Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Again, I can not believe how quickly the days go by. 6 days after I last wrote a post!
We have had a full plate and have been wearing several 'hats.'
To reiterate, we have many Blessings to be thankful for! As mentioned, am really looking forward to this particular Thanksgiving! In our travels, we were able to get a small turkey, along with the various trimmings and we will savour that repas on Saturday evening. The rest of the turkey and accompaniments will be enjoyed and appreciated as delicious tidbitz leftovers for a number of meals. Alan will also make up his turkey soup from the bones and that will also serve for some bittidz tasty repas.
We were 'quasi' invited for a Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday, however, we had to gracefully decline. Gas is expensive and the drive is a long one. We are being very prudent and this is not the best timing for us at the moment. However, we are appreciative of the kind invitation from our good friends, who have welcomed us into their 'family' mix. They will re issue an invitation for dinner when the timing is better for us.
At the moment, Alan is making up his infamous spaghetti sauce and combined with a bit of our garden herb produce, it will be awesome! Earlier this week, he made up a batch of tomato soup and he just gave some to our 88 year old neighbour. He loves Alan's soups. Currently, his wife is away on a cruise, so the soup arrived on his doorstep just at the right tid time!
Hamish (the feisty Scottish Shiatsu laddie), left on Monday; after spending a few weeks with us. He is a lovely dog; wonderful personality. This has become his second home.
This past Sunday, I watched some of my favourite ministries and they are so helpful. ie. Dr. Charles Stanley (; Joyce Meyer (; Dr.David Jeremiah (; and Joel Osteen ( Those of you who have questions, best to truly tune in to their encouraging and solid teachings and watch the videos.
We have also been doing a lot of 'fall cleaning' and the house is becoming less cluttered. Still have a way to go; but we are getting there. Figure if we do a little bittid each day in that regard, it will ultimately get done.
The same principle applies to Our Heavenly Father. ie. Make sure you give Him some tidbit time. If you are 'busy', make the time, just before you get up and just before you go to sleep. It is amazing by just doing that little thing, how you can be empowered to face the events of the day as they all unfold. If you genuinely give Him time, He will give you time.
My Dad's birthday was yesterday; he would have been 96 years young. There really is not a day that goes by that I do not think about my parents. It is true, that after someone is gone, you then realize the loss. My Dad was an exceptional human being and when my time is up, I know he (and my Mum) will be in Heaven, waiting to greet me. My Dad taught me much; or I am now realizing it more and more. Of course, having Viking roots (as well as Irish), I now have more of an understanding what my parents went through. ie. Raising children, challenges, and so forth.
I was thinking earlier today, that life is like a wave; it comes in and then immediately it is gone. So in a tidbit, make the best of each and every moment you have.
Cherish the bittid moments with friends, neighbours, and family members and for that matter, all those you meet. Life is a journey and I have left everything to Him to Guide and Direct my path, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. 'Praise Him in ALL Things!'
Never ending, the tide always comes in and always goes out. ie. My parents were young once, had children, grandchildren, and we are now in that tidal rythmical flow of being grandparents. Before too long, my children will be become grandparents, then their offspring. The tides of time are in constant motion. Writing of grandchildren, we were recenlty blessed with a granddaughter, a beautiful little girl! The time does not slow down, it speeds up. So make the best of it!
I love this photo image, that represents such a calm and comfort!
Peace and God Bless.
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