Thursday, 29 April 2010

Thankful for the evening

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been another full bittidz day; and we are thankful the day has come and gone. It is a gorgeous Spring evening to boot and in between the hockey playoff periods, we will enjoy sitting outside on our bedroom balcony, and appreciating the ultimate beautiful sunset.

The showing was postponed until tomorrow. Just as well, as we had a full plate today; which also included a quick afternoon jaunt to Costco. We had our large calculator, which helps keep us on track; however, we did find 'room' for a few savoury tidbitz treats. ie. Dad's Oatmeal Cookies, in a big box, 48 packages of two, thus 92 cookies in total! Mmmmm! That brought out the little 'child in me'; as I remember the days with Dad's Oatmeal Cookies, along with the collectible 'cut outs' on the back of the box. LOL! Also,'on special', there was a Sundried Tomato Oil; and methinks this would serve as a delicious marinade / sauce when barbecuing salmon / and or other savoury seafood. Also, we happen to have some French Baguettes in our freezer; so the pieces of French Bread should be very tasty for dipping in this 'special' Sunfried Tomato Oil.

Tomorrow, we have a number of tid things on the go. In between things, we may be seeing my daughter and our twin grandsons mid morning / mid day for a bit of lunch (maybe a picnic in the park); and then later in the day our good friend will pop over to celebrate her belated birthday. We have the 'bubbly on chill' as well as the Costco quiche appies in our freezer. Our friend will stay on for 'Al's Pizza' (I affectionately refer to it as that); so it will be a relaxing and joyful way to end the week.

My Dad passed away on April 30, 1998. If you wish, you can refer to my posts from 2007, 2008, and 2009 in memory of him. Eventhough he has been gone for all these years, it does not seem that long; almost as if he is still here with us. I miss him. He was a wonderful man; beloved by many. Alan even suggested that with all our 'trials and tribulations' we have been battling through, wouldn't it be 'poetic' if we received some 'good news' tomorrow (the 30th)? Now, that would, indeed, be a serendipitous miracle, methinks!

Also, there is the showing; the people are quite interested. Regardless, we will have to make some decisions, depending on all what happens tomorrow. If you wish, you can refer to my last few posts for a bittid of details.

Hope this (and earlier posts) have given you a tidbit of an uplift and enthusiastic encouragement. Skal, with a glass of South African red wine!

The above lovely photo was sent to me by my friend, who has a bountiful beautiful garden; almost like a magnificent paradise. These are of her gorgeous purple rhodos; and we happen to have one such blooming rhodo, at the beginning of our walkway! A wonderful time of year; where everything is so vividly fresh in budding colour! Alan and I think, that this particular year has been awesome; in that everything appears to be so lush and healthy.

Am now going out to catch the start of a glowing and majestic sunset. 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'

Peace and God Bless.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

'God with the flow'

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

This is just going to be a short bit post tonight; as it has been a full tid day for us. We are appreciative that it is evening and now we can rest; as well as being thankful for all our daily Blessings that He has given us.

Earlier in the day, I was writing a dear friend and I made a bittidz typo error; however maybe not. To quote: "It depends what happens too, with the other 'irons in the fire'; so, we really do not know our plan; save that we are just going to 'god with the flow'. We should have more of an idea within the next few days (we hope). We have turned everything over to Him; as we have done our best with what has been available." Meant to say / type 'go with the flow'; however,'god with the flow' sums it up in a tidbitz. I have now changed it to 'God with the flow!'

We have another showing tomorrow on our home; and the house and garden is looking good. As mentioned, we just have to 'keep on trekking' and continue to have the Faith, Hope, and Trust in Him, that He will Prevail; as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.' He has helped us overcome past obstacles; so would He do any less now? I keep thinking too, of the 'miracle', as shared in my April 16th post; should any of you wish to refer to it. Methinks, 'Go with God and His Flow' is more like it!

Love the above photo image; that is Alan and I tonight.

