Friday, 24 October 2014

Growing in our daily walk / in Him!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

To recap a tidbitz. It has been an over subscribed week of activity! Ups and downs. All the more to turn to Our Heavenly Father for His Help through the valleys.

Alan and I live very simple lives; and yes, there have been a few hiccups along the way. However, we are in the process of resolving 'stuff.' We have experienced many a 'trial and tribulation' (we still are) but we are totally thankful for our daily Blessings, regardless. This is all temporary anyway; and as long as we keep our eyes focused upwards upon Him (as the Bible says: 'Be still, and know that I am God') we know where our glorious permanent address will be!

Having hit the youthful and 'wise age' (LOL!), I am grateful. Going to make the bittidz best of each and every moment of each and every day! We are only here once, before we move on to other things. ie. Life is too short. Don't you find that the days are turning over very quickly! Scary almost. Now that both my children have their own children! I am glad, but yikes, that makes me think a tid, 'How old am I?' LOL! Things our parents said and did (thinking I would never say or do those things), well, I guess it is all part of the 'age game' as I am finding I say and do certain things now! LOL! We are not over the hill; but we have done a lot of reflection. A reflection of 'mini' thanksgivings every day. Also, because of various obstacles we have had to go through / endure steadfastedly, we have become 'stronger' within. There is more empathy and understanding towards our fellow man, because of our experiences.

Our parents brought us up with the 'Golden Rule' - "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you."

For the last number of years, I have been keenly aware of that 'Golden Rule.' However, now, more so than ever! Matthew 7: verses 1-6 have also really been coming to mind; particularly since this past Thanksgiving. Verse 1 - "Do not judge lest. you be judged." And verses 4 & 5 about taking the 'speck / log' out of one's own eye first, before being critical of someone else. We have not walked in others' shoes.

Sadly a wonderful friend of ours recently passed away. We have come across certain situations that we have observed and all we have is empathy and compassion. Those who have mistreated or wronged me (or Alan), I / we have forgiven. When I 'screw up' I am the first one to admit / apologize. This particular friend's partner, who used to be a very close friend of mine, has not been as true a friend to us. However, the verse about the 'speck or log' in one's eye really hit me squarely between the eyes. That bit being said, with our friend's passing, my heart took over. In the sense, I knew the right tidbit thing to do, was to send a note of condolence to her. She replied back with an appreciative thanks.

Tidbit - Rise above things and act with Grace. The Holy Spirit gives you Truth.

Bittid - Be an uplift of encouragement to all those you meet. Forget about your circumstances, and go out of your way, to be of genuine 'good cheer' to others.

So, from now on, I am not going to be critical of anyone. We do not know what shoes others have walked in.

However, if someone purposefully goes out of their way to cause me / us major grief or harm, that is a different story. Whether I rebut or admonish at the time or when there is an opportunity. Or I can turn the other cheek. And / or knowing that I have done my best, I can go 'to the edge of town, shake the dust off my sandals, and walk away.' I can not force genuine friendship. However, our door is always open.

Life is far too short. I believe that Revelation could happen at any bittid time; so we have to be 'ready!!!' Invite Him into your heart!

We have 'Timmy' (a Jack Russell) back again, and he is coming tomorrow morning and going home Sunday. He should be on T.V. He is so smart! We are learning a lot of bittids from the dogs! LOL!

Had a small miracle happen earlier in the week and that gave us an uplift.

We had quite the fierce storm. It blew over our patio umbrella and the steel bracket BROKE in two! (We think it fatigued). Yesterday when we were doing our 'rounds' (filling our larder etc), we found another umbrella ('as is where is' - a 'second') with pole, but without the bottom stand. It worked out perfectly as we already have the stand at home. The price was right for $19.95 and it was the last umbrella on the floor!

Our country, Canada, is devastated by the recent shooting on Parliament Hill. The young man killed, sounded like a wonderful person and he had a young son. What a tragedy! And here is this 'person', shooting the man in the back, what a coward! Should not have happened anyway, but shot in the back? Also, kudos to the Sergeant at Arms in the House! Fast acting and calmly handled! He deserves a medal, as does the young man whose life was taken in such a manner.

I love this photo image! It provides me with tidbits of calm, of comfort, of solace, and of peace.

Peace and God Bless.

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