Thursday, 16 August 2007

Faith; as in Tending to Roses

Good Morning!

Once again, here is the photo image of the Queen Elizabeth Rose. We have 2 of them in our bittid garden! One that I gave my Dad for Father's Day so many years ago; and then ours, that survived the traumatic plant move, from last year. Both rose bushes have blended and bloomed beautifully, and in the fall, Alan will do a tidbit trim, to merge and shape them into even a better form!

Enjoying a tid of tea this am; normally I am a coffee drinker. However, there are times, when a bit of tea hits the spot!

Had a full day yesterday; with Alan's parents; legal appointments etc.

Today, we have various other appts; one, within the next hour. More on that later.

Tidbit - "Praise Him in All Things". We are solely relying on Him to provide solution(s). As mentioned in an earlier post, that can be hard to do; and yet, when you 'get into the habit', of relying on Him daily, and having the genuine Faith, solution(s) do occur. For those of you who relate to what I am saying, can appreciate these thoughts.

Bittid - For those of you who do not understand etc; if you wish or when you are ready, all you need to do is to "Let Him into your heart"; invite Him in and He will provide. "Fear Not"; for He is always with us. That is very true; just have the patience and the Faith in Him. Like tending to roses.

God Bless.

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