Peace and God Bless.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

An evening reflection

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Earlier today, we read a tidbitz excerpt from 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - and it was just 'what the doctor ordered.' ie. Remembering to Say "Thank You". Many words of truth were suggested in the readings today. All areas caught my attention; but "In Approaching God" really hit home to me. ie. "In approaching God - to ask for new blessings, we should never forget to thank Him for the blessings He has already given. Have you recently come to God for help and He came through for you? Did you come back to say "Thank you"?

Well, we had that wonderful tidbit experience where He came through on April 16th (Tou can refer to that post 'Grateful and Thankful!'). We know too, that He has come through many a time for us; ie 'Fear Not, For I have overcome the world."

Today, we had a 'showing' - actually TWO groups came through to see our home, which is currently up for sale. Both groups LOVED our home; which is a pleasant change; because in the past, we have received negative bittid comments, that we question. We also took out the 'leaf' in our dining room table; so that allowed a more spacious path; as opposed to a 'trail'. Also, our garden is looking extra 'spiffy' today; as Alan applied the topsoil to our beds; and it is amazing what a fresh clean batch of top soil will do! Everyone loved our bittidz garden and the privacy factor; and it is so true -'location, location, location.'

Our agent's listing is coming up by the end of the month; and we are not sure whether we will let it lapse, or to renew with him. Today, however, is good news.

We also have some other bit 'irons in the fire"; so it really depends on what happens or not, within the next few days; and thus we will be better equipped to make a solid decision.

Also last night, we received a phone call about one of our projects; and the call re validated to us, that we have been on the 'right track'' albeit slow.

Tidbit - 'Keep on trekking.' Do NOT give up on your dreams; even if you are feeling extremely downtrodden and overwhelmed. 'Turn everything over to Him'. Let Him resolve your circumstances; 'Rely Upon Him.' It is just having the strength to 'cast all your cares upon Him.' ASK Him to HELP you LEAN UPON HIM.

Bittid - Appreciate the good that has come out of not so good. KNOW and TRUST that He has a GOOD Plan and Purpose for you. He LOVES each and every one of us unconditionally! That is huge; in understanding that; and that Christ died for us. All our sins have been forgiven and KNOW that. 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

We have been experiencing 'April Showers' throughout the day; but at the tid moment, there is brilliant abounding sunshine! We have much to be thankful for; and we will look forward to enjoying our bittid balcony patio in the next short while and this evening. All the spring flowers are rising in their splendour and the rhododendrons are taking on a full majestic colourful bloom!

We are Abiding in Him; and we know He is Abiding in us. He is our Strength and Refuge.

Recently took the above picture of one of the flowering plants in our complex (azalea?) as the gentle colours 'spoke' to me.

Peace and God Bless.

Monday, 26 April 2010

A quiet and restful evening

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have had an active tidbitz day; and have called it a day. We just treated ourselves to ordering in a 'dinner for two'; and it was a wonderfully appreciated tidbit treat - as if we had gone out to dinner; except that we could relax in the comfort of our own home! Watching the NHL playoff games to boot! A glass of red vino or two, was a nice added bittidz touch after a full day.

Want to let you know that I have not forgotten about sharing a few bittids from the Vision Channel programs that I embraced yesterday. You can refer to yesterday's post if you wish; and / or even the post before. However, I repeat, that to receive your own tidbits of clarity and knowledge, it is better to check into these awesome insightful sites for yourselves.

Today, we have been deluged with 'April Showers'; and eveything looks so freshly lush, green, and healthy. The rhododendrums are now starting to bloom; and I will take a few bittid pictures before too long. We planted two in front of our home last year; and their colours of vivid fuschia pink and blood red are exquisite contrasts!

Tidbit - Appreciate a quiet and restful evening, after a productive day. Be thankful too, for all your daily Blessings.

Bittid - Know when to 'call it a day'; and just simply relax. The other pressing matters can wait. Plus, 'no need to fret about tomorrow; as it will be here soon enough.' 'Cast all your cares upon Him.' So, when anything and everything appears to be overwhelming, just 'throw all your burdens upon Him.' He does carry them for you, if you ASK. Also, Prayers of Grateful Thanks and joyful Praise to Him, helps provide you with a good night's solid sleep and sound rest.

