Wednesday, 7 April 2010


Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have been on the bit go and it has been all to the good! We thoroughly enjoyed our Easter breakfast / brunch with my son, my daughter, our son-in-law, and our grandchildren. We prepared a tasty casserole consisting of back bacon, slices of strong cheddar cheese, bread, egg / veggie combination, and cereal all mixed in together, as well as an accompanying mini healthy fruit salad. My son brought over some delicious cinnamon buns (we also had some hot cross buns on hand; ie even chocolate hot cross buns); and my daughter gave us a beautiful red, pink, and white rose plant, which we will ultimately plant in the garden. Be it here, or if we move, in a new garden.

We have been working on a number of tidbit options; and a few more came 'out of the blue' yesterday. Today, we read a bittid from the free booklet that 'Living Truth' mails out to us each and every month. Charles Price's ministry provides a daily journal of encouragement re: our journey in Christ. Here are some wonderful and enlightening tidbits / quotes from Nancy Leigh Demoss. I heartily recommend subscribing to 'Our Journey', by 'Living Truth'; as there are empowering messages for each and every day!

"THERE'S NOTHING WRONG with being totally honest with God, coming before Him with our hurts and our pains and intercessions, imploring Him to help and heal."
"BUT PRAYER IS more than asking. It is a vehicle of worship and gratitude."
"THINK ABOUT THE overall makeup of your prayers. Are they out of balance in favour of asking and seeking? Are they top-heavy with complaints about your current condition or circumstances? Or - even in those times when you feel a desperate need for God's action and intervention - do your prayers include expressions of gratitude?"
"THESE ARE IMPORTANT questions to ask of ourselves; not to discourage honesty or deny reality, but to help train our hearts to see that all that concerns us within the context of God's goodness and blessing. We must not forget His benefits while dealing with our problems. Even before His answer is in sight, thank Him - for being there, for listening, for working all things according to His will."

With the various projects Alan and I have been involved with, these words in today's reading, have made a huge impact upon my soul. With everything going on, and not sure of our immediate future, I just keep saying 'THANK YOU' to Him; knowing He has our best interests at heart. That goes for each and every one of us; so take heart and have the Trust and Faith in Him, that He will provide what is best for you. We are going with the flow; in Accordance with His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. We have 'cast all our cares upon Him'; and we are joyfully grateful and thankful for all our Blessings, regardless of circumstances.

Also, having experienced various bittids of challenges, we can appreciatively reflect upon Him; knowing He has Helped us overcome past obstacles. So, would He do any less with the present and or in future situations? (That goes for all of us!). The Biblical message,"Fear Not, For I have overcome the world", impact and offer much comfort and solace. During these uncertain times, 'He IS our Refuge and Strength.'

Hope you feel a tid of an uplift after reading today's post. A few days ago, I took this 'Eastery' picture from our bedroom window; showing the tall glorious pink Camelia tree, as well as some other colourful flowers from nearby trees. He really IS magnificent with all His many awesome creations; and to think that He created the Universe in six days! Wow!

Peace and God Bless.

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