Tuesday, 27 April 2010

An evening reflection

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Earlier today, we read a tidbitz excerpt from 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - www.livingtruth.ca) and it was just 'what the doctor ordered.' ie. Remembering to Say "Thank You". Many words of truth were suggested in the readings today. All areas caught my attention; but "In Approaching God" really hit home to me. ie. "In approaching God - to ask for new blessings, we should never forget to thank Him for the blessings He has already given. Have you recently come to God for help and He came through for you? Did you come back to say "Thank you"?

Well, we had that wonderful tidbit experience where He came through on April 16th (Tou can refer to that post 'Grateful and Thankful!'). We know too, that He has come through many a time for us; ie 'Fear Not, For I have overcome the world."

Today, we had a 'showing' - actually TWO groups came through to see our home, which is currently up for sale. Both groups LOVED our home; which is a pleasant change; because in the past, we have received negative bittid comments, that we question. We also took out the 'leaf' in our dining room table; so that allowed a more spacious path; as opposed to a 'trail'. Also, our garden is looking extra 'spiffy' today; as Alan applied the topsoil to our beds; and it is amazing what a fresh clean batch of top soil will do! Everyone loved our bittidz garden and the privacy factor; and it is so true -'location, location, location.'

Our agent's listing is coming up by the end of the month; and we are not sure whether we will let it lapse, or to renew with him. Today, however, is good news.

We also have some other bit 'irons in the fire"; so it really depends on what happens or not, within the next few days; and thus we will be better equipped to make a solid decision.

Also last night, we received a phone call about one of our projects; and the call re validated to us, that we have been on the 'right track'' albeit slow.

Tidbit - 'Keep on trekking.' Do NOT give up on your dreams; even if you are feeling extremely downtrodden and overwhelmed. 'Turn everything over to Him'. Let Him resolve your circumstances; 'Rely Upon Him.' It is just having the strength to 'cast all your cares upon Him.' ASK Him to HELP you LEAN UPON HIM.

Bittid - Appreciate the good that has come out of not so good. KNOW and TRUST that He has a GOOD Plan and Purpose for you. He LOVES each and every one of us unconditionally! That is huge; in understanding that; and that Christ died for us. All our sins have been forgiven and KNOW that. 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

We have been experiencing 'April Showers' throughout the day; but at the tid moment, there is brilliant abounding sunshine! We have much to be thankful for; and we will look forward to enjoying our bittid balcony patio in the next short while and this evening. All the spring flowers are rising in their splendour and the rhododendrons are taking on a full majestic colourful bloom!

We are Abiding in Him; and we know He is Abiding in us. He is our Strength and Refuge.

Recently took the above picture of one of the flowering plants in our complex (azalea?) as the gentle colours 'spoke' to me.

Peace and God Bless.

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