We are glad to be home for the night; love the above cosy photo image! Also, we are about to watch a movie, so here is wishing you a nice evening and 'Good Night.'

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

A rainbow delight!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Just reviewed my most recent two posts; and saw that the date of the latest post, was in error. I corrected it to show up, as Friday, April 23rd. I guess I forgot to change the date / time frame option.

The weather between then and now has been like a teetering / tottering 'see saw' - back and forth with April Showers galore, and then followed by brilliant massive rays of sunshine. We have been fighting a bit of a flu? bug; so we have appreciated this quiet weekend.

This morning approx 5:00 am, I heard the chirping cheerful sounds of the birds; always a happy heralding of Spring to me! We are grateful too, for the increasing hours of daylight; starting with the beauty of the dawn, and ending with the colourful glory of majestic sunsets. We enjoy sitting on our bittid balcony in the evenings; and we reflect thankfully upon the Blessings, that we have been given in abundance!

Also, this morning, I watched and embraced the Vision Channel - ie. 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoyng Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'. These international ministries have so much to offer - ie their insights, messages of encouragement, and solid Biblical teachings. I gained many tidbits of 'ephifanies' from the three programs today; and I will share a few bittids tomorrow and throughout the week.

If you wish to learn more ('Seek and Ye Shall Find'), best you tune into these ministries for yourselves, so you can receive your own tidbit 'ephifanies'. eg. On 'Hour of Power', when guest speaker, Jim Penner (Executive Producer of 'Hour of Power'), speaks about a 'miracle', Alan and I joyfully relate to his message; as we experienced an awesome WOW ( "WOW = Walking on Water" as he says) 'miracle' last Friday (See post of April 16th, if you wish). Basically, he shares the 'Three T's of a Powerful Faith'. - 1) "TAKE your eyes off your circumstances." 2) "TURN your circumstances over to God." 3) "TRUST God with the results."

Tidbit - Always Trust in the Lord. 'Praise Him In ALL Things.'

Bittid - When you Give Him genuine Thanks (in all circumstances), you immediately are uplifted; as if a huge burden has been removed from your shoulders / heart. The more you maintain a steadfast attitude of gratitude and thanks, it is easier to Pray and to Rely Upon Him to Guide your Path; as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'

If you wish, you can refer to Tuesday's, April 13th post, 'Reflective Thanks'. I took a picture of our tid delicate antique Fenton vase, filled with freshly cut flowers from the lush gardens that surround our complex. Here is another bittid photo of this unusual vase; as well as some elephants (one of 2 'modern' bookends; as well as an early 19th Century letter box / compartment - sentimental and historical to me, as it was from the era of my great great great grandparents!). I have always loved elephants! Also, the 'rainbow' prism in the background is a surprise tidbit Blessing, methinks!

Here is wishing you a restful and tranquil Sunday evening.

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 23 April 2010

A nice night to be home!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

My last post ('Grateful and Thankful!') was last Friday, April 16th, and my apologies for not writing til tid now. The days have 'swooshed' by; to suffice, our plates have been / are full.

Writing of 'full', our garden / patio are now 'in abundance' with a buzzing life of thriving flowers, plants, and veggies! Thanks to Sunday afternoon, when we went out to our favourite farm 'in the country'.

Also, today, we went back to our favourite 'farm' and came back with the additional veggie herbs of Cherry Tomatoes ('Sweet Million' - I like the name! LOL!), some Romaine & Boston Butter Lettuces, as well as Dill to our bittid veggie patch. Also, a dozen extra large brown farm eggs! Mmmmmm! A treat, indeed, methinks! Also, found some 'Sweet Basil'; which is protected indoors, via our kitchen table, until the outdoor temperatures are a bit warmer.

En route to our favorite 'farm', there was another nursery that had tons of soil, ready for the shovelling. Alan shovelled and filled five large bags of soil (cost effective!), which included a mixture of garden soil, mushroom manure, compost soil, and topsoil. These blends of soils will serve as a healthy nutritional touch to our existing soil beds.

