Friday, 2 April 2010

Easter Blessings in Abundance!

Good Morning or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

My goodness, almost a week has passed, since I last wrote a post! These six days have just flown by! Alan and I have been 'on our tid toes' (as a good friend put it!) with several showings on our home throughout this week. Even on Wednesday morning, when I thought I would take a bit of an R & R breather; we were surprised by the ring of our doorbell. It turns out it was a realtor with clients, wanting to view our home! Well, within fifteen minutes, the coast was clear to accomodate them. Our realtor and his assistant each thought the other was going to be there to open the door; plus they thought they had notified us. There were more showings in the afternoon, as well as yesterday. Suffice to say, there is a lot of interest.

We are also working on other tidbitz options; so it all depends on what takes place. Profound! LOL! We are going with the flow as to what unravels. We are joyful, relaxed, and we have the Faith that He KNOWS what is best for us. That goes for each and every one of us!

Today, is Good Friday; and this is the day Christ was crucified for our sins. We are Abiding in Him; as He is our Refuge and Strength, and we have everything to be thankful for! "Praise Him In ALL Things!"

Tidbit - When things, events, circumstances, life appear to be overwhelming, step back. Take a trusting rest in Him and ALLOW Him to Provide your needs, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. Continue to endure and to steadily focus upon Him; do not let bittidz obstacles distract you; rather KNOW that He has the Solution in hand. When you 'cast all your cares upon Him', you feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from you.

Bittid - Communication is constantly important. If there is a misunderstanding or something is unclear, work through it (with His Help), and keep a diplomatic / optimistic outlook all the while. Turn a less positive situation into a more positive one! There is far less stress; and 'keeping it simple' works best.

The picture, is of the lovely wicker basket (actually a turquoise / teal colour) that Alan 'rescued' in our complex garbage bin; and essentially there is nothing wrong with the planter. To us, it is a 'found' treasure; and it looks 'right at home', in our front hall. The beautiful Easter Lily is from our special floral friend; who voluntarily gave us a reduced price; as he really wanted us to have it. Also, as seen on the floor, are more 'rescued' items that were 'found treasures' at different times. ie. A clay container, and now a revived shiny foliaged plant.

On Easter Sunday, we are having an Easter Brunch with my son, my daughter, her husband, and their twin boys, age three years. We are looking forward to spending some time with them! Our close friends have invited us for Easter dinner; so it will be an extra special day!

We have some thriving hydrangea; so we will be giving some bittid clippings to our grandchildren (they can watch it grow), as well as to our kind friends. Also, we will do the same re: our flourishing strawberry plant, as it has multiplied forth into several shoots. We will wrap the green paper (as seen in the Easter Lily) around four plastic pots, to create tidbit gifts.

Here is wishing you Blessings in abundance, on this special day and throughout the Easter weekend / festivities.

Peace and God Bless.

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