring to me! We are grateful too, for the increasing hours of daylight; starting with the beauty of the dawn, and ending with the colourful glory of majestic sunsets. We enjoy sitting on our bittid balcony in the evenings; and we reflect thankfully upon the Blessings, that we have been given in abundance!

Also, this morning, I watched and embraced the Vision Channel - ie. 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoyng Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'. These international ministries have so much to offer - ie their insights, messages of encouragement, and solid Biblical teachings. I gained many tidbits of 'ephifanies' from the three programs today; and I will share a few bittids tomorrow and throughout the week.

If you wish to learn more ('Seek and Ye Shall Find'), best you tune into these ministries for yourselves, so you can receive your own tidbit 'ephifanies'. eg. On 'Hour of Power', when guest speaker, Jim Penner (Executive Producer of 'Hour of Power'), speaks about a 'miracle', Alan and I joyfully relate to his message; as we experienced an awesome WOW ( "WOW = Walking on Water" as he says) 'miracle' last Friday (See post of April 16th, if you wish). Basically, he shares the 'Three T's of a Powerful Faith'. - 1) "TAKE your eyes off your circumstances." 2) "TURN your circumstances over to God." 3) "TRUST God with the results."

Tidbit - Always Trust in the Lord. 'Praise Him In ALL Things.'

Bittid - When you Give Him genuine Thanks (in all circumstances), you immediately are uplifted; as if a huge burden has been removed from your shoulders / heart. The more you maintain a steadfast attitude of gratitude and thanks, it is easier to Pray and to Rely Upon Him to Guide your Path; as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'

If you wish, you can refer to Tuesday's, April 13th post, 'Reflective Thanks'. I took a picture of our tid delicate antique Fenton vase, filled with freshly cut flowers from the lush gardens that surround our complex. Here is another bittid photo of this unusual vase; as well as some elephants (one of 2 'modern' bookends; as well as an early 19th Century letter box / compartment - sentimental and historical to me, as it was from the era of my great great great grandparents!). I have always loved elephants! Also, the 'rainbow' prism in the background is a surprise tidbit Blessing, methinks!

Here is wishing you a restful and tranquil Sunday evening.

Peace and God Bless.

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