This last week has been an extremely enlightening experience for Alan and I; in that we have received many Blessings (some of which have been 'Blessings in Disguise). We know He Prevails; and as always, we 'cast all our cares upon Him'. Particularly, when everything appears to be coming at once; as in challenges, overwhelming obstacles, angst / anxiety etc, When one immediately 'Thanks Him', one's spirits are uplifted and encouraged to 'keep on trekking'; and to continue to Rely upon Him and to Trust in Him, that He knows what is best for each and every one of us!

In this next week, there are some major (more bittidz options to consider) decisions to make; and we have been / are Asking Him to Guide and Direct our path; as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

Also watched the Vision Channel last Sunday; and my tidbit suggestion is that if you wish to know more, 'Seek and Ye Shall Find', best to tune into 'Hour of Power' (; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (; and 'Living Truth' ( There are also other wonderful ministries / resourcees for knowledge as well.

Alan and I are grateful it is the weekend; and we are totally 'Abiding' in Him; as He is our Refuge and Strength.

Tidbit - 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

Bittid - TRUST and have the FAITH (Hebrews 11). As Hebrews 11 says: "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." He has your best interests at heart; you can also refer to my earlier post for some tidbitz info.

Right now, it is pouring with rain; a nice Friday evening to be home for the night. I love the above photo image; as it appears to depict a warm and inviting ambience.

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Grateful and Thankful!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting for you, in your part of the world!

Well, these past few days have raced by. It has been a 'nose to the grindstone' time. Alan and I have been working steadily towards tidbitz fruition of a few tid projects; but there are still delays. We were hopeful to have received some good news; but unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst.

As mentioned in a recent post, we receive each month, a free booklet from the 'Living Truth Ministries' (Charles Price); and we read it daily, as it provides wonderful thought provoking topics, as well as Prayers 'from the heart' to Him. He KNOWS everything; so it is best to just be 'straight up' with Him; as He wants a personal relationship with each and every one of us. He loves us all unconditionally!

On Wednesday, the subject matter was 'Life-Changing Gratefulness".

Methinks, it is so true that 'things happen' for the better, when you have an open and grateful heart of Thanks and genuine Praise for Christ. The daily Prayer was: "Oh that I would give continual thanks to You, Lord! Bring me back to that overwhelming thought that Your steadfast love endures for ever. I can't change that, but I know that my gratitude will allow me to experience more and more of the love You already have for me. Thank You for wide open doors of thanksgiving into Your presence. Amen"

Personally, I love that last senctence; it says so much! As of late, we have been hurled some bittidz 'out of left field curve balls'; and one of these 'comets' / 'thunderbolts' occured later yesterday and then again, this morning.

Today, as I was walking up our stairs, I said outloud, 'Thank You. Do not understand what is happening here; but that is okay; because I KNOW you have our best interests at heart. Just let us know what YOUR will is; and what it is You would like us to do for You. Whatever it is, fine. However, You have asked us to 'Dream Big and Come Boldly Before You'; well we have and we will continue to do so! We believe that You have set the visions before us; so it is just a matter of You providing the solution. You have made a Promise to look after your 'children'; well, we are a part of your children! We need something 'supernatural' to happen; 'something has to give', as in a 'breakthrough', pretty soon. You are Supernatural, Our Saviour, and Our Advocate; and You have asked us to put eveything before You. Therefore, I cast all my burdens upon You; everything. As Hebrews 11 says: "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

I also added that maybe being BOLD simply means to PRAY all the more when times are extra tough; rather than just writhing away in discouragement and / or 'giving up' in despair etc. I also said, that You have helped us OVERCOME past obstacles; so will You do any less now? You have stated, "Fear Not, For I have Overcome the World". So, whatever happens, I will be CONFIDENT and JOYFUL for each day; and give You cheerful Thanks". That was pretty much my Prayer; which was only a few seconds long; albeit it took bittids longer to type! LOL!

The next thing I know, we received a 'miracle.' No kidding! Complete turn around for a particular individual who had been 'causing us major grief.' Basically, he says one thing and does another. He did not apologize; however, he realized that we had been totally truthful with him. He sheepishly went on to acknowledge that he did not mean to create such an emotional upheaval for us; and now we could 'relax.' So, we KNOW that He Guided us through this new scathing storm. I had also earlier asked Him to "Show us a Way, Guide our Path", as "He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light." The situation which could have been a disaster, was averted and triumphed into an awesome Blessing! Whew!

Tidbit - Be thankfully steadfast all the more, when you are facing trials and tribulations. Always, 'Praise Him In ALL Things.'

Bittid - Turn everything over to Him; do not limit His majestic works He has in His Plan for you.

Have not forgotten either, to share some tidbits from 'Enjoying Everyday Life' and 'Living Truth'; however, we have just been a little on the go.

Took the above picture of a colourful presentation of a floral garden in our complex. He creates such beautiful flowers, methinks. We have much to be grateful for; and we are thankful it is the weekend - again! We are going to take a bit of 'time out' and appreciatively reflect upon the multitudes of Blessings He has given us today!

Tonight, we are going to enjoy a simple meal. ie Chicken Noodle Soup and toast (melba toast for me). That will be easy on the digestive system; and it will be just what the doctor ordered! We will 'relax' and cheer on the exciting Playoffs, as well as sitting out on our bit upstairs balcony in between hockey periods. We hope too, that there will be a good movie on later tonight; as we are going to rest and enjoy the evening; and be thankful for how the day unfolded before us! Alan just brought me a glass of South African red wine; this is, indeed, a special treat! Alan is a treat and he treats me beautifully! When I was a little girl, I always would say, "I'm a wucky wucky girl." Well, that is still tid true today! Skal!

Here is wishing you a nice evening and weekend. Will be back before too long.

Peace and God Bless.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Reflective Thanks

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Well, re: my most recent post of April 10th, ('Fresh tidbits of enthusiasm') I closed with: "Hope to be back later today or tomorrow with some reflective and uplifting bittids!"

'Tomorrow' has been / is the case; albeit a few days later. However, these past few days have just 'zoom zoom zoomed' by us; as we have have 'packed a lot in!' Am now taking a tid 'time out' to 'play a bit of catch up' with some tidbits. On Sunday morning, we watched and appreciated the ministerial insights from the encouraging programs on the Vision Channel. ie. 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'.

On 'Hour of Power', Dr. Sheila Schuller-Coleman refers to Hebrew 11 re: Faith. "Now Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen".

Sheila further shares: "If you are facing impossible situations right now, then a miracle is possible." "Are you facing the impossible today? Then hallelujah because now you have the conditions for a miracle. Are you facing the impossible today? Hallelujah. A miracle is possible. That's the message that God wants us to hear today."

Sheila also tells of the true story of Angus Buchan, the son of a Scottish immigrant whose family, had a farm in South Africa. The ending is filled with magnificent Blessings; and in the next short while, I will be ordering Angus' book, 'Faith Like Potatoes'; as I feel there is a heartfelt message here.

Also, as per Sheila's Prayer (brought tears to my eyes), we gave $10.00 towards helping their ministry continue (ie paying some musicians who have yet to be paid, but still have showed up to play; as well as towards cleaning the Crystal Cathedral windows, and having water in the fountains etc). Plus with the highly expensive advertising costs etc, the ministry needs a bit of a financial boost at this time. To help them continue in their airtime ministry to provide ongoing Hope and Encouragement, to so many inspired viewers around the world! Our contribution is not much; however, if everyone did their bittidz and gave a tidbitz of $10.00 each, this would go a long tid way in assisting this very 'special' ministry.

Also like how Beth Groombridge sings at the close of the program, the catchy words: "All things are possible". A good way to end and start each and every day, with those empowering thoughts, methinks! Also, the guests interviewed on the Hour of Power, were wonderful as well.

Am just touching upon this particular program today; and will continue with 'Enjoying Everyday Life' in my next post, followed then by 'Living Truth' in another post. I heartily enjoy them all; as well as some other ministries. ie. 'Door of Hope', 'Tomorrow's World' etc. Again, the websites:;; and for those of you who wish to 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

Interestingly enough, this pretty much sums up what Alan and I have been / are experiencing re: Hebrews 11.

Also last Sunday afternoon, we prepped and tidied up our tidbit garden / patio; and with the absence of the bittid clutter here and there, it looks so much better. Plus the weather was a warm and gentle 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

'Captured this moment' on Sunday afternoon, when I took the picture of daffodils in this delicate old antique Fenton vase. Also took a few other daffodil / vase photos, that I will happily share in the next few posts. I love this exquisite yellow and white uniquely unusual flowery vase!

Tidbit - Know that your challenges are overcome by Him; even as we speak. Just leave everything to Him, knowing that He has your best interests at heart and He will Provide for you.

Bittid - Everything is per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. Just have the Faith, the Hope, and the Trust, that 'ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE' with Him. May not happen as soon as you would wish, but just hang in there with Patience and good cheer; and Rely upon Him.

Am grateful now for the evening; as it is a time of reflective thanks to Him, and to partake in joyful rest. We received some bittids of good news at the end of the day; and we should know more tomorrow; or shortly thereafter. I keep 'hearing': "Fear Not, For I have Overcome the World." That is good enough for me!

Glad too, it is dinner time; that we have food in our larder, and that our meal (prepared by 'chef' Alan), smells so delicious! Thanks also, to Costco; for their various quality assortments of meats and veggies! Skal and Good Night. I know we will sleep soundly tonight!

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Fresh tidbits of enthusiam!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yahoo! The sinks are unclogged! As per yesterday's post, the plumber was here and everything has been restored to tid working order again! What a major tidbitz treat; inasmuch as this has been accumulating since November, 2009. To confirm the plumber's findings, the garburator had been installed in a flat position, which over time encouraged the build up of water; as it had no place to go. Now, it is has been re installed on a 'slope'; thus leaving an open passage for water to flow through and empty out. The plumber also removed one of the original old elbows; as it was more of a hindrance, than a necessary function. This 'streamlining' simplifies and helps to facilitate a 'ship shape' drainage in the future. Also, what may have been a catalyst for the blockage, was a slither of grease that may have escaped down the drain, while I was scrubbing a pot. And, the 'flat' position of the garburator, only 4 years young, became like a 'holding tank' for the water.

Some of you may be thinking: 'Well, why did you wait so long to have this repaired?' Good question; answer being, we had to be a bit prudent with our expenses; as funds were limited at the time. That being said / written, we are thankful that this has now been resolved. Fortunately, the length of time, did not make matters worse; however, had we left it for a bittidz longer, there could have been some major problems.

Today Alan and I went to a major event in the Seik part of town; it is a special time for the Seiks, who are celebrating their founder. My son and his work colleagues had a booth; so we went to support my son. There were throngs of people; of all ages and walks of life. Lots of festive music, free food, and drink; as well as many business' promoting their wares and services. It was a fun and interesting tidbit experience; and, being a beautiful sunny Spring day, added to the enjoyment!

Tidbit - 'Do unto others, as you would have them, do unto you.' We experienced this today, even with all the crowds of people. We also fell upon a 'street person', and he gave us the opportunity to share a witness and extend a hand of friendship. ie By giving him some of our food, that we had on hand. ie A slice of pizza, a couple of green apples, coin of the realm, and a Christian tract. He was appreciative; and his whole face lit up with joy, as he said, 'God Bless' to us. Taking the opportunity as it happens, is what Christ wants.

Bittid - Have a constantly fresh and open mind. If you keep your thoughts and hearts unclogged, petty and / or major matters will not be as draining upon you. Plus, when you maintain a positive Focus upon Him, and give Him daily genuine Thanks, you radiate an enthusiasm that touches others.

Am going to go outside to do a bittid of gardening; while the sun is shining brightly. Also, the picture, shows some freshly picked daffodils, that are still healthily thriving throughout our complex.

Am looking forward too, to watching the Vision Channel tomorrow morning; ie 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth.' These International ministries (and others) provide enlightening encouragement and inspirational insights. Here again, are their wonderful websites, should you wish to 'Seek and Ye Shall Find' -;; and

Hope to be back later today or tomorrow with some reflective and uplifting bittids!

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 9 April 2010

A thankful and an appreciative heart!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Talk / write about everything tid happening at once! When I was vacuuming (we were having a showing on the house), there was an odd burning smell. I immediately turned off the machine; and we are thankful that the vacuum person came by yesterday. It turns out it was the 'fan belt' that had stretched and burned out; plus the power vac was due for it annual service. So, it was a 'Blessing in disguise', as the expression goes.

We have also had an ongoing plumbing problem with our kitchen sink and downstairs bathroom. Alan has been turning on the garburator daily and then scooping out the excess water. We have been able to use our dishwasher, fortunately. Plus we are grateful that we have a generous supply of water; as in other parts of the world, there is none etc. However, the plumber is now here; and it looks as if the garburator was not installed on a 'slope'; but rather flat; hence there has been quite a bit of a water buildup. Hmmmmmm. The plumber was kind enough to fit us in for today; and due to a cancellation, he is here earlier. To me, that is also another 'Blessing in disguise', that the plumber is resolving the difficulty.

Tidbit - We have much to be thankful for! ie. 'Blessings in disguise', and fresh Spring flowers etc. Good to always be appreciative of our daily Blessings.

Bittid - 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. When you Thank Him, you are instantly uplifted; as if a huge burden(s) has been removed from your heart. Also, your life becomes further simplifed; as you are Relying Upon Him; and not upon your own understanding. 'With Him, ALL Things are Possible'.

Not a lot of other new matters; save that we are trekking onwards, with our joyful focus upon Him to Direct and Guide our path; as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.'

We are still enjoying the abundance of beautiful daffodils; and they have really added a cheerful touch to our home. A good friend sent me this lovely photo image; and our house is filled with these gorgeous flowers!

Will keep you posted, when we know more.

Peace and God Bless.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010


Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have been on the bit go and it has been all to the good! We thoroughly enjoyed our Easter breakfast / brunch with my son, my daughter, our son-in-law, and our grandchildren. We prepared a tasty casserole consisting of back bacon, slices of strong cheddar cheese, bread, egg / veggie combination, and cereal all mixed in together, as well as an accompanying mini healthy fruit salad. My son brought over some delicious cinnamon buns (we also had some hot cross buns on hand; ie even chocolate hot cross buns); and my daughter gave us a beautiful red, pink, and white rose plant, which we will ultimately plant in the garden. Be it here, or if we move, in a new garden.

We have been working on a number of tidbit options; and a few more came 'out of the blue' yesterday. Today, we read a bittid from the free booklet that 'Living Truth' mails out to us each and every month. Charles Price's ministry provides a daily journal of encouragement re: our journey in Christ. Here are some wonderful and enlightening tidbits / quotes from Nancy Leigh Demoss. I heartily recommend subscribing to 'Our Journey', by 'Living Truth'; as there are empowering messages for each and every day!

"THERE'S NOTHING WRONG with being totally honest with God, coming before Him with our hurts and our pains and intercessions, imploring Him to help and heal."
"BUT PRAYER IS more than asking. It is a vehicle of worship and gratitude."
"THINK ABOUT THE overall makeup of your prayers. Are they out of balance in favour of asking and seeking? Are they top-heavy with complaints about your current condition or circumstances? Or - even in those times when you feel a desperate need for God's action and intervention - do your prayers include expressions of gratitude?"
"THESE ARE IMPORTANT questions to ask of ourselves; not to discourage honesty or deny reality, but to help train our hearts to see that all that concerns us within the context of God's goodness and blessing. We must not forget His benefits while dealing with our problems. Even before His answer is in sight, thank Him - for being there, for listening, for working all things according to His will."

With the various projects Alan and I have been involved with, these words in today's reading, have made a huge impact upon my soul. With everything going on, and not sure of our immediate future, I just keep saying 'THANK YOU' to Him; knowing He has our best interests at heart. That goes for each and every one of us; so take heart and have the Trust and Faith in Him, that He will provide what is best for you. We are going with the flow; in Accordance with His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. We have 'cast all our cares upon Him'; and we are joyfully grateful and thankful for all our Blessings, regardless of circumstances.

Also, having experienced various bittids of challenges, we can appreciatively reflect upon Him; knowing He has Helped us overcome past obstacles. So, would He do any less with the present and or in future situations? (That goes for all of us!). The Biblical message,"Fear Not, For I have overcome the world", impact and offer much comfort and solace. During these uncertain times, 'He IS our Refuge and Strength.'

Hope you feel a tid of an uplift after reading today's post. A few days ago, I took this 'Eastery' picture from our bedroom window; showing the tall glorious pink Camelia tree, as well as some other colourful flowers from nearby trees. He really IS magnificent with all His many awesome creations; and to think that He created the Universe in six days! Wow!

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 2 April 2010

Easter Blessings in Abundance!

Good Morning or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

My goodness, almost a week has passed, since I last wrote a post! These six days have just flown by! Alan and I have been 'on our tid toes' (as a good friend put it!) with several showings on our home throughout this week. Even on Wednesday morning, when I thought I would take a bit of an R & R breather; we were surprised by the ring of our doorbell. It turns out it was a realtor with clients, wanting to view our home! Well, within fifteen minutes, the coast was clear to accomodate them. Our realtor and his assistant each thought the other was going to be there to open the door; plus they thought they had notified us. There were more showings in the afternoon, as well as yesterday. Suffice to say, there is a lot of interest.

We are also working on other tidbitz options; so it all depends on what takes place. Profound! LOL! We are going with the flow as to what unravels. We are joyful, relaxed, and we have the Faith that He KNOWS what is best for us. That goes for each and every one of us!

Today, is Good Friday; and this is the day Christ was crucified for our sins. We are Abiding in Him; as He is our Refuge and Strength, and we have everything to be thankful for! "Praise Him In ALL Things!"

Tidbit - When things, events, circumstances, life appear to be overwhelming, step back. Take a trusting rest in Him and ALLOW Him to Provide your needs, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. Continue to endure and to steadily focus upon Him; do not let bittidz obstacles distract you; rather KNOW that He has the Solution in hand. When you 'cast all your cares upon Him', you feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from you.

Bittid - Communication is constantly important. If there is a misunderstanding or something is unclear, work through it (with His Help), and keep a diplomatic / optimistic outlook all the while. Turn a less positive situation into a more positive one! There is far less stress; and 'keeping it simple' works best.

The picture, is of the lovely wicker basket (actually a turquoise / teal colour) that Alan 'rescued' in our complex garbage bin; and essentially there is nothing wrong with the planter. To us, it is a 'found' treasure; and it looks 'right at home', in our front hall. The beautiful Easter Lily is from our special floral friend; who voluntarily gave us a reduced price; as he really wanted us to have it. Also, as seen on the floor, are more 'rescued' items that were 'found treasures' at different times. ie. A clay container, and now a revived shiny foliaged plant.

On Easter Sunday, we are having an Easter Brunch with my son, my daughter, her husband, and their twin boys, age three years. We are looking forward to spending some time with them! Our close friends have invited us for Easter dinner; so it will be an extra special day!

We have some thriving hydrangea; so we will be giving some bittid clippings to our grandchildren (they can watch it grow), as well as to our kind friends. Also, we will do the same re: our flourishing strawberry plant, as it has multiplied forth into several shoots. We will wrap the green paper (as seen in the Easter Lily) around four plastic pots, to create tidbit gifts.

Here is wishing you Blessings in abundance, on this special day and throughout the Easter weekend / festivities.

Peace and God Bless.